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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 277   View pdf image (33K)
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Porter John, sailor, 5205 Washington
Porter John P., 138 n Charles
Porter Mary, 138 s Broadway
Porter Robert B., hardware merch't, 78 w Pratt
h 321 w Fayette
Porter Thomas, 170 Broadway
Porter William, mate steamb., 229 Montgomery
Porter Samuel, cabinet mak., 29 e Montgomery
Porter Zachariah, 96 Grundy
Ports John, carpenter, 54 Orchard
Pos Anthony, cooper, 171 s Eden
Posey Adreon A., (dec'd,) 55 Granby
Posey John P., clerk stamp office, 395 w Fayette
Posey William, 108 Sarah Ann
Poske Harman, tobacconist, 11 e Pratt
Post Eustis, shoemaker, 277 Hanover
Post Office, Exchange buildings, s Gay, Jacob
G. Davies, post master
Post (William,) & Peacock (Thos.,) block and
pump makers, 17 Philpot, h Wm. P. Wolf
Postley Elizabeth, fancy store, 36 n Eutaw
Poston Henry, mariner, 45 n Canal
Poston J. T., (Gott & P.,) carpenters, 281 Gay
Poston William, flour mt., Smith's whf., h
120 St. Paul
Potden John, laborer, 56 Hampstead
Potee George, brickmaker, 357 Columbia
Potee Isaac, watchman, 11 Giddings
Potee (Peter,) Graham (John,) McKinley
(Francis,) & Gifford (Thomas,) police offi-
cers, 8 n Frederick
Portenger Dr. John H , 211 n Eutaw
Potter Charles, constable, 185 e Lombard
Potter James, ladies' shoemaker, 192 Chesnut
Potter Matthias S., cooper, 99 n Fremont
Potter Charles W., plumber, 15 Jackson
Potter Elijah, ship carpenter, 279 Light
Potter Elizabeth, 30 s Calvert
Potter John W., ship carpenter, 120 s Caroline
Potter Thomas, watchman, 124 Canal
Pottery Maryland, Jas. L. Parr, proprietor, 6 n
Eden, store 56 South
Poteet Jesse, laborer, 127 s Spring
Pottingor Dr. John H., 211 n Eutaw
Potts Peter, painter, 111 Grundy
Potts John, finisher, 234 Preston
Potzel S., dry goods dealer, 235 Baltimore, h
299 w Pratt
Pouder George W., cabinet maker, 138 w
Fayette, h Lexington
Pouder Leon'd, fruit & conf. deal., 366 w Fayette
Pouder Wm. P., dry goods dealer, 57 n Howard
h over 52
Poulson Alex. W., wh. fancy goods dealer, 319
Baltimore, h 327 w Fayette
Poultney Ann, 6 St. Paul
Poultney Samuel, com. mt., h 28 Mulberry
Poultney Thomas, 83 Center
Poumairat & McCully, prov. and com. mts., 6
Poumairat Charles H., (P. & McCully,) h
Union square
Pouple Adam, shoemaker, 34 Stirling
Powder House, n of Fort road, e of Johnson st
Powell Chas. R., dry goods dealer, 31 Balt
Powell Daniel, shoemaker, 143 s Caroline
Powell Elizabeth D., 110 Aisquith
Powell George W., carpenter, 259 n Eden
Powell Henry, block and pump maker, 131 Mc-
Elderry's wharf, h 29 Aisquith
Powell Henry, shoemaker, 103 Ross

273 PRE

Powell John, laborer, 524 Penn. avenue
Powell John D., barber, 123 s Bond
Powell John, bacon deal., Lexington, h 2 Pin al
Powell John F., physician, 29 Aisquitb
Powell John, tailor, 92 Chapel
Powell Robert, mariner, 288 Alice Anna
Powell Amos, 8 Pin alley
Powell Edward, shoemaker, 152 Vine
Powell Ellen, 10 n Amity
Powell Andrew, laborer, 205 s Bond
Powell Francis, shoemaker, 18 L. Gough
Powell Lewis, carpenter, 1 Chesnut alley
Powell Wm., grocer, 24 s Broadway
Powell William, whitewasher, 294 Alice Anna
Power Anastasia R., tavern keeper, 58 North
Power Benj. P., lime mt., city block, h 232 n
Eutaw st
Power James & Son, grocers and produce deal-
ers, 103 Franklin, h 180
Power James, laborer, 146 Vine
Power John, laborer, 266 s Eutaw
Power John, laborer, 264 s Eutaw
Power Patrick, 164 Burgundy alley
Power Patrick, laborer, 98 Raborg
Power Edward J. V., clerk, 5 s Gay
Power Martis, tailor, 322 Alice Anna
Power Antione, laborer, 120 Stirling
Power Casper sawyer, 41 Philpot
Power Henry, laborer, 41 Brown
Power Nicholas, laborer, 120 Stirling
Power Wm., grocer, Franklin, h 180
Powers John, plasterer, 105 Preston
Powers John C., painter, 196 e Lombard
Powers Bridget, 105 Preston
Powers Joseph T., mariner, 122 Granby
Powers Conrad, laborer, 298 Eastern avenue
Powers George, pension and land agent, 168
Forest, h East
Powle Edward, tailor, 123 s Wolf
Powles Henry, grocer, 137 Lexington
Powmein Zach., shoemaker, 35 Ross
Pracher John, tailor, 35 s Regester
Pracht Charles, (Schneider, Voneiff & P.,) h
155 Franklin
Praeger Henry, gro. and liq. deal., 250 s Sharp
Praether George, tailor, 145 n Bond
Prag Is., second-hand dealer, 355 Saratoga
Prag Simon, furniture dealer, 28 Penn. avenue
Prasun Charles, huckster, 421 Penn. avenue
Pratt Enoch & Bro., wh. com. and iron mts., 27
and 29 s Charles
Pratt Enoch, (P. & Bro.,) h 87 w Monument
Pratt Isaac, pattern maker, 409 w Lombard
PRATT JABEZ D. & CO., mercantile and
law agency and commissioners of deeds, s e
cor Charles and Baltimore
Pratt Aaron, 191 Preston
Pratt Henry James, (E. P. & Bro.,) h Pleasant
Pratt Mary, 252 w Fayette
Pratt William, laborer, 44 Biddle alley
Pratt Dr. Stephn H., 306 w Fayette
Pratt Wm., dental surgeon, 77 Lexington
Pratte Dederick, tavern keeper, 109 Penn. av
Preasterjahr Ernst, 61 e Monument
Prebeankaear Wm., cooper, 323 s Bond
Prechtel Frederick, shoemaker, 131 Camden
Predester Joseph, grocer, 66 President
Preece Edward, grocer, 74 e Fayette
Preiss Sol., dry goods mt., 151 Lexington
Preislerr Sol., dry goods dealer, 151 Lexington
Preller Conrad, bricklayer, 68 Lancaster

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 277   View pdf image (33K)
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