Cook John, oak cooper, 29 Raborg
Cook John, sawyer, 45 Chatsworth.
Cook Moses, blacksmith, Tessier-st. near Biddle
Cook Thomas, oak cooper, 31 Raborg
Cook Thomas, barber, 16 Eutaw court
Cook Wm. laborer, 20 Sarah Ann
Coop A. brickmaker, 104 s Durham
Cooper A. laborer, n Fort road, near Locust Point
Cooper Charles, laborer, 6 Wayne
Cooper Edward, drayman, 73 Orchard
Cooper Ezekiel. porter, 3 Tyson
Cooper Harriet A. washer, Washington al
Cooper Henry, drayman, 113 Montgomery
Cooper Henry, grain measurer, China al
Cooper Joseph, caulker, 159 Durham
Cooper Madison, 2 Lloyd
Cooper Mary, washer, 94 Montgomery
Cooper Martha, 112 Camden
Cooper Matthias, mariner, 33 Potter
Cooper Perry, ice cream and oyster dealer, Wolf st
s Eastern av
Cooper Perry, whip sawyer, s e cor Eastern av and
Cooper Perry, 158 Durham
Cooper Philis S. 2 Lloyd
Cooper Robert, 182 Durham
Cooper Samuel, caulker, 161 s Durham
Cooper Susan, 30 L. Church
Cooper Thos. coachman, 49 State
Cooper Thos. 307 Eastern av
Cooper Thos. porter, 36 Park
Cooper Thos. caulker, 174 Dallas
Corner Jas. brickmaker, 227 Columbia
Cornish Adam, drayman, 178 s Howard
Cornish Chas. porter, Harford av
Cornish Chas. ship carpenter, Cecil al
Cornish David, Salisbury al
Cornish Dennis, laborer, betw. 64 and 66 L. Hughes
Cornish Elizabeth, 39 Perry
Cornish Geo. laborer, 24 Slemmer's al
Cornish Jas. laborer, 79 Dallas
Cornish James H. seaman Cecil al
Cornish John, drayman, Jordan al. n Rose si
Cornish Louisa, between 75 and 81 L. Hughes
Cornish Lucinda, washer, Gravel al. between Sara-
toga and Pleasant
Cornish Matilda, seamstress, 51 Chesnut al
Cornish Thos. grain carrier, Dallas st. s Pratt
Cornish Wm. raftsman, 43 Sarah Ann
Corsey Eliza, Goodman al. n Cross
Coston Chas. whitewasher, 140 Low
Cotanch Geo. porter, Saratoga ct. from 77 Arch st
Cotman Isaac, waiter, court rear Marion w of .Park
Cotton John A. barber, 5 n Howard
Coulson Chas. brickmaker, 7 Philpot al
Coulson W. 1 Johnson
Coursey Jas>. varnisher, 14 Mechanics' court
Coursey Wm. laborer, rear 40 Potter
Courtney Mary, 27 Hull's lane
Cowell Deborah, washer, 69 Lewis
Cox Susan, 86 East
Crawford Caroline, washer, Wolf al
Crawford Henry, rear 77 e Lombard
Crawford Joseph, hod carrier, 33 Biddle al
Crawford Rachel, cook, 70 Centre
Creek Charlotte, 199i n Exeter
Crew Edward T. brickmaker, Cecil al
Crew Francis A. oysterman, Cider al. near Greene
Crew Richard, brickmoulder, 133 Hill
Crew Wm. brickmoulder, Spring s Madison
Crick Eliza, 12 Dover
Crippin Lytleton,hackman,23 Wayne
Crocker Jacob, laborer, Moore al. near Tessier st
Cromwell Catherine, 33 Forrest
Cromwell E. barber. 37 Arch
Cromwell Francis, cooper, 28 Vine
Cromwell Gabriel, barber, 37 Arch
Cromwell Isaac, drayman, w end West st
Cromwell Robert, waiter, 70 Orchard
Cromwell Rose A. grocer, Henrietta st. w Howard
Cromwell Samuel H. 17 Guilford al
Cromwell Stephen, laborer, Stirrit's town
Crouch Samuel, laborer, Tyson n Madison
Crump Emeline, washer, 202 Durham
Cruse Andrew, distiller, 56 Peirce
Cummins Simon, Constitution n of Pen.
Cunningham Wm. steward, Dallas n of Lombard
Cure Eliza, washer, 22 Leadenhall
Curtis Bedna, drayman, Harford road, n Point lane
Curtis Benj. 108 Dugan's wharf
Curtis Elizabeth, washer, Raborg between Repub-
lican and Shroeder
Curtis Richard, porter, L. Monument near Orchard
Curtis Wm. laborer, 124 Hill
Cyer Amelia, 86 s Spring
Cyre John, farmer, Dallas n of Lombard
DAIRY GEO. W. laborer, 49 Lewis
Dairy Samuel, hackman, 67 Short
Dairy Samuel, grain measurer, 82 Tyson
Dangerfield Daniel, waiter, 1 Eutaw court
Dangerfield Maria, 1 Eutaw court
Dansbury James, Mullikin e of Ann
Dansbury Writson. Mullikin w of Broadway
Danton Henry, laborer, 104 Potters