Pauch Paulus, tailor, 189 Canton avenue
Pauch Philip, tailor, 229 Eager
Pauer John, 197 s Bond
Pauer Nichs., laborer, 197 s Bond
Paul Anthony G., carpenter, 48 Oregon
Paul Conrad Lewis, grocer, 124 s Howard
Paul James, agent, 305 Perm, avenue
Paul Jerman, sailor, 300 s Dallas
Paul & Kinley, carpenters, 131 1-2 Saratoga
Paul Thos., moulder, 173 Hollins
Paul Thos., iron founder &c., 199 s Caroline
Paul Wm., tobacconist, 451 w Baltimore
Paul Wm. , book binder, 410 w Fayette
Pauluk John, clothier, 284 s Bond
Paulus John, nail smith, 181 Ensor
Pauvendryer Lewis, piano mkr, 173 Carps' alley
Pawley James sen., artist, 145 Mulberry
Pawley James jr., china and glass, 18 s Calvert
Paxon George, clerk, 90 Madison
Paxton Laura, dress maker, 63 w Baltimore
Payne Charles, clerk, 51 n High
Payne James, clerk, 15 n Fremont
Payne John, huckster, 216 Barre
Payne John J., carpenter, 414 w Fayette
Paynes Thomas, man. manures, 365 Baltimore
Paynter David, gro. and prov. dealer. Towson
street, Locust Point
PeartMary, confectioner, 278 Canton avenue
Peach G., huckster, 154 Harford avenue
Peacher Samuel, fireman B. & O. R. Road, 60 s
Peacock Elizabeth, 144 Penn. avenue
Peacock Ellen, 276 Franklin
Peacock George Wm., chair maker, 180 Lee
Peacock Geo., ship carpenter, 267 Alice Anna
Peacock Gimma, ship carpenter, 16 Block
Peacock Ingram E., chair maker, 275 w Pratt
Peacock John, shoemaker, 50 Dewberry alley
Peacock John, mate, 89 s Caroline
Peacock Richard, book keeper, Essex st. Canton
Peacock Samuel, huckster, 21 Chesnut
Peacock Samuel, watchman, 481 n Gay
Peacock (Thomas) & Mullen (Edw'd B.) hard-
ware merchants, 146 Franklin, h T. P. 276
Peacock Thomas, h 196 s Wolf
Peacock Wm., huckster, 205 Forest
Peacock Wm., shoemaker, 191 Raborg
Peak Mrs. Ann., bookseller, 141 n Gay
Peak James, boiler maker, 475 w Pratt
Peake A. B., bookseller, and stationer, 145 n Gay
PEAKE WM. H. & CO., general business and
advertising agents, basement Sun Iron Buil-
ding, 109 w Baltimore
Peater George, laborer, -10 n Frederick, h 111 n
Peale John W., clerk, 96 s Eden
Peale Wm. E., carpenter, 57 Jefferson
Pearce Abel, machinist, 60 e Fayette
Pearce Alfred, chair painter, 29 e Lombard
PEARCE CHAS. R., commission merchant, 66
Buchanan's wharf, h 30 Pleasant
Pearce Daniel, cooper, 89 York
Pearce Elisha, machinist, 11 Jackson's court
Pearce Ephraim, carpenter, 9 Schroeder
Pearce George, tailor, 121 Ross
Pearce Jane, 29 Cider alley
Pearce John, carpenter, 87 Caroline
Pearce John A. W., clerk, 354 n Gay
Pearce Joseph, feed and lime deal., 142 s Eutaw
Pearce Lydia, 420 Harford avenue
260 PEN
Pearce Capt. Matthew, 42 Albemarle
Pearce Stephen A., 45 e Lombard
Pearce Thomas, 117 e Lombard
Pearce Thomas, com. merchant, Bowly's wharf,
h 339 Lexington
Pearce Wm. H., watchman, 85 Caroline
Pearce Wm., fisher, 5 Granby
Pearner Charles, laborer, Hamburg
Pearson Andrew, 44 Sharp
Pearson Emeline, 63 Granby
PEARSON GEORGE, wholesale dealer in tea,
coffee and spices, 121 Lexington
Pearson Joseph & Son, importers and dealers,
in furs, trimmings &c., 311 Baltimore
Pearson Joseph, jr., (J. P. & Sons,) 40 Sharp
Pearson Levi, boiler maker, 68 Hamburg
Pearson Levin, 349 Light
Pearson Mary A., 60 s Caroline
Pearson Thomas, engineer, 134 s High
Pearson Thomas R., (Brannan & P.,) h 233 w
Pease Lewis, cigar maker, 43 German
Pease Francis, cooper, 72 Vine
Peats Henry, tinner, 189 e Lombard
Peavil Wm., fisher, 5 Granby
Peck Frederick, 17 Giddings
Peck Henry, boot and shoe manf., 159 w Pratt
Peck Sophia, 444 Pennsylvania avenue
Peck Stephen, clerk, 9 s Broadway
PECK REV. THOMAS E., 323 e Pratt
Peckman Frederick, shoemaker, 246 s Eutaw
Peddit Elizabeth, 11 New
Pederick John, machinist, 596 w Baltimore
Pedrick Sarah, 18 Aisquith
Pedrick Joshua V., machinist, 558 w Lombard
Pedrick Thomas, laborer, 54 York
Peduzzi Wm., wood dealer, 109 Gough
Peeifer Christopher, shoem., 497 Penn. avenue
IS, importers and jobbers dry goods, 270 Balt.
Peirce George H., surgeon dentist, 15 n Liberty,
h 174 Franklin
Peirce George W., 348 Monument
Peirce Letelia, 174 Franklin
Peircy John, coach trimmer, 84 Harford av
Peirson Joseph, constable 5th ward, h 35 n High
Peirson Lewis, machinist. Palapsco st, s of Can-
ton avenue
Peirson William., (Hare P., Holliday & Co.,) h
255 Saratoga
Peitch Otto, jeweler and watchmak., 171 Frank-
lin st
Peitz Herman, tavern keeper, 7 Fell
Peitzell Charles, cabinet maker, 61 Preston
Pell Wm., produce dealer, 285 n Gay
Peiver Michael, carter, 177 Stirling
Peithman Frederick, watchmaker, 57 Center
Pender Casper, paper carrier, 213 Henrietta
Pendal Anthony, cab maker, 180 n Broadway
shipping merchant, 77 Smith's wharf, h 17 n
High st
Pendergast James F., shipping and commission
merchant, 79 Smith's wharf, h 12 McCulloch
Pendexter (Henry) & Alden, shoe, hat & bon-
net commission merchants, 19 s Charles
Pendergast Wm., 14 French
Pendexter Henry, (Weston P. & Alden,) 41 e
Pratt st
Pendleton Elizabeth, 26 n Charles