No. 24 S. Gilbert Street,
Also, Fire and Thief Proof IRON
SAFES, and Agent for DAY & NEW-
is the celebrated Lock exhibited by
HOBBS, at the World's Fair.
Importer and Wholesale Dealer in
Tools and Findings,
Boot Trees, Crimp Boards, &c.
Lassar Frederick, 56 Bethel
Laspan Thomas, copper smelter, Clinton St., s
of Boston
Lateman Charles, tobacco, 475 Baltimore
Latham Edward, shoemaker, 301 Lombard
Lathe Eli, 312 Light
LATIMER JAMES B., conveyancer, commis.
of deeds &c., 20 St. Paul, h 19 Courtland
Latimer Randolph B., (Randolph & L.) 26 n
Latornau Lucretia, 4 s Ann
Latrobe Benjamin H., Rail Road officer, h 146
n Charles
LATROBE JOHN H. B., counsellor, 33 Lexing-
ton cor St. Paul
Latter John, laborer, 222 Canton avenue
Lattive Peter, laborer, 524 Penn. avenue
Latty Joseph, laborer, 136 s Canal
Latus Jacob, laborer, 5 Baker's court
Latz Isadore, clothier, 13 n Howard
Latz Joseph, watchman, 25 Albemarle
Laudenberger Wm., tailor, 106 German
Laudenslager Adam, cigar box maker, 126 Low
Lauder Mrs., 271 Madison
Lauderman Eleanor, 125 Bank
Lauer Henry, dry goods dealer, 9 e Baltimore
Lauer John, tobacconist, 87 n Fremont
Lauer Leon, (Orendorff & L.) 43 n Fremont
LAUER LEWIS, & CO., importers and job-
bers in fancy dry goods, 235 Baltimore, h L.
L., 64 Conway
Lauer Wendel, tailor, 9 Jackson court
200 LAW
Laugheimer & Eichberg, clothiers, 319 w Pratt
Laughlin Elizabeth, 169 n Fremont
Laughlin James, drayman, 68 Harmony lane
Laughlin John O., shoemaker, 9 Humes
Laughlin John, carpenter, 42 Chew, shop 120
Laughlin Wm., 167 Fremont
Laugh ran Catharine, 133 Chew
Laughran Henry J,. pr. eating house 415 Balto
Laughran Patrick, soap maker, 70 n Canal
Laughton John W., shipmaster, Cross, h 143
Laughton Thos., shoemaker, 2 St. Paul
Lauhass Geo., laborer, 26 Shakspeare
Lauke Harman B., tavern, 267 s Ann
LAUPHEIMER JACOB, clothier, 71 w Bal-
Laupine Jacob, furniture dealer, 2 McElderry
Laupus Philip, gro. and liq. deal., 124 Eastern
Laurenson Phil, office Court House
Lauter John D., confectioner, 98 n Caroline
Lauterback Andrew, tavern, 71 Harrison
Lanterback Jacob, shoemaker, 396 Harford av
Lautner Thomas, tailor, 417 Baltimore
Lavendar Benj. A., attorney, 117 1-2 w Balto
Lavender Flemming (L. Foster & Co.,) boards
at Barnum's
Lavender (Fleming) Foster & Co., wholesale
grocers, 60 Exchange Place, Lombard street
Lavender John, 332 Mulberry
LAVENDER, FOSTER & CO., wholesale
grocers, 66 Exchange Place
Lavner George, dyer, 5 Etna lane
Law Buildings, s w cor St. Paul and Lexington
Law James S., huckster, 250 e Fayette
Law Robert, candle and soap wagoner, 235
Law William, laborer, 3 New
Lawder John, cooper, 258 e Fayette
Lawder Samuel M., magistrate, 15 St. Paul, h
192 n Eden
Lawder Wm., blacksmith, 523 n Gay
Lawless Richard, machinist, 75 Pine
Lawn Christopher, furn. dealer, 24 Harrison
Lawn Edward, shoemaker, 66 Harford avenue
Lawn Edward, tavern keeper, 9 w Lombard
Lawn Henry, leather inspector, 138 Ross
LAWN JAMES J., produce and commission
dealer, 126 n Howard, h 152 Biddle
Lawn Mary Harriet, 171 n Gay
Lawn Richard, shoemaker, 27 Stirling
Lawrason (Wm. W.) & Kelly (Alex. D. W.)
stock and bill brokers, 69 Second
Lawrence Christian, iron founder, Port street,
Lawrence Dr. Daniel H., 185 s Broadway
Lawrence Edward S., silk merchant, 237 Balt
Lawrence Francis L., 81 Pearl
Lawrence Francis L., 219 Lexington
Lawrence George W., engineer, Cambridge St.
LAWRENCE HENRY D., iron founder, 341 e
Pratt, Canton forges cor Hudson and Cannon
Lawrence Hugh, iron founder, 83 Washington
Lawrence James H., clerk, 128 s High
Lawrence Jacob, brickmaker, Cambridge street
Lawrence John, laborer, 17 Preston
Lawrence John, laborer, 6 Abbot
Lawrence John, baker, 662 Penn avenue