Jackson Paris, coachman, rear 143 Eutaw
Jackson Randal, carter, Dallas n of Pratt
Jackson Ruth, washer, 69 Jasper
Jackson Saml. laborer, Elbow lane, e Warner st
Jackson Susan, 109 Low
Jackson Sylvia, 103 s Dallas
Jackson Thos. waiter. 65 Orchard
Jackson Tilghman, wagoner, Jordan al near Bid-
die st
Jackson Willis, shoemaker, 19 Hamilton
Jackson Wm. waiter, 68 Tyson
Jackson Wm. H. wagoner, 177 Peirce
Jacob Basil, sawyer, n e cor Wagon al & Poppleton
Jacobs Ann, milliner, 62 Mulberry
Jacobs Eliza, cook, 9 Vine
Jacobs James, brickmaker, 280 Raborg
Jacobs Margaret, 15 Booth
Jacobs Mary A. cook, Gillingham al
Jacobs Wm. grain measurer, Dallas s of Pratt
Jakes Charlotte, 64 n Liberty
Jakes Fredk. waiter, Park between Richmond and
Jakes Henry, barber, 4 Bank lane dw 121 St. Paul
James Geo. laborer, John al rear 105 Franklin st
James Jas. mariner, 131 Low
James Nathan, ostler, L. Monument nr Orchard
James Owen, laborer, Mullikin st e of Broadway
James Peter, laborer, 109 Jasper
James Saml. sawyer, 421 Saratoga
Jaques Ralph, barber, Park near Richmond
Jarret Joshua, laborer, Montmorency al
Jefferson Cornelia, washer, Gillingham al
Jefferson Henry, stevadore, 80 n Spring
Jefferson Isabella, 27 Tyson
Jefferson James, barber, 48 n Greene
Jefferson Richd. laborer, 15 Vine
Jeffries Benj. laborer, 160 East
Jenkins Alex. waiter, 114 Holliday
Jenkins B. barber, G. Hughes near Light dw C8
Jenkins Charlotte, washer, 36 Elbow lane
Jenkins Cyrus, barber, G. Hughes e of Light
Jenkins Ellen, Union near Ross
Jenkins Frisby scowman, 75 L. Hughes
Jenkins Geo. H. at printing office next 110 Har-
ford av
Jenkins Geo. porter, 109 Potter
Jenkins Jacob, whitewashes Ivy al near Tyson st
Jenkins Jas. boarding house, rear Washington Hal
Plowman st
Jenkins Jno. Howard s of Montgomery
Jenkins Jno. laborer, 65 L. Church
Jenkins Jno. brickmaker, Montmorency al
Jenkins Jno. sawyer, 180 Dallas
Jenkins Martha, eating house, 5 Marion
Jenkins Peter drayman, 53 Chesnut al
Fnkins Phoebe, washer, Biddle al
Jenkins Saml. stevadore, 212 Dallas
Jenkins Wm. brickmaker, £2 Marion
Jennings Chas. mariner, 79 Potter
Jennings Henry, porter, 86 Jasper
Jennings Maria, 12 Stockton
John Thos. porter, 12 Biddle al
Johns Elizabeth, cook, Cider al bet How'd & Eutaw
Johns Francis, porter, 2 Jew al
Johns Henny, 43 Jefferson
Johns Henry, 16 Welcome al
Johns Henson, waterman, w end West st
Johns Jefferson. Moore al near Biddle st
Johnson Abigail, washer, 3 Chesnut al
Johnson Abrm. laborer, Burgundy al e Warner st
Johnson Adam, laborer, 5 Mechanics' ct
Johnson Alex. sailor boarding house, Caroline s of
Johnson Alex. Saratoga ct from Arch st
Johnson Alfred, mariner. 88 n Spring
Johnson Ann, cor. Moore al and L. Monument st
Johnson Ann, 41 Forest
Johnson Aquilla, carter. Elbow lane n'r Fremont st
Johnsou Benj. laborer, Madison av
Johnson Caleb, porter, 124 Tyson
Johnson Caroline, 176 s Caroline
Johnson Caroline, 51 L. Pleasant
Johnson Casandra, 12 Hull's lane
Johnson Catherine, washer, 41 Wayne
Johnson Chas. H. drayman, 74 Holland
Johnson Chas. drayman, e of Apple al
Johnson Chas. 157 Bank
Johnson Chas. porter, Ivy al near Park st
Johnson Chas. coachman, 64 Moore's al
Johnson Chas. caulker, 192 Dallas
Johnson Chas. laborer, 191 s Sharp
Johnson Christopher, brickmaker, Dallas s of Pratt
Johnson Clement, 286 Raborg
Johnson Cornelius, laborer, Dallas st n of Pratt
Johnson Danl. coachman, Park bet Clay & Saratoga
Johnson David, Hamburg between Hanover and
Johnson Dennis, carter, 163 Sarah Ann
Johnson Dorcas, cook, 56 East
Johnson Edwd. porter, 40 n Sharp
Johnson Edwd. laborer, Dallas s of Bank
Johnson Edwd. waiter, 40 Dover
Johnson Edwd. hackman, 116 Aisquith