Dolan Mary, seamstress, Oregon between Lombard
and Pratt Dolan Peter, peddler, 37 Preston
Dolan Thomas & Jame. Elayes, blacksmiths, 125 1/2
McEldeny's whf
Dolan Thomas, firm D. & Hayes, dw Eastern av
Dolan Valentine, laborer, 230e Lombard
Djlby Edward, mate, 116 s Caroline
Dolch John, blacksmith, 278 Biddle, dw 21 Union
Doler Francis, porter, 28 n Eutaw
Dolf'eld Frederick, cooper, 333 s Bond
Dolk John, blacksmith, 21 Union
Dollar Elizabeth, 182 Stirling
Dollar George, Peirce between Fremont and Top-
ple ton
Dollar Laurence, gunsmith, Peirce next door to cor
Dollar Mateese, scissors grinder, 176 Eastern av
Dollar Matthias, barber, Durham n of Thames
Dolphin Francis, fisher, Eutaw s of West
Dolwiner Joseph, 168 e Fayette
Dorothea, 100 Raborg
Donahue Thomas, blacksmith, Hudson st. Canton
Donahue & Wagoner, ship joiners, s w cor Thames
and Wolf
Donaldson Catherine, cor Charles and Mulberry
Donaldson David, 141 Jefferson
Donaldson Edward, Lieut U. S. N. 225 Franklin
Donaldson Dr. Veterinary, surgeon, s w cor Pearl
and Fayette, dw 426 w Baltimore
Donaldson James L. cigar maker, 93 Orleans
Donaldson John, stone publisher, s e cor Tessier and
Donldson John I. President Baltimore Life Insur-
ance Co. 31 Franklin
DonaMson Julia Anna tutoress, 61 Garden
Donaldson Noah, tinner I" Barre
Donaldson Samuel I. attorney at law, 39 St. Paul
Donaldson Samuel C. firm Gittings, D. & Graham,
dw 33 Franklin
Donaldson Stephen, fisherman, alley from s Front to
Falls, n of Lombard
Donaldson Slenhen, fisher, 26 Loncaster
DONALDSON THOMAS, attorney at law, 31 St.
Donaphan Hannah, 91 French
Donby Mary, grocer, 75 Watson
Done Mary & Julia H. boarding house, 46 Lex
Donegan John, carriage driver, 34 Hillen
Donegan Wm. 20 Fell
Donelan Michael, laborer, 117 Canton av
DONELLY ROSANNA & CO. corset factory, 172
w Lexington
Doney Earth, n w cor Eutaw and Monument
Donkmyer Theodore, baker, 661 Baltimore
Donly James, spooler, 49 Biddle al
Donnelan John, drayman 49 s Frederick
Donnell James, mariner, 230 Con ton av
Donnell John S. shipping merchant, cor Frederick
road and Baltimore M. Union Square
DONNELL MESSRS. merchants, Donnell's build-
ings, cor Gay st and Exchange Place
Donnell Mrs. S. M. hording house, 77 Camden
Donnelly Dan'1, bricklayer, Freedom st. Beam's lot
Donnelly Elizabeth, 68 n Calvert
Donnelly Hugh, dairy, 174 n High
Donnelly James, 174 n Front
Donnelly James, laborer, 66 Albermarle
Donnelly James, laborer, 48 L. Hughes
Donnelly James, tavern, 54 Lancaster
Donnelly John, weaver, 282 1/2 Mulberry
Donnelly Mary, grocer, 21 Foundry
Donnelly Mary A. huckster, 330 n Howard
Donnelly Morris, shoemaker, 66 Hillen
Donnelly Patrick, chandler, 129 Harford av
Donnelly Peter, milkman, n e door Cambridge and
Windsor, Canton
Donnelly Misses Rosanna & Co. corset makers, 172,
dw 188 Lexington
Donnelly Wm. sup. Susquehana R. R. 232 Hollins
Donnelson J. 61 Garden
Donnelson Robert, gas worker, 4 w Booth
Donnolly Henry, wagoner, 211 Raborg
Donnolly James. 501 Saratoga
Donnolly John, plasterer, 64 n Eutaw
Donohoo Hugh, blacksmith, w end Henrietta near
Donohue & King, tobacconists, 124 Forrest
Donohue James, milk and butter depot, 88 York av
Donohue James, ship joiner, n e cor Eastern av and
Wolf st
Donohue John H. firm D. & King, dw 113 Ensor
Donohue Patrick, gas fitter, York av n of Eager st
Donohue Richard, draper and tailor, and Parisian
shirt manufactory, 163 Baltimore, dw 76 Centre
DONOVAN CLARISSA, grocer, n w cor Lexing-
ton and Jasper
Donovan Dennis, laborer, 1 Hamilton
Donovan Eliza, junction Fremont st and Pennsyl-
vania av
Donovan Jane, 43 East
Donovan Joseph S trader, 13 Camden