Bucksbaum Julius, dry goods dealer, 219 Broadway
Buehler Henry L. grocer, new cor Park and L.
Buehler Wm. tobacconist, 157 Franklin
Buengner Wm. shoemaker, 178 w Pratt
Buer John A. shoemaker, Fayette e of Broadway
Buesch Louis, shaving saloon, Thames w of Broad-
Buff Thomas A. ship carpenter, 229 Gough
Buford Melville, sail maker, Fawn w Canal
Bufier Elijah, custom house boatman, 177 Madison
Bujac Adel. T. Waverly Terrace, Franklin Square
Carey st
Building Association, 3 Carroll Hall
Bulack Joseph, shoemaker, 214 w Pratt
Bulack Michael, shoemaker 214 w Pratt
Buldman John F. tobacconist 76 n Gay
Bulger Michael, grocer, 136 Pine
Bull Baltza, tailor, 63 n Schroeder
Bull Dr. Benj. H. D. 226 w Pratt
Bull Christopher W. camphine wagoner, s w cor
Pine and Peirce
Bull Edmund, firm Bull & Tuttle, n ecor Diamond
and Mulberry
Bull Francis, cigar maker, 10 1/2 Republican
Bull George, attorney, 57 n Charles
Bull Isaac, carpenter, Pratt w of Bond
Bull John, laborer, Northern av
Bull Mary, 121 n Eutaw
Bull Shadrach, police officer, 85 St. Mary
BULL & TUTTLE, printers Clipper and book &
job printers, 134 Baltimore
Bull Wm. K. brakesman, Cathedral near Chase
Bullen Harriet, 42 St. Mary
Bullen Margaret & Isabella, mantua makers, 109 w
Bullion Henry, paver, 289 Ratorg
Bullock Gas well, glue maker, near Poppleton and
Bullock Daniel, potter, Regester s of Gough
BULLOCK JAMES, collar maker, 8 Grant, dw
103 Pearl
Bullock John, glue maker, 183 Columbia
Bulnch W. grocer, 79 s Howard
Bump Josephus, boot maker, 242 Franklin
Bunce Edward, laborer, Harford av n of Point lane
Bunce Robert, 48 Holland
Bunday Wm. A. shoemaker, 202 Sharp
Bundis Adam, shoemaker, 89 McElderry's wharf
Bundsehuh Lewis, cooper, Thames e of Ann
Bunger John H. shoemaker, 79 s Spring
Bunn Joseph, laborer, 327 s Charles
Bunn & Scheffer, bakers, s e cor Howard and Cam-
Bunting David G. huckster, 34 William
Bunting Elizabeth, 7 L. Gough
Bunting George, clerk, 205 n Canal, s e cor Canal
Bunting George R. tailor, 287 w Pratt
Bunting John, Bond s of Hampstead
Bunting Dr. John, 24 w Pratt
Bunting Robert, waterman, 21 Warren
Bunting Smith, carpenter, 442 Lexington
Bunting Wm. J. shoemaker and findings dealer, 70
n Howard
Bunyan Frederick, penitentiary guard, 95 Hillen
Bupp John, baker, 12 Washington st F. H.
Burbage John, shoe dealer. 324 Aisquith
Burbank David, book keeper, 3 Pearl
Burbert Herman, Bank e of Eden
Burbert John, drayman, Bank e of Eden
Burch Francis, ship joiner, 235 Gough
Bureh Frederick D. comb maker, 26 n Poppleton.
Burchall Thomas, stone cutter, 185 Forrest
Burchall Wm. & Co. whip, cane and umbrella man-
ufacturers, 350 Baltimore, dw W. B. 520 Balt.
Burchinal & Hulse's horse shoeing establishment, s
e cor Gough and Granby
Burdett Aaron, silver plater, 359 Lexington
Burford Christopher C. tin and sheet iron worker,
4 w Pratt, dw 96 s Bond
Burgaman Frederick, carpenter, Cathedral near
Burgan Sarah, 151 Orleans
Burgdorf Charles, cabinet maker, 264 n Gay
Burgee Wm. H. carpenter, Hamburg e of Charles
Burger Adam, tailor, 185 Stirling
Burger Henry, milkman, Canton av cor Canon st
Burger John, blacksmith, 88 William
Burger Joseph B. butcher, 130 Stirling
Burger Nicholas, grocer, 157 William
Burgess Basil, biscuit baker, 418 Lexington
Burgess Benj. pattern maker, 53 Poppleton
Burgess Bernhard, laborer, Mullikin e Broadway
BURGESS CALEB W. firm B. & Dowell, 120 n
Burgess & Dowell, grocers and commission mer-
chants, 60 South st
Burgess Henry H. 6 Spurrier's ct, dw 3 St. Mary's ct
Burgess James R. carpenter, Broadway s of Monu-
BURGESS JOHN & CO. silver platers, 137 w
Burgess John, china merchant, dw 152 Geiman