This Edition of the BALTIMORE DIRECTOR makes the 15th published by Mr. RICHARD
MATCHETT; he being the only person in Baltimore that ever repeated the publication of a
Director. Mr. M. had progressed so far with the compilation of the names, &c., as to have
at portion of the work completed, and a part printed, when he was suddenly called away,
and the duty of finishing the publication devolved on the undersigned, as his Administrator.
Mr. M's long experience in such publications, and the fact of his having taken extraordinary
care, at the cost of great personal labor, to have this edition more correct than any he had ever
issued, leads us to believe, that the work will be found so far approximating to perfection as
any reasonable person might expect in a work of such a character.
This Edition contains the names of all the White and Colored Householders in the City of
Baltimore, and has an increase of some 6000 names over that of 1853.
The undersigned returns his grateful thanks to the public for their feelings of sympathy
and kindness manifested in the largely increased subscription and great addition to the advertise-
ments, and bespeaks for the work the liberal patronage of the community.
JOHN W. WOODS, Admin'r of R. J. Matchett.
The undersigned proposes to publish the next BALTIMORE DIRECTORY, at the proper time,
announcing this determination, he respectfully submits: that he is fully aware of the kind
of a Directory the people of Baltimore feel the need of. He will employ the very best of Can-
vassers, for taking the names, &,c., who shall be men of ability, correctness and expertness;
together with such a number of Printers and other facilities as will justify him in promising
the delivery of the book in some six weeks after the commencement. In addition to these ar-
rangemenis, he will make it equal in beauty and style to any published in the other large cities
of our country, and surpass them if possible. In anticipating this much, he will offer, as a
guarantee, an experience of active business life of some twenty-two years, and a lifetime of
observation and knowledge of the names and men of his native city—stimulated by the pride
of placing this lever of business in such a position as will make it deserving of encouragement.
Very respectfully,
No. 202 Baltimore Street.