Lemmon Joshua, carter, 49 St. Mary
Lemmon Josiah H., 659 Baltimore
Lemmon Mrs. Sarah Ann, (relict of Richard L.)
8 Cathedral
Lemmon Rich'd, broker, office Exchange build-
ings, h 8 Cathedral
Lemmon Richard, carpenter, 170 Conway
Lemmon Robert, 69 n Charles
Lemmon Thomas J., 7 Lloyd
Lemmon Wm. P., ship merchant, 64 Buchanan's
wharf, h 40 Mulberry
Lemmon William, rigger, 296 s Wolf
Lemon James G., 13 s Broadway
Lemon Noah, carter, 81 Preston
Lemyre John, 28 n Schroeder
Lenahan Dennis, clerk, 131 Vine
Lenard David, tavern, 243 s Bond
Lendegan John, 28 Morris alley
Lendenman Alexander, carter, 60 Perry
Lenderman William, tavern keeper, 231 s Bond
Lenhart Charles, barber, 82 n Eden
Lenhart George, tailor, 113 Regester
Lenhardt Peter, grocer, 288 s Bond
Lenehan John, carpenter, 461 n Gay
Lennan Patrick, 87 York
Lennan Capt. Joseph, S06 e Pratt
Lennan Capt. Sam'1 C., 135 Gough
Lennina Peter, laborer, 80 s Spring
Lennon Charles, teacher, 5 n Amity
Lenord John, pr. butter depot, 35 Center market
Lennox Thomas, shoemaker, 7 Bevan alley
Lenox Richard C., tobac'nst, 150 Light st. whf.
Lenox William, tailor, 97 Eastern avenue
Lenschow Chas., prof, music, 89 Franklin
Lentz Aug., shoemaker, 5 Baker's court
Lentz Chas. W., (L. & Flack,) 253 w Lombard
Lentz George, laborer, 188 Cross
LENTZ (Chas. W.,) & FLACK, (Geo. W.,)
wholesale dry and fancy goods, over 251 Bal-
Lentz Henry, cooper, 108 n Paca
Lentz John P., laborer, 8 Lewis
Lenz Henry, cooper, 352 Mulberry
Lenz Peter, shoemaker, 263 Orleans
Lenzemyer George, shoemaker, 59 s Sharp
Leon Anne, tutoress. 93 Albemarle
Leonard John, drayman, Slemmer alley n of
Leonard George, laborer, 177 s Wolf
Leonard Lawrence, laborer, 397 Lexington
Leonard Mrs., 115 Madison
Leonard Thomas, blacksmith, 180 William
LEONARD WM., pr. fancy store, 169 Balt.
Leonard William, carpenter, 47 s Oregon
Leonard William, clerk, 195 East
Leonhardt William, tailor, 5 Second
Leoprmar Moses, cabinet maker, 75 s Bond
Leppart Andres. laborer, 212 Alice Anna
Lepper George A., clerk, 287 Franklin
Lepper Peter, laborer, 191 Eastern avenue
Lepper Jacob, carpenter. 10 Jackson's court
Leppold Henry, dyer, 172 n Exeter
Leppy Henry, carp'tr., 92 Hoffman, h 3 Grundy
Lepson Daniel, painter, 25 s Oregon
Lerbincom Frederick, laborer, 352 Mulberry
Lerch John, 5 New Church
Lerch Augustus, coach maker, 83 North
LEREW, (Chas. J.) SANDER (Geo.) & CO.,
(successors to Chas. Fisher & Co.,) importers
German, English and French goods, 338 w
203 LEV
Lerew Charles J., (L., Sander & Co.,) h 186 w
Lerewald Henry, laborer, Elliot st. Canton
Lerinter Barbary, dry goods dealer, 148 Bank
Lesher Paul, wheelwright, 76 Ross
Leshor Henry, laborer, 116 Henrietta
Leskey Charles A., ship carpenter, 336 e Pratt
Lesley Nicholson, shoemaker, 250 n Eutaw
Leslie John, cooper, 246 s Eutaw
Leslie John, cabinet maker, 63 Vine
Leslie Robert, ship, merchant, 61 s Gay, h 219
w Madison
Lessner John B., tailor, 116 Henrietta
Lest Jacob, gro. and liq. deal., 948 Baltimore
Lester James M., carpenter, Grundy st., near
Mount Hope
Lester John G., cash. Howard Bank, 152 s Paca
Lester Martin, laborer, 238 Columbia
Lester Shipley, undertaker, shop 103 Cider al.,
h 132 Conway
Lester Thos., carpenter, h 435 w Fayette, shop
Lester Thomas, Newton Academy, 798 w Bal-
Lester William, carpenter, 219 Con way
Lestner Conrad, shoemaker, 149 Chesnut
Letch Adam, cooper, 52 n Canal
Letcher Adolp., dry goods dealer, Sharp, h 129
Welcome alley
Letmate Charles A., stove dealer, 47 Ensor
Letmate Wm., manuf. tin and sheet iron ware,
134 Lexington
Letter Thomas, shoemaker, 155 e Lombard
Letz Charles, piano maker, 102 Preston
Letter Michael, grocer, 64 President
Lettre Francis, morocco dresser, 82 Harrison
Leutaw Dennis, carpenter, 756 Baltimore
Leupold Charles, (Kats & Leupold,) h w Lom-
Leutbecker Christian, tavern, 51 n Frederick
Leventire Abraham, grocer, 33 Chew
Leverton William, mariner, 64 Holland
LEVERING & BROTHER, importers China,
98 and 100 w Lombard
Levering (Fred. A.,) & Co., wholesale grocers
and com. merchants, 2 Commerce, h Fred. A.
L., Sharp st
Levering Clinton, (L. & Bro.,) Eutaw House
Levering Decatur E., 372 w Fayette
Levering Eugene, (L. & Co.,) 259 w Lombard
Levering Fredk. A., (L. & Co. ) h 72 Sharp
Levering George A., butcher, 268 e Fayette
Levering Madison, (L. & Bro.,) 234 Lexington
Levering Silas G., 81 s Bond
Levering Thomas L., book-keeper, 156 Pearl
Levering Thomas W. & Sons, grain, seed and
com. merchants, 132 Pratt, h T. W. L., 108
Levi Abraham, boot and shoe maker, Center
market, h Harrison
Levi Charlotte, dry goods deal., 199s Broadway
Levi Joseph, clothing and jewelry dealer, 138
Light st. wharf
Levingston Peter, (Jones & L.,) h 210 w Pratt
Levinglar Barbara, dry goods dealer, 148 Bank
Levins Philip, 27 Fawn
Levy Elenora, 122 Barre
Levy Jane, milliner, 39 e Baltimore
Levy Joseph, painter, 88 McElderry
Levy Samuel, carpenter, 41 Moore alley, h 235
n Eutaw