Cronaly & Flaherty, wholesale provision dealers,
481 Baltimore
Cronaly Joseph, firm C. & Flaherty, dw Baltimore
Cronan Daniel, ice wagoner, Exeter st n Canton av
Croneberger Charles, piano maker, 341 Lexing'on
Crooey John W. ladies' shoemaker, 157 Broadway
Cronhard John C. engraver, watch and jewelry
store, 68 n Gay
Cronhardt John, shoemaker, 33 Ensor
Cronin Patrick M. tavern, 69 Centre market
Cronmiller George, ivory turner, 29 Low
Cronmiller Jacob, grocer, Baltimore w of Carey
Crook Darnel, broker, 57 Harford av
Crook Eliza, tailoress, 192 Raborg
Crook Francis A. firm Sanders & C. n w cor Lan-
vale and Madison
Crook Henry, book keeper, Madison e of Briton
CROOK JOSEPH & SON, cabinet and chair ma-
kers, 55 w Fayette, dw 376 Saratoga
Crook Joseph, cabinet maker, n e cor Rock and
Crook Joshua, carter, 1-11 Sarah Ann
Crook Mrs. Sophia, boarding house, 47 Scott
Crook Sophia, 184 s Wolf
CROOK WALTER, Jr. upholsterer and paper
hanger, 220 Baltimore
Crook Wilson B. upholsterer and paper hanger, 110
Crook Wm. supercargo, 32 Spring
Crookshanks Charles, firm Loane & C. s High
Crookshanks & Green, grocers and commission
merchants, 84 Light st whf
Crookshanks John, firm C. & Green, dw 90 Barre
CROPPER & HOPKINS, grocers and commission
merchants, 92 Dugan's whf
Cropper John R. painter, Cathedral near Howard
Cropper Reuben, fisher, 90 Cross
Cropper Seth, shoemaker, s extremity Light
Cropper Stephen, proprietor Howard House, cor
Howard and Cathedral
Crupper Z. H. H. firm C. & Hopkins, 49 High
Crorich Elizabeth, St. Mary's court No. 1
Crosby Ellen C. 31 Hanover
Crosby James, joiner, 63 York
Crosby Joseph & Son, commission merchants, 38 s
Charles, dw J. C. 251 w Lombard
Crosby Julius, gun maker, 44 s Scroeder
Crosby Thomas, shoemaker, 201 e Lombard
Croshaw Wm. tavern, 42 Harford av
Croshnw Wm. tavern, Saratoga e Da vis
CroMey John P. store keeper, Regester s of Bank
Cross Andrew, Chew e of Ensor
Cross David, wheelwright, 382 n Gay
Cross Edward, rigger, 236 Wolf
Cross George T. shoemaker, 92 Granby
Cross Philemon, carpenter, 286 n Canal
Cross Philis, 75 n High
Cross Richard J. 73 n High
Cross Samuel B. coach maker, 69 s Howard, dw
139 Camden
Cross Temp, seamstress, Pensylvania av ext
CROSS TRUEMAN, cashier Commercial and
Farmers' Bank, dw 9 s Howard
Cross Walter, cooper, 172 Forrest, dw 176
Cross Wm. painter, Lancaster w of Ann
Crosspin Edward, 26 Granby
Crothers David, carpenter, 28 s Spring
Croiz Peter, laborer, Regester s of Alice Anna
Crouch David, carter, 82 Montgomery
Crouch George W. mariner, 277£ Light
Crouch James T. shoemaker, 54 n Canal
Crouch John, police officer, 13 Henrietta
Crouch Julia Ann, boarding house, 229 e Lombard
Crouch Thomas M. grocer, 174 s Paca
Crouch Wm. blacksmith, 15 Warner
Crough Dennis, n w cor Ross and Orchard
Crough Dennis, grocer, 47 Chesnut al
Crout Hezekiah, tin worker, 87 Pennsylvania av
Crow Ezekiel, shoemaker, 50 Holland
Crow George L. 216 s Bond
Crow Henry, laborer, Dallas s of Lancaster
Crow John, carpenter, Regester st n of Eastern av
Crow Lewis, rag dealer, 216 Eastern av
Crow Nathaniel J. painter, 7 French
Crow Nelson, tavern, n e cor North and Eager
sale and retail grocers, &c. 219 n Gay, near Bel
Air market. See card
Crowley Delphi, Ann s of Lombard
Crowley Eleanor, confectioner, s e cor Paca st and
Carpenter's al
Crowley Frederick, shoemaker, Pennsylv'a av ext
Crowley John, grocer, 8 Dallas
Crowley Julia, 64 s Spring
Crowley Mary, 6 Willow
Crowley Patrick, grocer, 30 s Caroline
Crowley Peter, watchman, 239 s Durham
CROWLEY WILLIAM S. bookseller, 146 Balti-
Crowley Wm. S. clerk, 170 Aisquith
Growling Henry, tailor, 24 Eastern av
Crewman Samuel S. hosiery and trimmings dealer,
71 Lexington
Crownfield Mrs. A. J. 20 Camden