WILLIAMS WESLEY, firm Floyd & Williams,
barbers, dw s Howard
Williams Wm. brickrnaker, 217 Columbia
Williams Wm. laborer, 122 Henrietta
Williams William blacksmith, Howard s of Mont-
Williams Wm. carter, Burgundy al e of Fremont st
Williams Wm. drayman, 73 Rose st
Williams Wm. 218 Hanover
Williarnson Chas. laborer, Constitution s of Eager
Williamson Francis, porter, al rear 42 Tyson ft
Williamson Lucy, cake woman, 40 n Sharp
Willis Benj. farmer, 171 Pierce
Wilmore Eman sawyer, Mullikin e of Broadway
Wilmore Harriet, washer, 6 Dallas
Wilmore Naoma, 12 Chesnut al
Wilmore Rev. Samuel, 68 Lewis
Wilson Ann, 42 s Caroline
Wilson Ann, 31 Slate
Wilson Anthony, drayman, Halfmoon al
Wilson Benj. oyster dealer, 91 s Durham
Wilson Benj. Dover s of Fremont
Wilson Benj. laborer, 119 Harford av
Wilson Charlotte, washer, Moore's al nr Tessier st
Wilson Chas. drayman, 98 Potter
Wilson Chas. waterman. 100 s Spring
Wilson Chas. carter, 68 Dallas
Wilson Daniel, stevadore, 47 Wolf
Wilson Daniel, huckster, 163 Bank
Wilson David, laborer, 9 Orleans
Wilson David, 203 Potter
Wilson Durham, waiter, Gravel al bet Mulberry
and Franklin st
Wilson Eliza, Watson c of Lloyd
Wilson Elizabeth, 33 L. Church
Wilson Elizabeth, grocer, n e cor Tessier & Orcharc
Wilson Emory, 100 Happy al or Durham st
Wilson Emory, 4 Washington al or Ahern's ct
Wilson Ezekiel, furniture carter, 17 Hull's lane
Wilson Francis, laborer, 81 Hill
Wilson Frederick, dealer in bagging, 73 East
Wilson Frisby, laborer, Coats' al nr Cecil st
Wilson George, laborer, Regester s of Baltimore
Wilson George, blacksmith, rear 81 East
Wilson George, laborer, Jefferson st al s of McEl
derry st
Wilson George, brickmaker, 219 Raborg
Wilson Hannah A. wa-her, 56 Chesnut al
Wilson Henry, 98 n Spring
Wilson Henry, caulker, 183 s Durham
Wilson James, laborer, 123 Tyson
Wilson James, shoemaker, 44 Hill
Wilson Jarnes, laborer, 231 Ensor
Wilson James, laborer, 5 Jew al n from Marion e
of Pa c a
Wilson Jas. shoemaker, 160 Happy al or Durham st
Wilson James, waiter, 12 Orchard
Wilson James, coachman, al rear 154 n Howard st
Wilson James C. 13 Inloes al
Wilson James, hackman. rear 51 n Sharp
Vilson John, porter, 107 North
Wilson Levi, laborer, Sarah Ann e of Fremont
Wilson Martha, washer, Uhler's al
Wilson Matilda, 103 Potter
Wilson Peter A. caulker, 68 n Canal
Wilson Rachel, 169 s Durham
Wilson Richard, laborer, 190 Eastern av
Wilson Robt. porter, 3 X al
Wilson Robt. V. whitewasher, 4. Hamilton
Wilson Sam. hackman, 26 Carpenter's al stables 41
s Paca
Wilson Sophia, cook, Walnut al nr Preston st
Wilson Susan, washer, 100 Jasper
Wilson Thomas, eating house, 20 w Pratt
Wilson Thomas, laborer, 38 Hill
Wilson Thomas, Fayette e of Broadway
Wilson Thomas, brickmaker, 95 s Durham
Wilson Wm. Regester n of Lombard
Wilson Wm. laborer, 721 Happy al or Durham st
Wilson Wm. brickmaker, 32 Vine
Wilson Wm. waiter, 121 Hill
Wilson Wm. mariner, 55 East
Wilson Wm. H. laborer, Madison ct bet Eden and
Canal st
Winchester Frederick, 32 Douglass
Wineburn Lewis, jeweler, 167 Orleans
Wing David, laborer, 249 s Charles
Wing John, engineer, Diamond n of Mulberry
Wisher Aaron, seaman, rear 21 n Sharp
Wisher Henry, laborer, 64 Potter
Won Milly, nr Fort McHenry
Wood Alexander, waiter, 37 State
Wood Elizabeth, washer, 19 Eutaw ct
Wood Z. laborer, Camel al bet Garden & Bolton st
Woodfield Ellen, cook, al rear 42 Tyson st
Woodland Harriet, chambermaid, al rear 42 Tyson
Woodland John, cook, Castle al s of Canton av
Woodland Wra. waiter, 15 Jasper
Woods Eiias, laborer, 4 Edward
Woods Ellen, dress maker. 29 East
Woods James, waiter, 20 jasper
Woods Jas. Henry, barber shop, 99 n Green
Woods Lewis, drayman, 69 Union al
Woods Stephen, porter, 104 Potter