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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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Jones Margaret, boarding house, 132 Pearl
Jones Margaret, 91 Ensor
Jones Margaret, grocer, 347 Lexington
Jones Mary E., 511 w Pratt
Jones Mrs., 8 n Caroline
Jones Morris J., attorney, 61 Lexington, h 330
Jones Peter, whitewasher, 7 Douglass
Jones Philip R., tobacconist, 6 n Liberty h 201
Jones Rebecca, grocer, 40 n Eutaw
Jones Richd., (Emmart & J.) 136 e Monument
Jones Richard, 13 Chew
Jones Richd., blacksmith, 81 French
Jones Robert B., blacksmith, 288 Light
Jones Roger, sailor, 344 s Charles
Jones Rose A., 250 Montgomery
Jones Capt. Roger, 225 n Eden
Jones Samuel A., plumber, 5 Grundy
Jones Samuel R, 92 William
Jones Samuel, iron finisher, 97 s Poppleton
Jones Sarah, 48 East
Jones Sarah, 49 s Broadway
Jones Stephen W., clerk, 171 n Eden
Jones Stephen, finisher, 125 e Monument
Jones Susannah H., 15 n High
Jones Susannah, 57 Mulberry
Jones (Levin W.) & Tall (Levin L.,) gro. and
com. mts., 158½ Light street wharf
Jones T., chair maker, 194 e Baltimore
Jones Thomas, shoemaker, 217 Caroline

181 JOP

Jones Thomas O., printer and reporter, 225 n
Jones Thomas, shoemaker, 48 East
Jones Thomas, huckster, 36 Leadenhall
Jones Thomas, J., moulder, 282 s Sharp
Jones Capt. Thompson, 41 n Caroline
Jones Timothy, chair maker, 65 s Caroline
Jones Uriah, tobacconist, 201 Lexington
Jones Washington B., 156 Hanover
Jones Wm. T., fireman, B. O. R. R., Jefferson
near Bond
Jones Wm., carpenter, 88 Ross
Jones Wm., machinist, 234 s Eutaw
Jones Wm. fancy and variety store, 108 n Cal-
Jones Wm., wood dealer, 170 s Bond
Jones Wm. B. & Co., lottery dealers, 2 n Fred-
erick, h 37 e Fayette
Jones Wm. B., ship carpenter, 106 s Broadway
Jones Wm., huckster, 286 Eastern avenue
Jones William H., barber, 160 s Wolf
Jones Wm., block and pump maker, 141 Gough
Jones Wm., confectioner, Light, h 49 s Greene
Jones Wm., machinist, 19 Hill
Jones Wm., cooper, 16 Falls
Jones Wm., hatter, 15 Diamond
Jones Wm. H., tobacconist, 339 e Baltimore
Jones Wm. R., Secretary Equitable Ins. Co., 86
e Fayette
Jopp Heinrick, tavern, 4 President

Mathematical Instrument Maker

John Jones


Optical & Philosophical

Instrument Maker,

No. 18 South Street,


Constantly on hand a large assortment
of School and Chemical Apparatus,
Drawing and Surveying Instruments,
Hydrometers, Thermometers, Barome-
ters, &c. Microscopes, Telescopes,
Linen Provers, Magnifiers, and a varie-
ty of articles useful for scientific research
and manufacturing purposes.

Price Catalogues can be had by applying.


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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1855-56
Volume 565, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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