PITTMAN EDWARD, stock and bill broker,
&c., 12 South, h 28 Greene
Pitts Charles H., attorney at law, 51 w Fayette,
h 28 Franklin
Pitts Thos., grocer, Cheapside, h 229 w Fayette
Pitts Thos. G., insp. customs, 67 Franklin
Pitts Thomas C., (J. Lockington & Co.,) 229
Pitts William, 333 Saratoga
Pitzel Henry, carpenter, 3 s Regester
Pitzel Wm., tanner, rear 188 York avenue
Pizarro Jose Antonio, Spanish and Mexican
Consul, 3 Barnet
Pizer Jacob, laborer, 446 Saratoga
Pizinger Conrad, carpet weaver, 9 Bank
Placide Henry S., cooper, 72 Buchanan's whf.,
h 251 w Madison
Placide Matthew, contractor, 174 n Calvert
Placide Matthew, contractor, 11 s Exeter
Plack Lewis, baker, 114 n Fremont
Plaff John, shoemaker, 77 Washington
Plaff Jacob, second-hand furniture dealer, 179
Canton avenue
Plaff Michael, 77 Washington
Plagraff Henry, barber, 92 n Gay
Plang John, tavern keeper, 471 Baltimore
Plant Joseph, cabinet maker, 218 Barre
Plantz Philip, tailor, 174 Canton avenue
Platner John, shoemaker, 77 Chesnut
Platt John F , boiler maker, 53 e Baltimore
Platt John, laborer, 29 Philpot alley
Platt John, provision dealer, 49 s Paca
Platt Wm., sad'r, 8 s Calvert, h 13 e Monument
No. 8 South Calvert Street,
Keeps constantly on hand
a new and fashionable as-
sortment of Double and Sin-
gle Harness, Saddles, Bri-
dles. The above artices are
manufactured of the best
materials, and will be sold at the lowest prices.
Orders from the Country promptly atten-
ded to.
Plenhole Frederick, laborer, 269 Forest
Pleasants Elizabeth, 20 Cathedral
Pleasants John P. & Sons, com. mts., 52 South
Pleasants Jacob H , commission merchant, 8 Ex-
change buildings, h 87 St. Paul
Pleasants Richard, tobacco merchant, South st.,
h 74 n Calvert
Pleffer Jacob, tinner, 11 Baker's court
Plett Charles, baker, 246 s Charles
Plett Christ., baker, 275 Light
Plett Henry, laborer, 343 s Charles
Plitt Emanuel grocery and liquor deal., corner
South and Lombard, h 108 s Pratt
269 POH 4
PLITT ROBERT W., coal deal., cor South
and Lombard, h 108 s Pratt
Ploomenthal Abr.. dry goods deal., 185 s Sharp
Plowrnan Daniel, machinist, 294 e Monument
Plowman John, police officer, 373 w Lombard
Plowman Richard, butcher, 219 n Eden
Plum Samuel H., grocer, 147 e Lombard
Plumberger George, cooper, 59 Henrietta
Plumland Henry, machinist, 426 w Pratt
Plummer James, printer, 17 Perry
Plurnmer George, carpet weaver, 10 n Eden
Plummer George, carpenter, 146 n Eden
Plummer Harman, laborer, 67 China alley
Plummer Jarret, cigar maker, 159 e Baltimore
Awarded by the Maryland Institute to
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer and Deal-
er in
Corner of Central Avenue,
Superior Imported Segars and fine Chew-
ing Tobacco constantly on hand, with a gene-
ral assortment of Pipes, Snuff Boxes, Faucy ar-
ticles, &c.
Plummer John, ship carpenter, 116 n Eden
Plummer John F., watchmaker and jeweler, 81
n Gay, h 98 Aisquith
Plummer, (Richard,) Kemp (Charles E.,) &
Browne, importers hardware, 336 Baltimore
Plummer Richard, (P., Kemp & Browne,) h
282 Lexington
PLUMMER THOS. S., com. merchant and
boots, shoes, &c. dealer, 308 Baltimore, h n w
cor. St. Paul and Pleasant
Plummer Samuel, painter, 200 s Charles
Plummer Wm.. bricklayer, 259 Madison
Plummer Capt. Wm., 148 Hughes
Plumhoff Henry F.. baker, 248 Alice Anna
Pobbels Wm., furniture wagoner, 18 Jasper
Pochon Charles F., 119 Saratoga
Pocock Chas. E., ship carpen'r, 171 Washington
Poe John, laborer, 378 Cross
POE NELSON, attorney, 3 Law buildings, St.
Paul st., h 59 Hollins
Poffenhimer Mark, tailor, 169 e Lombard
Pohl Frederick, shoemaker, 35 May
Pohlman Daniel, jeweler, 676 Baltimore