Kreser John, cabinet maker, 198 w Fayette
Kresline John, hostler, 37 Rose
Kretchmer John L., bricklayer, 91 s High
Kretz John, tobacconist, 24 Con way
Kretzer John, sad. and harness mak., 117 Hillen
Kreymer Augt., shoemaker, 33 Fountain
Krible Christian, tailor, 161 s Eden
Krider Abraham, varnisher, 1 James lane
Kridler Jacob F., carpenter, shop 331 n How-
ard, h 54 Biddle
Kriebel Andrew, 275 Eastern avenue
Krieger George, tailor, 252 Eager
Kretzer Jacob, butcher, 113 Caroline
Kretzberger Wm., cigar maker, 59 Henrietta
Kriesman Wm., pro. Eastern hotel, 99 Thames
Krietor Joseph, wheelwright, 144 Eager
Krig Peter, tavern keeper, 239 Alice Anna
Krill John, tailor, 188 Cross
Krish Frederick, tailor, 372 n Gay
Krishaker Christian, machinist, 41 Leadenhal
Krist Anthony, sailor, 122 Eastern avenue
Krizer Jacob, cabinet maker, 340 s Charles
Krizer Margaret, 73 Granby
Kritzer Gustavus, tailor, 12 s Canal
KRODER JOHN, tavern, 239 s Broadway
Kroemiller John, 93 Warner
Kroesen Isaiah, 33 Hollins
Kroff John F., tailor, Edward
Kroft Henry. 950 Baltimore
Kroft John, mason, 108 n Paca
Kroft Jacob, sen., furniture wagoner, 206 Lee
Kroger Clem. A., grocer, 72 Henrietta
Kroh Ferdinand, box maker, 48 s Canal
Krohn Napoleon B., boiler maker, 6 Wyeth
Kroke Christopher, locksmith, 194 w Fayette
Krolf Jacob, bag. master R. R., 206 Lee
Krom Conrad, carpenter, 54 Lancaster
Kromer George, laborer, 104 Lancaster
Kronberger Chas., cabinei maker, 1 State
Kroner John, blacksmith, 83 Bethel
Kroner Henry, 284 Alice Anna
Kroner Margaret, 57 Raborg
Krose Andrew, tailor, 94 Chapel
Krosskoff Michael, 232 Alice Anna
Krote Christian, wheelwright, 42 Holland
Kroth Henry, barber, 272 s Ann
Krotz Christina, 144 s Caroline
Krouff P., 17 Arch
Krous Henry, 292 Alice Anna
Krouse Adam, carpenter, 70 Portland
Krouse Adam, laborer, 315 Light
Krouse John, carpenter, 12 Lancaster
Krout David, moulder, 424 Light
Krowley F., shoemaker, 556 Pennsylvania av
Krowling Frederick. 97 Eastern avenue
Krowling Conrad, shoemaker, Reason st., Lo-
cust Point
Krozer Dr. J. jr., 695 w Baltimore
Krug Christian, 137 Low
Krug John, machinist, 326 s Charles
Krug John, shoemaker, 63 Chapel
Krug Lainhart, 27 Shakspeare
Krueger Didrick, boot and shoemaker, 49 n Gay
Kruise Charles, blacksmith, 556 w Pratt
Krume John H.. shoe dealer, 144 n Gay
Krumher Christ., 213 Alice Anna
Krumm Jacob, cabinet maker, 101 s Caroline
Krumm Chr., plane maker, 3 n Eden
Krump William, finisher, 45 Portland
Krums James, wheelwright, Boston St., h 69
196 KUP
Gentlemen's Fashionable
No. 49 North Gay Street,
Keeps constantly on hand a good assortment
of BOOTS and SHOES. All orders will be
attended to with dispatch and on accommo-
dating terms.
Kruse Elizabeth, 182 York avenue
Krutz Peter, laborer, 23 Lancaster
Kubler Charles, pro. Volks Hall, 5 s Frederick
Kuchling Wm., laborer, 105 Aisquith
Kufer Henry, tailor, 27 Low
Kugler Bartholomew, ladies' shoem., 90 Lex'n
Kugler Samuel, confectioner, 262 w Pratt
Kuhl Wm., tinner, 127 Little Greene
Kuhlman Herm., cap maker, 822 Baltimore
Kuhn Anthony, piano maker, over 2 n Liberty,
h 229 Saratoga
Kuhn Conrad, shoemaker, 343 Canton avenue
Kuhn John, grocer, 115 Saratoga
Kuhn Simon, ship carpenter, 151 William
Kuhne Francis, cab. maker, 171 n Canal
Kuhs Gerhard, cabinet maker, 82 Lexington
Kuinckel Conrad, cabinet maker, 58 Park
Kumbert Aaron, carter, 224s Dallas
Kumer Esther, 181 s Sharp
Kummer Wolf, watch maker, 75 Thames
Kunkel Gotlieb glass blower, 20 Lancaster
Kunkel John, tailor, 39 Regester,
Kunker Henry, confectioner, 179 s Sharp
Kuntz Adam, laborer, 43 Lancaster
Kunzman Christian, cigar maker, 78 Eastern av
Kuper Francis, boot maker, 17 Orleans
No. 75 THAMES ST.,
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of every de-
cription. Particular attention will be paid to
the Repairing of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry,
&c., at short notice and reasonable charges.