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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 93   View pdf image
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Echart Wm. grocer, 142s Eutaw
Echberger Capt. James, 86s Eden
Eehler Jacob V. shoemaker, 75 Perry
Echner Jacob, cooper, 5 s Fremont
Eck Christ, shoemaker, Regester sts Baltimore
Eck Henry, tobacconist, 152 Canton av
Eck John, tobacconist, 37 L. Church
Eckard Lewis, pattern maker, Cider al near Paca
Eckas Henry, well digger, 19 n Dallas
Eckel Mary Elizabeth, 84 e Madison
Eckelman Herman R. shoemaker, 8 w Lombard
Eckerman Herman S. machinist, 297 n Howard
Eckers John, well digger, 42 Philpot
Eckert Ernest, laborer, Pennsylvania av extendec
Eckert Fredk. baker, Hollins st. near Stockton al
Eckert George W. furniture wagoner, 119 n Paca
Eckert Margaret, 160 Canton av
Ekert Potiser, laborer, Neighbor w of Briton
Eckhart Hein, tavern, Monument st e of Broadway
Eckhart Henry, cabinet maker, 7 New Church
Eckhart Wm. laborer, Abev al n of Cross st
Eckle Wm. J. clerk, 172 e Madison
Eckler Charles, tailor. Park near Lexington
Eckstein George, paver, Pennsylvania a v extended
Eddings Wm, merchant, dw 284 Lexington
Edel John W. butter depot, 149 e Pratt
Edel Josiah, butter depot, 149 e Pratt
Edel Philip, tailor, 11 St. James.
Edeler George, saddler, 306 w Pratt
Edeler Wm. saddler, cor Forrest and Hillen
Edellan George, saddler, 306 w Pratt
E Jelman Philip Michl. shop 874 w Baltimore
Eden Alexander, butcher, Pennsylvania av near
Smith st
Eden Wm. butcher, Pennsylvania av extended
Eder Markereaus, Bond st s Eastern av
Edes Mrs. Mary A. 28 n Greene
Edgar Harmon Le Roy,47 Franklin
Edgar John M. attorney, 31 St. Paul, d\v cor Sharp
and Saratoga
Edgar Ziporah, 13 Montgomery
Edling John, piano maker, 26 s Schroeder
Edmundson Capt. Moses L. 90 s Eutaw
Edmondson Joseph A. firm Pattison & E.s Charles
Edmondson Sarah, dress maker, 92 Lexington
E Imondson Dr, Thomas, Franklin w of Gilmor
Edmondson Dr. Thomas, "Woodly lane" run to-
wards Franklin
Edmonston Leonidas, carpenter, 330 n Gay
Edward George, machinist, 25 East
Edwards Albert, ship smith, 17 Bank
Edwards Amanda, 243 e Monument

Edwards Avarilla, Pratt w Ann
Edwards Benj. rigger, Gough st e of Castle al
Edwards Benj. engineer, 191 Washington
Edwards Catherine, between 89 & 95 French
Edwards Charles, plasterer, 10 Thompsen
Edwards Charles, machinist, Boston st Canton
Edwards Dr. E. W. 39 Conway
Edwards E. W. teacher, 174 Saratoga
Edwards Eli, rag dealer, Dallas s of Madison
Edwards Emory of southern dispensary, dw 7
Edwards George M. teacher, 7 Hamilton
Edwards Henry, mariner, Bonds of Pratt
Edwards Capt. Hiram, mariner, 38 Henrietta
Edwards Lyde, waterman, 5 Williamson al
Edwards Maria, 4 Orleans
EDWARDS RICHARD, ladies fashionable shoe
and gaiter establishment, 107 Broadway opposite
St. Patrick's Church
EDWARDS R. JR. general commission merchant,
24 s Charles, dw 80 n Charles
Edwards Samuel tailor, Bond s of Orleans
EDWARDS, SANFORD & CO. of foreign ex-
press, 164 Baltimore. See 1st page cover
Edwards Susannah, 175 Madison
Edwards Thomas, laborer, 4 Rose
Edwards T. J. gas fitter, Poppleton s of McHenry
Edwards Wm. police officer, 37 Preston
Edwards Wm. M. book keeper, Mer. Bank, 353 W
Edwards Wilson, carpenter, n w cor Burne st and
Bruce al
EELEY SAMUEL, proprietor of Restaurant, 14
Effler Charles, wheelwright, 13 Willow
Effin —— , laborer, 62 Harrison
Egan Francis, laborer, 83 McElderry's wharf
Egan James, laborer, 9 Scott
Egan John, laborer, 8 n Paca
Egan Lavinia, 204 Saratoga
Egan Marv, liquor dealer, Concord near Lombard
EGENTON, MORRIS & CO. French bur mill
stone manufacturers! w Falls av near Pratt st
Egerton A. Dubois, lottery broker, Exchange placei
dw 48 Saratoga
EGERTON & BROTHER, lottery office, corner
South st. and Exchange place
Egerton Charles C. jr. firm E. & Bro. dw 78 e Balt
Egerton C. C. sen. "Virginia house," 4 s Calvert
Egerton James H. grocer, 273 e Baltimore
Egerton James H. grocer, 4 York av


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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 93   View pdf image
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