Duke Mark A. cotton manufacturer, cor Park and
Inloes al
Dukehart J. A Co. twine and variety store, 130 Bal-
Dukehart & Co. hose, &c. manufacturers, 21 Light
Dukehart Henry, keeper of City hotel stables, 36
North st, dw 34
Dukehart John, firm D. & Co. 167 Aisquith
Dukehart John, Firemen's Association Co's agent,
89 n High
Dukehart Joseph R. variety goods dealer, Baltimore
st. dw 167 Aisquith
Dukehart Mary, 73 e Fayette
Dukehart Robt. W firm D. & Co. dw 62 e Lombard
Dukehart Valerius, firm J. D. & Co. dw 130 Balt.
Dukes Capt. Levin, 123 e Lombard
Dulack Joseph, tailor, 91 Madison
DULANEY GRAFTON L. attorney, 36 St. Paul,
dw 59 Courtland
Dulaney & Harris, merchant tailors, 40 n Howard
Dulaney William, tailor, 44 n Howard, dw 209 Mul-
Dulany Wm. firm D. & Harris, dw 213 Mulberry
Duley John, iron moulder, 440 w Lombard
Dulin Dr. Alex. F. n w cor Fayette and Charles
Doling Jas. shoemaker, n e cor Bank and Chapel
Dull Daniel, conductor railroad, 14 McHenry
Dull James & Son, ship smiths, Philpot st. dw J. D.
94 Broadway
Dulless Powell, blacksmith, Dallas s of Lancaster
Dumax Benj. carpenter, 223 Wolf
Dumax Mary C. seamstress, 139 Pearl
Dumbleton James A. agent, 126 n High
Dume Sebastian, laborer, Goodman al s of Ham-
burg st
Dumler John, currier, 29 n Greene
Dumler Matthias, cooper, 29 n Greene
Dunahue Dr. James H. n e cor Paca and Mulberry
DUNAHUE THOMAS, proprietor tavern, dw 19
Dunan Joseph Gustavus, clerk, 60 n Greene
Dunan Lewis, clerk, 34 Josephine
Dunbar Mrs. Frances, 33 Hamilton
DUNBAR DR. J. 165 w Lombard
Dunberg Isaac, tailor, 55 Potter
Duncan Chrissa, Greenwillow
Duncan Eliza, supplier of sea provisions, 45 w Lom-
bard st
Duncan Eliza J. boarding house, Cathedral near
Duncan Eliza, 47 Lombard
Duncan Elizabeth, cor Lanvale and Grundy
Duncan George, jr. grocer, Pennsylvania av bet
McMechin and Mosher sts
Dunean Harrison W. grocer, cor Pine and Fayette
Duncan J. McKim, attorney at law, 8 Court House
Duncan James, grocer, cor Saratoga & Chatsworth
Duncan Joseph, boot maker, 51 Second, dw 48
Duncan Mary, boarding house, 30 G. Hughes
Duncan Peter, seaman, 45 w Lombard
Dundore Henry, shoemaker, dw 203 Canton av,
shop 205
Dundorf Jacob, laborer, 89 Orleans
Dunfrie I. shoemaker, 10 1/2 Republican
Dungan Abel S. firm Tyson &. D. 90 e Baltimore
Dungan Emily, dressmaker, 85 Lexington
Dungan Francis D. firm Watkins, D. & Waesche,
271 Fayette
Dungan Joshua B. tailor, 61 Raborg
Dungan Stevenson, cooper, 70 w Pratt, dw 90 e
Dungan Stevenson, prop, scows, 61 e Pratt, dw 90 e
Dungan Wilkinson, shoe dealer, 163 Lexington, dw
321 Fayette
Dunham Thornton C. firm Sevan & D. dw 309 w
Dunkas Frank, laborer, Cambridge st Canton
Dunkel Geo. Woodly lane, running to Franklin, n
w limits
Dunkerly Richard P. machinist, w Pratt extd
Dunkin Mary, boarding house, 30 G. Hughes
DUNLAP CHARLES, grocer, cor Howard and
Lexinston, dw 279 Saratoga
Dunlap John, shoemaker, 331 s Charles
Dunlap John, agent B. &. O. R. R. dw cor Hollins
and Parkins
Dunlap Thomas, carter, 390 Lexington
Dunlap Wm. book seller, 102 n Canal
Dunlevy Thomas C. prop, livery stables, 7 n Fre-
derick, dw 133 e Baltimore
Dunn Alexander, rope maker, 11 Falls
Dunn Andrew, blacksmith, Lombard e of Broadway
Dunn Andrew, merchant tailor, 430 w Baltimore
Dunn Dr. Andrew, agent for the celebrated and
latest improved Dr. Hood's Truss, No. 3 w Fay-
ette, under Rechabite Hall. See advertisement
on first page of book
Dunn Ann, milk dealer, 194 Holliday
Dunn Barney, laborer, 99 Tyson
Dunn Benj. R. tinner, 411 Saratoga
Dunn Bridget. 57 n High
Dunn Edward, carter, 530 w Pratt