Gunder Jane, Fort st., Canton
Gunelach George, shoemaker, 145 Columbia
Gundle John, cooper, 88 York
Gundersdorf Christ., shoemaker, 21 Preston
Gunlaw Michael, 146 Canton avenue
Gunhardt Herman, (G. &. Son,) glass stainers,
154 Aisquith
Gunichenn Ed\v. G., 160 s Sharp
Gunn Ann, 16 s Howard
Gunn Ann, 172 Columbia
Gunn Hugh, 4 Slemmer alley
Gunn Thomas, 87 McElderry's wharf
Gunn William, plasterer, 39 n Poppleton
Gunnell Wm. T., coach trimmer, 24 Thompson
Gunning John, laborer, 34 Jew alley
Gunsalus Daniel, brass fitter. 157 n Canal
Gunsman Augustus, cabinet maker, 32 s Chas
Gunsunker Christian, carter, 232 s Paca
Gunselman John A., shoemaker, 170 Canton av
Gunter George, shoemaker, 213 e Lombard
Gunter Henry, shoemaker, 320 Alice Anna
Gunther Conrad, cabinet maker, 278 s Bond
Gunther Conrad, jeweler, 297 e Lombard
Gunthlar William, tailor, 70 Eastern avenue
Gunzarodt Ferdinand, tailor, 8 New Church
Gunzburg Rev. Dr. Aaron, 99 e Fayette
Gurcheck Rosanna, midwife, 58 Henrietta
Gursdorff Alex., dry goods dealer, 641 Balt.
Gusman John, cooper, 143 Regester
Gutcesell George, baker and conf., 313 s Bond
Gutchell Henry, cigar maker, 29 Low
Guthrie John, printer, 70 n Gay
Guthrie Joseph, mariner, 141 Washington
Gutman Joel, dry goods dealer, 29 n Eutaw
Gutman Moses & Co., clothiers, 331 Baltimore,
h 155 Pratt
Gutt Leinhart, 158 French
Guy Isaac, milkman, 175 Constitution
Guy James, machinist, 123 Bank
Guy James, drayman, 56 Dallas
Guy Jane, 16 Stiles
GUY JOHN, Sr., proprietor Monument House,
11, 13 and 15 n Calvert
Guy John, milkman, 186 n Exeter
Guyther Henry, pilot, 118 e Pratt
Guyton (Beale S.,) & Hyde, dry goods mer-
chants, 62 Hanover
Guyton Beale S., (G. & Hide,) 249 w Lombard
Guyton Eliza, 130 Lexington
Guyton Elisha, pr. lottery office, 69 w Pratt
Guyton James C., (G. & Co.,) 217 Aisquith
Guyton Norvall W. grocer, 233 n Gay
Guyton William, (G. & Co.,) 143 n High
Guyton William, fur dealer, 78 n Howard
Gwin Mary A., 153 s Paca
Gwinn Charles J. M., attorney at law, 31 St.
Paul st., up stairs, h 75 n Charles
Gwyn Chas. R., (G. & Reid,) h Calhoun street.
Franklin Square
Gwyn John R., com. merchant, 71 South, h 603
w Fayette
GWYNN (Chas. R.,) & REID, (John O., dry
goods merchants, 65 Baltimore
Gwynn Robert, 21 Josephine
Gyle Adam, glass blower, 203 Alice Anna
Gyes Sebastian, tailor, 181 n Entaw
HAAK FREDERICK, fur. wagoner, 90 Harrison
HAAS GEORGE, pr. "Independent House,"
57 Hanover
Hass Lewis, cabinet maker, 242 Hanover
Habbersett John, boarding house, 487 w Fayette
139 HAG
Habbersett Henry, com. mt., South st.. 175 n
Habbersett Wm., carpenter, 229 Henrietta
Habble Christ., 43 Marion
Habliston John M., of. "Sun," h 45 n Exeter
Habenhusen John, laborer, 35 Eastern avenue
Habden William, stone cutter, 3 Lancaster
Habeck John, carpenter, 62 Pennsylvania av
Hable Harman, grocer, 138 Orleans
Hable Lewis, sexton, 47 Watson
Haberkone Martin, laborer, 270 s Caroline
Habighorst Fredk., sugar refiner, 93 e Pratt
Haber Francis, tailor, 59 Forest
Hablar Fredk., cabinet maker, 208 s Broadway
Habecht Leonard, tailor, 190 s Charles
Hachtel Chn., shoemaker, 37 s Paca
Hachtel George, grocer, 107 Sarah Ann
Hack Andrew A. & Wm. A., prov. dealers, 36
Howard, h 323 Lexington
Hack Catharine, 321 Lexington
Hack (Fredk. A.) & Frazier, (Saml.) prov. &
com. mts., 39 s Gay
Hack Fredk. A , (H. & Frazier,) h 326 Lexing.
Hack (Fredk.) & Klaunburg, (Aug.,) tobacco
commission merchants, 61 s Gay
Hack Frederick (H. & Klaunburg,) h Calvert
Hack John, laborer, 223 s Wolf
HACK OLIVER F., att. at law, 43 n Calvert
Hack Peter, carpet weaver, 222 Alice Anna
Hack William, tailor, 88 Chesnut
Hacker Henry, pr. oyster saloon, 178 e Balt.
Hacker John C., laborer, 46 Preston
Hacker John, shoemaker, 113 McElderry's whf.
Hacket Lydia, 51 Hampstead
Hacket Patrick, 55 s Eutaw
Hacket James, book-keeper, 4 Courtland
Hacket Thomas, 336 Sharp
Hackett Edw., of Adams & Co.'s express, 49
Hacketr Emma, tutoress, 273 w Pratt
Hackett John, bricklayer, 143 n Canal
Hackman Lewis, grocer, 425 Saratoga
Hackman Samuel, 20 Dallas
Hackney Mary, 44 George
Hackrey Wm., cooper, Tyson st., h 93 Ross
Hack worth Wm., mate, 179 e Lombard
Hadaway Albert, sailor, 123 Bethel
Hadaway Henry, boiler maker, 146 Hillen
Haddison Dennis, laborer, 140 Dallas
Hadel Martin, wheelwright, 90 Lancaster
Hader Jacob, tailor, 208 s Bond
Hadeline Michael, Ellott st
Hadgins Jesse L., ship carpenter, 126 s Bond
Hadler Joseph, property agent, 182 e Lombard
Hadley Margaret, Port st, Canton
Hadrick James, bricklayer, 30 May
Hadock Joseph, huckster, 204 Lexington
Hads Andrew, 98 North
Haebest George, blacksmith, 15 Lancaster, h
Bond st
Haemiller Paul, cooper, 173 Carpenters' alley
Hafer Caldwell, laborer, 350 s Eutaw
Hafer Ratling, tailor, 89 Hanover
Haflick Peter, laborer, 9 Jackson's court
Hagan Francis, laborer, 83 McElderry's wharf
Hagan John, grocery and liquor dealer, 134 a
Howard st
Hagan John, nailor, 7 China alley
HAGAN MARK, tavern, 179 Broadway
Hagan Wm. T., carter, 127 Ensor
Hagelin Charles M., mate, 54 Bethel