Mortimer John, agent S. R. R., 124 Gough
Mortimer John W., (M. & Mowbray) e 245
Mortimer John M., ship carpenter, 103 n Exeter
Mortimer John, carpenter 99 n Exeter
W.) comb, brush and fancy ware, 240 w Bal-
Mortimer Thomas, clerk, 210 Barre
Mortman Henry, 297 Alice Anna
Mortner George, tailor, 257 Caroline
Mortner, Dr. Joseph L., 110 Lexington
Morton Alfred B., ship chandler, Smith's wharf,
h 31 s Ann
Morton Charles, 4 Garden
MORTON DUDLEY T.& CO., ship chand-
lers & grocers, 103 Smith's whf., h D. M. 31
Morton Frederick A., police officer, 368 Ensor
Morton George C., Ex-French Consul, h 195 n
Morton Julia Ann, 303 Lexington
Morton Lewis, 71 Caroline
Morton Margaret, 40 Aisquith
Morton Richard, laborer, 8 Temple
Morton Robert, grocer, 177 Aisquith
Mortz Aug., iace w eaver, 5 Etna lane
Morzner Christopher R., shoemaker, 16 New
Mosel Frederick, car builder, 62 President
Moser Leopold, gro. and liq. deal., 74 Henrietta
Mosey Henry, tailor, 157 e Lombard
Mosher Eliza, 166 n Caroline
Mosher Elizabeth, 74 w Fayetle
Mosher John, tailor, 16 Regester
Mosher Maria, 150 Gough
Mosher Mary A., 435 Lexington
Mosick John, tailor, 61 Center Market
Moss B. A., cloth, and variety deal., 279 Har-
Moss Hambleton P., land agent, 129 Chew
Most Henry, confectioner, 123 s Broadway
Moszer John A., (Cullom & M.) 214 Aisquith
Mott Abraham G., agricultural implement ma-
ker, 40 Ensor
Mott Elizabeth, 162 Orleans
Mott James, shoemaker, 36 Milliman
Mott James, shoemaker, 128 Saratoga
Mott James M., officer Union Bank, Carey st.
Franklin Square
Mottee Theodore, lumber dealer, 126 Penn. av
h 114
Motter Jacob, laborer. Patuxent st. n of Elliott
Mouat Capt. James, 15 s Broadway
Moul Conrad, tailor, 17 Jew alley
Moulton Araminta M., milliner, 482 w Balto.
Moulton James F., mt. tailor, 482 w Baltimore
Mound Elijah, furn. deal., Gay, h 60 Albemarle
Mount Clair Station B. & O. Rail Road, 71 s
Mount Hope Hospital, Gibson near Mosher
Mount Olivet Cemetery, office 12 Light
MOUNT VERNON CO., (Cotton Duck,) 78
w Lombard, Wm. Kennedy, Pres't, Edw. J.
Webb. Sec'y
Mowbray George W., (Mortimer & M.) h 66 n
Mowder Adam, tavern, 248 Eager
Mowder L., shoemaker. 25 s Spring
Mowell Peter, 329 e Pratt
Moxley Elizabeth, 514 w Lexington
Moxley Thomas L , 39 Holland
241 MUL
Moxley Walter, tobacconist, 237 Broadway
Moxley William, tin and sheet iron worker, 78
Mozingo Alfred S., ladies' boot and shoe store,
272 n Gay
Muedler Nichs., laborer, 17 St. James
Muckelbos Mary, 47 Tyson alley
Muckelroy John, butch., Baltimore st e Chester
Mudge Abener B., (Wheelwright & M.) h 68
Muff Pearce, tailor, 44 Park
Muhl Lewis B., tavern keeper, 187 Lexington
Muhley Ebeshard, baker, 391 s Charles
Muhlhoff Harman, shoemaker, 80 s Eutaw
Muhlhoffer John, confectioner, 23 Pine
Muhlinghoss Lewis, 69 Sarah Ann
Muir Hamilton, private watch., 126 Jefferson
Muir James N., gro. and com. mt., 114 Light st
whf., h 56 Con way
Muir Uriah, carpenter, 114 s Broadway
Muker Adam, 336 n Howard
Muirhead Andrew, carpenter, 45 Britton
Mukins Basil, hatter, 54 n Spring
Mulas Samuel, shoemaker, 21 Orchard
Mulberry Wm., confec., 263 e Monument
Mulcahy James, 182 York
Mules Isaac, grocer & and prov. dealer, 466
Mules Thos. H., butcher, 756 Penn. avenue
Mules Thomas, 391 Franklin
Mules Thomas, shoemaker, 176 Lexington, h
h 385 Franklin
Mulgraw Michael, grocer, 385 Harford avenue
Mull Thomas H., prov. deal., 399 w Lombard
Mullanix John, cond. B. O. R. R., 700 w Pratt
Mullar Lawrence, cooper, 60 n Schroeder
Mullen Alfred, chair maker, 152 Ross
Mullen Ann, 25 Gough
Mullen Arthur, drayman, 26 Foundry
Mullen Aug., com. mt., 82 Light st. wharf, 166
Mullen Bridget, 319 n Howard
Mullen Bernard, carter, 72 French
Mullen Casper, cabinet maker, 456 w Pratt
Mullen Catharine, pr. cabinet mg., 97 Harrison
Mullen Conrad, tailor, 5 Goodman's alley
Mullen Conrad, tobacconist, 149 e Lombard
Mullen Cornelius, laborer, 96 Dolphin
Mullen Daniel, shoemaker, 15 Hill
Mnllen Daniel, blacksmith, 64 Jame's lane
Mullen Francis, laborer, 181 n Exeter
Mullen Frederick, tinner, 246 Hanover
Mullen Jacob, shoemaker, 39 Perry
Mullen James, carpenter, 414 Saratoga
Mullen James, carter, 94 French
Mullen James, tobacconist, 112 w Pratt
Mullen James N., 107 s Broadway
Mullen James, gro. and liq. deal., 89 Pine
Mullen James, (Mullen & Vanwymer) h 20
Mullen James, ship carpenter, 20 Lloyd
Mullen John, cow keeper, 8 French
Mullen John, cabinet maker, 57 York
Mullen John, blacksmith, 29 s Paca
Mullen John, dry goods dealer, 166 Lexiagton
Mullen John, merchant tailor, 9 St. Paul, h 2
Mullen John, laborer, 186 Bethel
Mullen John P., stone cutter, 148 Eutaw
Mullen Mary J., 170 e Fayetle
Mullen Nichs., 85 Washington