COCHRAN& STOCKBRIDGE, attornies at law,
41-2 court house lane
COCHRAN THOMAS & BUG. ice dealers, 38
s Exeter
Cochran Wm. Arnity n of Lexington
Cochran Wm. clerk, 170 Hanover
Cochran Wm. H. 115 s High
Cochrane David, manr. domestic goods, 56 Preston
Cochrane James, watchman, 56 Preston
Cocke Wm. E. jr. firm Cole, Howard & Co. Eutaw
Cockcrill Hiram, grocer, 261 s Bond
Cockey Charles E. ship carpenter, Fawn w Canal
Cockey Edward, feed dealer, Cathedral between
Tyson and Howard, dw 214 Howard
Cockey & Gambrill, grocers and commission mer-
chants 108 & 110 Smith's wharf
Cockey John G. firm C. & Gambrill, 67 s Paca
Cockey Dr. J. Paul, 22 e Lombard
Cockey Joshua, 296 n Howard
Cockey Mary, mantua maker, 406 w Fayette
Cockey Dr. Joseph C. 2 s Exeter
Cockey Wm. H. carpenter, 108 Pine
Cocklin Cornelius, waiter, 17PoUcr
Cockrill Dr. J. J Broadway w side s Baltimore st
Cocks Wm. huckster, 237 Biddie
Codd Ann, Lombard w Wolf
Codd John, butcher, Washington st. s of Baltimore
Codd Margaret, 165 s Bond
Codd Pilkington, butcher, Lombard w Ann
Codet's (J. R.) dancing academy, se cor Calvert
and Saratoga
Codman Capt. Frederick, 208 e Baltimore
Coe Wm. Gwynn, clerk, 169 Mulberry
Coeniel D. professor music, 24 Barnet
Coffield Hugh, laborer, 76 Boyd
Coffin Capt. George B. Bond st. s ol Baltimore
Coffran John L. granite cutter, s e cor Lombard st
and McHenry al
COGGINS REV. THOMAS, agent for the asso-
ciation for benefiting the poor, 50 York av
Coghlan Patk. liquor dealer, Concord near Pratt
Cogswell James, hatter, 281 e Monument
Cogswell Nathl. shoemaker, Pratt st. nr Republican
Cohagen Joseph, mariner, 48 s Bond
Cohen Benedict, furniture wagoner, 56 Harrison
Cohon C. tailor, 19 Second
Cohen Emanuel, tailor, 12 Douglass
COHEN E. P. & SONS, commission merchants, 50
s Gay, dw 119 Park
Cohen Israel, stock broker, 5 Franklin buildings
North, dw 57 Centre
Coben Jacob I. jr. President Baltimore Fire Insu-
rance Co. 115 n Charles
Cohen Jacob, boo! and shoemaker, 130 1-2 w Pratt
Cohen Dr. Joshua J. 115 n Charles
Cohen M. tailor, 17 Second
Cohen Col. Mendes J. 115 n Charles
Cohen Moses, dry goods dealer, 157 Lexington
Cohen Moses, dry goods dealer, Chew e Ensor
Cohen Moses, pedlar, 83 n Canal
Cohen Simon, dry goods dealer, 181 1-2 n Gay
Cohn Charles, rag dealer, 132 s Eutaw
Cohn David, clothier, 512 w Baltimore
Coke —— , laborer, 157 Pennsylvania av
Cokely Phil, stock broker, 206 Madison
Colberson Susan, 62 n Fremont
Colbert Robert N. mariner, 61 Block
Colbert Sarah, 199 Aisquith
Colburn Dr. Edmund F. 265 Fayette
Colburn Edward W. prof, writing, 250 n Howard
Colburn Dr. H. sur. den n w cor Charles & Barnel
Colburn Hervy, omnibus driver, Clinton st. Canton
Colburn Stephen B. mt, Cheapside, dw 23 Conway
COLE ABRAHAM G. firm C. Howard & Co. Pre-
sident Eagle Works, 122 Lombard dw 216 w
Cole Andrew, rigger, Regester st. s of Alice Anna
Cole Charles, pedlar, 26 Jasper
COLE CHARLES A. propriefor "Revere House,"
30 w Lombard
Cole Cornelius H. livery stables. 55 German
Cole Cornelius M. clerk, 100 n Exeter
Cole George H. pilot, Bank e Wolf
Cole Hamilton, clothier, cor Pratt st. and C. Market
dw 98 e Baltimore
Cole Henry, comb maker, 244 e Monument
Cole Hinson H. tailor, n w cor Centre Market ane
Pratt st. dw 98 e Baltimore
Cole Hiram, boarding house, 15 s High
COLE, HOWARD & CO. importers and dealer;
in foreign and domestic dry goods, 60 Germar
and 349 Baltimore
Cole Isaac, tobacconist, —— Balt, dw 253 Biddie
Cole Jacob, ladies boot and shoemaker, 32 Baltimore
Cole James, carpentt r, 8 s Caroline
Cole James, captain, 295 Eastern av
Cole Jarret, 94 s Exeter
Cole John R. grocer and tea dealer, 48 n Eutaw
Cole John H. tailor, 92 Low
Cole John, 31 Hamilton
Cole John, oil manr. Pennsylvania av n of Smith s
Cole Joseph, carpenter, 119 Ross
Cole Joshua, tinner, 449 w Fayette