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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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Manufacturer of



Adapted to all the wants of

business, as Railroad, Track,

and Depot, Hay, Coal,

Wheelbarrow, Mill, Factory,

Warehouse and Store.

This plan of construction has proved best

adapted to afford strength, enduring accuracy

and convenience, and are made of the best ma-

terials and workmanship, and are warranted in

all respects.


Murdoch Richard, scales manf., 46 s Charles, h
38 Camden.
Murdoch Sophia, 60 China alley
Murdoch Thos , (M. Duer & Evans,) s e cor St.
Paul and Franklin
Murdoch Dr. Thos. F., 214 w Madison
MURDOCH WM. & CO., dry goods commis.
merchants, 15 s Charles, h W. F. M., 72 w
Murdock Charles, (M. & Chipman,) h Penn.
avenue extended
MURDOCK & CHIPMAN, dealers in brooms,
buckets, cedar ware, &c., 84 w Lombard
Murdock James, 102 Hanover
Murdock William, clerk, 25 Watson
Murdock Thomas, gro. and liq. deal. ,263 Alice
Murdock Thos., ship carpenter, 331 Canton av
Murdock Thomas, dry goods dealer, 247 Balti-
more, h 107 St. Paul
Murdter Matthew, grocer, 97 s Eutaw
Murguiondo Po. de V., cons. Oriental Repub.,
Uruguay, 60 s Gay
Murily Thomas, 127 n Fremont
Murgotten John, blacksmith, 288 e Pratt
Murphy Alexander, watchman, 399 Saratoga
Murphy Bartholomew, grocer, 62 Orleans
Murphy Francis, 183 Bank
Murphy George, 31 Stockton
Murphy George, 15 Perry
Murphy James J., properly agentand collector,
451 n Gay
Murphy James, laborer, 18 Hillen
Murphy James, laborer, 284 n Eutaw
Murphy James, laborer, 109 s Ann
Murphy James, laborer, 350 Eastern avenue
Murphy James, drayman, 5 Perry
Murphy Jesse D., 181 Eager
Murphy John N , 41 e Fayette

243 MUR


Murphy John, tailor, 366 n Howard
Murphy John, bottler, 114 Hillen, h Chew
Murphy John, hack driver, 147 Ensor
Murphy John & Co., printers, publishers, book-
sellers and stationers, 178 Baltimore, h J. M.
74 St. Paul
Murphy John, laborer, Chester st, s Eastern ar
Murphy John, chandler, 77 French
Murphy John, cor Ensor and Chew, h 116 Chew
Murphy John, wheelwright, 75 Ensor
Murphy John, 33 Rock
Murphy John, carter, 91 n Eutaw
Murphy Lawrence, laborer, 70 North
Murphy Martin, laborer, 208 n Exeter
Murphy Patrick, 29 Holland
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 7 French
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 219 Carpenters' alley
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 3 n Amity
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 162 s Howard
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 62 L. Church
Murphy Peter, huckster, 44 Warner
Murphy Peter, shoemaker, 74 Durham
Murphy Sarah, 12 Parkin
Murphy Thomas, laborer, 74 Durst alley
Murphy Thomas, 20 e Fayette
Murphy Thomas, carpenter, 171 n Fremont
Murphy Thomas, chair maker, 75 Raborg
Murphy Thomas, laborer, 5 L. Paca
Murphy Thomas, laborer, 29 New Church
Murphy Capt. Thomas S., 133 s Ann
Murphy Winnefred, 75 Raborg
Murphy Bridget, 210 Vine
Murphy Catherine, 12 Orleans
Murphy Elisha, 74 s Canal
Murphy Edward, 56 s Republican
Murphy Andrew, wagoner, 42 Exeter
Murphy Charles, 13 Albemarle
Murphy Hugh, grocer, 279 Monument
Murphy Jenny, dress maker, 18 Sr. James
Murphy Owen, tavern keeper, 79 Franklin
Murphy Mary, 23 Bethel
Murphy Michael, confectioner, 25 Pine
Murphy Michael, drayman, 17 n Amity
Murr Jacob F., tailor, 33 Carpenters' alley
Murray Arthur, omnibus driver, 103 s Charles
Murray Catherine, 476 Lexington
Murray David G., (John H. Rea & Co.,) 286
Murray Edward, shoe findings and garden seed
dealer, 7 Ensor, h 22 Maiden lane
Murray Edward, carpenter, 260 n Gay
Murray Elizabeth, dry goods dealer, 391 n Gay
Murray Francis, blacksmith, 3 Harmony lane
Murray Fred., shoemaker, 479 Lexington
ry R.,) iron founders, n e cur William and
Murray Heron C., office 2 North
Murray Henry, cabinetmaker, 387 n Gay
Murray Henry, shoemaker, 447 Lexington
Murray Henry, blacksmith, 125 Camden
Murray Heron C., draughtsman, office Balti-
more st., h 53 n Eutaw
Murray James, millwright and machinist, 42
York, h 164 Hughes See Card, next page
Murray James R., grocer, 180 n Eden
Murray James, bricklayer, 139 e Monument
Murray James, 6 Maiden lane
Murray Jas. C., gro. & liq. deal., 190 Saratoga
Murray James, stone cutter, 18 Scott
Murray James, laborer, 189 Hughes

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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 243   View pdf image (33K)
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