Herbert John, shoemaker, 43 Low
Herbert Gabriel, laborer, 30 Brunswick
Herbert Joseph, carter, 310 Aisquith
Herbert John F., laborer, dec'd, 15 Neighbor
Herbert Rebecca, 114 s Bond
Herbert Nich., foundryman, Elliott St., Canton
Herbet Dl., shoemaker, 61 Frederick
Herchenhien Henry, tailor, 25 Lewis
Heregenroe John M , shoemaker, 19 Orchard
Hergenrother Michael, tailor, 60 Park
Hergeshiemer Charles, shipsmith, cor Wolf
Hand Thames, h 326 e Pratt
Hergeshiemer Christ., shipsmith, Bond s of
Thames, and Patapsco st., Canton, h 60
Herget Edward C., confectioner, 94 William
Herhardt George, tailor, 244 s Eutaw
Herkenhine Conrad, tailor, 191 Orleans
Herker Wesley, carpenter, 232 Harford road
Herman Aaron, shoe store, 174 n Gay
Herler John A., tailor, 68 Somerset
Herlet George, barber, 125 s Broadway
Herling George, carter, 230 s Charles
Herlich Chs. H., blacksmith and stove dealer,
23 Second
Herlock John, carpenter, 137 West
Herman Aug., watchmaker, 253 s Bond
Herman Elizabeth, 75 Albemarle
Herman Adam, laborer, 19 Shakspeare
Herman Andrew, Alice Anna st., Canton
Herman Jacob, shoemaker, 23 Barre
Herman Christian, confectioner, 88 n Charles
Herman Johanna, scourer, 62 1-2 n Eutaw
Herman Louisa, 322 s Charles
Herman Philip, laborer, 132 s Spring
Herman Daniel, dry goods dealer, 122 Forest
Hermann Jacob, currier, 30 Harrison
Hermann John, laborer, 66 Thames
Herman George, shoemaker, 43 Marion
Hermann Peter, potter, 49 n Caroline
Hermin Catharine, 153 Franklin
Hermon John, laborer, 68 n Schroeder
Hern Catharine A., 14 Cuba st., Locust Point
Hern Charles, machinist, 13 n Frederick
Herney E. Rhodes, proprietor Young Ladies
academy, 11 s Howard
Herney Luke, 162 Spring
Hernwright Henry, carter, 263 s Dallas
Herold Conrad, cabinet maker, 45 Albemarle
Herold Charles, dry goods dealer, 191 s Sharp
Herold Elizabeth, 289 Canton avenue
Herold Frederick, cabinet maker, 191 s Sharp
Herold Peter, shoemaker, 210 Canton avenue
Heron Carol, 121 Garden
Herot John, shoemaker, 23 Neighbor
Herpner Henry, laborer, 173 s Caroline
Herpich Simon, shoemaker, 61 n Frederick
HERR MICHAEL & CO., produce and pro-
vision merchants, 88 and 90 Spear's wharf
Herring David, clerk, 78 s Caroline
Herring Den., 3 Herring row
Herring Benj. W., grocer and liquor dealer, in
Herring Charles, cabinet maker, 91 Lee
HERRING GEO. W. & CO., importers china,
glass and crockery, 7s Charles, h G. W. H,
32 Stiles
Herring Henry, jr., clerk, 82 s Bond
Herring Henry, proprietor planing mill, e Falls
avenue, h 10 e Lombard
Herring John L., tobacconist, 4 s Canal
154 HET
Herring John d. A., grocer, n w corner Spring
and Gough
Herring Mary, 13 n Frederick
Herring Original, paper hanger and uphol-
sterer, 80 Baltimore
Herrold John, tailor, 3 s Regester
Herron John A., laborer, 33 Centre Market
Hersh Wm., laborer, 327 Penn. avenue
Hershman John, laborer, 218 Alice Anna
Hersberg Isaac, clothier, 111 Stirling
Herttz Mrs., 197 n Canal
Herwig E., dry goods dealer, 175 s Broadway
Hertel John, cabinet maker, 227 Canton av
Hervy Jas., hardware dealer, 201 e Baltimore
Herzberg & Bros., clothiers, 2 Center Market
Herzeberg Lazarus, dry goods merchant, 201 w
Herzeberg Meyer, grocer, 214 Alice Anna
Herzog Conrad, lager beer brewer, Burke St.,
n of Boston
Herzog John, locksmith, 30 Park
Herzog John, blacksmith, 5 Park
Herzog Levi, dry goods dealer, 196 s Broadway
Herebick Henry, 51 Little Church
Herzog Val., locksmith, 25 Douglass, h 96
Herszok John, tailor, 106 n Howard
Heshberg Isaac, tailor, 235 e Lombard
Heshings Henry, 168 s Caroline
Hesler Ann, 30 Haw
Hesler John A., tailor, 68 Somerset
Heslen Richard M., ship broker, 57 Buchanan's
wharf, h 102 Lee
Heslinger Frederick, shoemaker, 36 Slemmer al
Heslip Joseph N., coach smith, 33 n Eden
Hesmen John, shoemaker, 1 Tessier
Hesner Henry, shoemaker, 114 Boyd
HESS (Eml.,) & BLUM, clothiers, 35 1-2 w
Hess Charles, baker, 47 Union
Hess Emanuel, (H. & Blum,) h 22 Exeter
Hess Dr. Frederick, 66 Holliday
Hess Frederick, 56 Somerset
Hess Isaac, carpenter, 150 Saratoga
Hess John, laborer, 358 Penn. avenue
Hess John, porter, 36 Hull's lane
Hess John, milk man, Canton st
Hess Joseph, cooper, 72 Cider al, h 123 German
Hess Levi, shoemaker, 1 Second, h 4 Second
Hess Lewis, millinery and fancy deal., 35 n
Hess Philip, laborer, Alice Anna st., Canton
Hess Samuel, carpenter, 29 Garden
Hess Solomon, h 35 w Baltimore
Hess Wm., 65 Portland
Hesse Wm., daguerreotypist, 104 n Eutaw
Hessebbercher August, baker, 197 s Bond
Hesselman John, tailor, 76 n Gay
Hessler George, shoem., 165s Ann
Hessler Mary, 165 s Ann
Hessler Peter, shoemaker, 347 s Charles
Heton James, carter, 692 w Pratt
Heton John, painter, 690 w Pratt
Hetsler Julia, 149 Orleans
Hett Henry, tavern keeper, 141 w Lombard
Hett John, tavern, 126 w Lombard
Hetz Andrew, & Val. Hoffman, cab. makers,
88 Hillen
Hetz Andrew, (H. & Hoffman,) 2 Albemarle
Hetzler Francis D., book binder, upper story
sun buildings, h 380 Monument