Yieidhall Thomas, huckster, 45 Columbia
Yingland Richard, carpen:er, 9J Columbia
Yingling" Richard H.. earpeater, M irris al near
Do pnin si
YOE BENJAMIN F.justice peace, 330 w Pratt,
dw 99 Con way
YDS John, bone gatherer, Jordan al cear Preston st
Yossenhonn Joseph, cooper, 42 Philpot
Yost Catherine, Euing near Wilson
Yost George, salesman, 170 East
Yost John, venilian blind maker, 80 Pine
Yuuce John Fredk bailiff, 102 Eden
Yough Christian, tailor, 118 s Exeter
Zoundt Mary S. 118 s Paca
Young A. L. Hanson, printer. 187 Ai-quith
Young Alex. appraiser in custom house, 282 w Ball
Young Benj justice peace, 99 Con way
YOUNG & CARSON, wholesale grocers and com
mission merchants, 46 and 48 Light
Young Chas, wood miner and sawyer, Swan n side
Young Charles, tallow chandler, 132 s Canal
Youug Cornelius W. baker and conlect. 746 w Balt.
Young Elizabeth, 218 Caroline
Young Francis, n w cor Brune and Franklin
Young Fredk printer, 14 Watson
Young George W. millinery estab. 37 n Eutaw
Young George, laborer. 21S Eastern av
Young George, moulder, 2 Schroeder
Young Henry, comb maker, 90 n Eden
Young Henry N. biscuit baker, 121 n Caroline
Young Hirarn, machinist, Hollins st nr Stockton al
Young James, book and job printer, n w cor Ball,
and Holliday, dw Watson
Young James L. grocer, 133 e Lombard
Young Jane, 256 n Howard
Young John, keeper Black Bear Tavern, 143 Sarat.
Young John, carpenter, n w cor Gay and Chew
Young John, mariner, 163 Wolf
Young John, cor Amity and Baltimore
Young John, tavern, 114 Dugan's wharf
Young John, carpenter, 7 Hollins Market
Young John A. tailor, 672 w Baltimore
Young John B. fur blower, 168 1/2 e Monument
Young John, coach smith, 153 n High
Young Capt. Joseph, mariner, Gough e Chapel
YOUNG JOSHUA A. ship joiner w Falls av s end,
dw Favet'e
Young Margaret, fancy goods deal. 242 Broadway
Young Margaret A dress maker, 75 n Greene
Young Martin, carpenter, 305 Franklin
Young Mary, 103 Saratoga
Young Melinda, 102 L. Greene
Young Michael, laborer, 145 Alice Anna
Young Michael, tailor, Bank st w Castle al
Young Mrs. 57 Harford av
Young PeterF. laborer, 13 Holland
Young Robert, tailor, 17 Low
Young Robert, grocer, 174 s Howard
Young Robert, nailor. 130 Camden
Young S. Franklin cor Courtland
Young Tilman, wagoner, 121 s Howard
Young Capt. Walter S mariner, 192 Wolf
Young Capt. Wm. R. Regester st s of Bank
Young Wm. flour merchant. 183 Hanover
Young Wm. T.firm Y. & Carson, dw 281 w Fayette
Young Wm. G. manuf. and dealer campbene and
etherial oil, lamps. &c. tin and lamp manuf. 16 n
Howard, dw s e cor Lee and Hanover
Young Wm. laborer, s e cor Oregon ami Lombard
Young Wm. H. attorney at law, 8 Court House
lane, dw 74 Aisquith
Young Wm. H. etherial oil and lamp dealer, 16
n Howard and 155 Hanover
Younger Danl. K. grocer, 2 L. Gough
Younger George, batcher, Fayette st e Broadway
Younger Jasper, agr. imp. maker, North between
Eager and Chase
Younger John, carter, Cross e of Hanover
Younger John, tailor, 13 New Church
Younger Maria, tailoress, 132 Garden
Younger Richard, bricklayer, 352 w Lombard
Younger Robert, policeman, 115 Hamburg
Youngman John R. shoemaker, 65 Huffman
Youngrnan John, laborer, cor Ross and Preston
Youngman Wm. D. huckster, 68 Preston
Younker Albert, painter, Granby w Canal
Younker Philip, furn carter, 98 n Caroline
Young George, tailor, al from Hamburg to Cross
st e of Charles
Youse Wm. tinner, 94 Camden, dw 14 N. Church
ZAHAU CHR. sawyer, between Penn'a av. Division,
Townsend and Moshersts
Zallnhofer George, cigar and shoe finding dealer,
82 Harrison
Zane Peter, oak cooper, 35 and 37 Commerce, dw
128 s E ien
Zanenowich Luke, confectioner, Charles, dw 16
New Church
Zaph John, tavern, 218 Broadway
Zastro Fredk. ship carpenter, 324 Eastern av
Zaulauf Henry, clothier, 192 Alice Anna
Zdeller Jno. cupper & bleeder,Stirling below Eager
Zeber Israel, cedar cooper, Penn'a av nr. Frem't st