Bordley Margaret C. portrait painter, 3 Barnet
Bordley Samuel C. tinner, &c. 144 Camden,dw 211
Bordley Susan G. 141 Pearl
Bordley Wm. clerk, 14 Lloyd
Borgelt Alfred, painter, Pennsylvania av near
Mosher st
Borgelt Wm. huckster, 4 Sterret
Boring Elias H. stone cutter, 318 Franklin
Borkom Harman, laborer, 170 Eastern av
Borland Andrew J. carpenter, 10 Comet
Born George M. shoemaker, Eager c of Bond
Born John Pennsylvania av near Townsend st
Born Tobias, blacksmith, China al
Borrette Val. J. of theatre, 4 Hillen
Borroeuich Thomas, proprietor Rialta Hotel, 34 w
Bosch Conrad, laborer, 247s Ann
Bosche Dederick, tavern, 69 w Pratt
Bose Wm. firm Dobbin, Murphy & B. 65 St. Paul
Boshee Henry, tailor, 28 Pearl
Bosher C. H. firm B. & Wilson, dw Eutaw House
BOSHER & WILSON, produce and general com-
mision merchants, 39 s Gay
Bosley Amon, laborer, Tyson st near Cathedral al
Bosley Edward, machinist, Pratt near Republican
See card
BOSLEY E. M. importer and wholesale dealer in
foreign and domestic hardware, 4 Light st wharf
dw 138 Sharp. See card
Bosley James H. commission merchant, 134 North
dw n w cor Biddle and Madison
Bosley John, 133 Eastern av
Bosley John, hackman, Barree of Greene
Bosley John, liquor dealer, 74 Hampstead
Bosley Rebecca, 140 Sharp
Bosley Talbot, 236 Aisquith
Bosley Thomas, laborer, Pratt w of Bethel
Bosley Wm. brickmaker, 116 Columbia
Bosley Wm. custom officer, Etting betw'n Hoffman
and Dolphin
Bosman Wm. carter, Sharp n of Henrietta
Bosnian Wm. P. driver, 140 Henrietta
Boss Benj. cooper, Eden s of Bank
Boss Daniel, tailor, 111 n Howard, dw 1 State
Boss Henry, 153 Bond
Boss Henry, drayman, Eden s of Bank
Bass Henry, plumber, 119 Thames
Boss Marv, boot binder, 118 Dugan's whf
Bossard Michael, confectioner, 318 n Gay
Bossell Lewis, of custom house, 96 s High
Bossle Charles, baker, 7 e Pratt
Bosson E. P. firm D. & B. dw Baltimore near Pearl
Bosson James W. upholsterer, dw 113 n Paea
Boston Abraham, baker, 109 Jasper
Boston Charles, ship carpenter, 121 s Eden
Boston Jacob, clerk, 132 Lexmgton
Boston John B. firm B. & Price, dw cor Baltimore
and Wolf
Boston Mary A. silk and straw milliner, 132 Lex-
Boston & Price, hatters, 129 Baltimore
Boston Samuel, machinist, 92 Hamburg
Boston Wm. watchman, Henrietta w of China
Bostwick Joseph, iron worker, 122 s Canal
Boswell Benj. police officer, 55 Raborg
Boswell James E. piana forte manufacturer, 9 Hol-
liday, music store 219 w Baltimore, dw 309 e Bal-
Bosworth Barbara, Chester st s Eastern av
Boterer John, grocer, n e cor Josephine and Arch
Boteril Isabella, 215 e Monument
Both man Charles, tobacconist, 18 w Pratt
Bothman Charles, cigar maker, 206 Honover
Bothner H. cabinet maker, Canton av w of Port al
Bottel Christ, grocer, 115 Orleans
Bottemyer Wm. laborer, Alice Ann e Wolf
Bottleson Mrs. dress maker, 4 South
Bottomer Ann, tailoress, 122 Vine
Bottomer Frederick J. shoemaker, 116 Saratoga
Bolts Joseph, Johnson st e of William
Boucher Francis, cigar dealer, 77 North
Boucher Joseph, plasterer, 46 St. Mary
Boucher Wm. jr. musical instrument maker, 38
Bouchet Mary, 21 Fayette
Bousch Henry, Shoemaker, 247 s Ann
Bouis John, clerk, 95 s Paca
Bouis Stephen, tinner, &c. 428 Baltimore, dw Mad-
ison w Caroline
Bouis Stephen, tinner, sheet iron and lamp dealer,
70 n Gay
BOULDEN DAVID P. cor Bond and Lombard
Bouldin Alex. J. surveyor, North st. adjoining old
post office, dw cor Aisquith and Chew
Bouldin G. W. R. conveyancer, 15 w Fayette
Bouldin Henry, farmer, Gay near Greenwood
Bouldin James, milkman, 18 East
Bouldin John L. blacksmith, Bank e of Wolf
Bouldin Owen, city surveyor, Record office build-
ings, dw Bel Air av
Bouldin Randolph J. attorney at law, 96 Second st.
Exchange buildings, dw Lombard w of Wolf
Bouldin Wm. carpenter. 183 e Pratt