Wilson Robt. plumber and coppersmith, cor Holli-
day and Saratoga, dw 12 e Monument
Wilson Robt. W. painter, Boyd dw 394 w Lombard
Wilson Samuel P. carpenter, 90 Aisquith.
Wilson Samuel, 205 Broadway
Wilson Samuel, painter, 71 Hollins
Wilson Sarah, Calvert al from Briton st
Wilson Stuart, clerk, 191 Franklin
WILSON T. OSWALD, tobacco and graia mer-
chant, 130 Dugan's wharf, dw 4 s Galvert
Wilson Thomas, engineer, Canton
WILSON THOMAS'S hotel, 119 n High
Wilson Thomas, blacksmith, 777 w Baltimore
Wilson Thomas J. firm Wm. W. & Sons, dw 111
WILSON THOMAS & CO. ship & commission
merchants, 62s Gay, dw T. W. n e cor Lexing-
ton and Calvert
Wilson Thomas, clerk, 32 s Paca
Wilson Thomas, 125 Albernarle
Wilson Wesley, dry goods dealer, 67 e Pratt
Wilson Wm. H. grocer, 41 Hampstead
Wilson Wm. potter, 2 n Amity
Wilson Wm. H. dealer, Chester s of Bank
Wilson Wm. M. carpenter, 418 w Lombard
Wilson Wm. jr. firm W. & Burns, dw w Lombard
Wilson Wm. firm Bird & Wilson, e Pratt 2 doors
from Exeter
Wilson Wm. T. engineer, 71 Granby
Wilson Wm. grocer and commission merchant, s w
cor Marion and Howard, or 2 s Howard, dw 256
Wilson Wm. carpenter, 29 Perry
Wilson Wm. currier, 149 Columbia
Wilson Wm. H. firm J. W. & Son, dw 9 Aisquith
WILSON WM. & SONS, dipping merchants,
135 Baltimore
Wilt Jacob, laborer, 12 Carpenter's al
Wiltshire James J. S. coach maker. 45 George
Wilzhacher Aug. cab't maker, Madison w Stirling
Wimmel George S. crier Baltimore County Court,
187 e Baltimore
Wimmer George, cabinet maker, Lemon nr Frem't
Wimsett Robert W. painter, 18 s Paca extd
Winans Ross, machinist, s e cor Parkin & Hollins
Winberg Abraham, shoemaker, 35 Short
Winchester Alex. mt. miller, 81 Spear's wharf, dw
89 St. Paul
Winchester Deborah, 52 Stiles
Winchester George, 57 Madison
WINCHESTER & HOFFMAN, stock and ex-
chanse brokers, 206 Baltimore
Winchester James, firm Brown & W. 195 Biddle
Winchester J. Marshall, firm W.& Hoffman, 57
Winchester O. F. & Co.'s gent, furnishing store &
hat and shirt factory, 145 Baltimore. See card
Winchester Saml.'s lottery and exchange, cor Balt.
and North, dw 79 n Charles
Winchester Saml C. patent shirt manuf. dealer in
gents furnishing goods, &c. 165 Baltimore
Winchester Wm. supt. Water Co. 38 Franklin
Winckletnan Fredk, well digger, 176 Con way
Winder Andrew, cutter, 121 e Lombard
Winder John, sailor, 78 Hampstead
Winder Miss Mary S. 407 w Lombard
Winderling John, harness maker, Canton av e of
Chester st
Windsor C. W. n w cor Light and Brown
Windsor Margaret M. tailoress, 50 s Bond
Windwart Henry, shaving and dressing saloon, 99
Wineberg Philip, peddler, 175 East
Winecom Wm. laborer, 205 s Bond
Wineholt Andrew, tailor, Walker e of Bond
Winekam Henry, 104 Thames
Winer Martin, carpet weaver, 160 s Ann
Winesyl Conrad, carpet weaver, Albemarle s Fawn
Winfield Mary, 43 n Poppleton
Winford Thos. manager Chesap. furnace, Ellicott n
of Ches. Canton
Wing Jane R. tutoress, basement Ger. Ref. Church
n e cor Paca and Saratoga
Wingarden Aaron, 55 Hanover
VVingarden Henrietta, milliner, 55 Hanover
Wingate George, painter, 289 s Charles
Wingate John H. shoemaker, n w cor Warner and
Wingate Major C. R. mariner, 77 Gough
Wingate Capt. Thomas T. mariner, Bond s Pratt
Wingate Wm. carpenter, 184 Bank
Winike John, butcher, Monument st e Broadway
Winkel Henry, grocer, n w cor Scott and Pratt
Winkleman Fredk. baker, 132 L. Greene
Winkleman Henry, box maker, 23 Perry, shop 15
n Sharp
Winkleman John, laborer, Bevan al s Henrietta st
Winkleman John, tailor, 191 Alice Anna
Winkleman John, grocer & liquor dealer, 12 State
Winkleman John H. shoemaker, 50 s Eutaw
Winkler Bartholomew, tobacconist, 51 s Charles
Winkler Morris V. n w cor Fremout and Fayette
Winks John W. camphene dealer, Monument e of