TRAVERS J. THOMAS, wholesale grocer and
liquor merchant, 92 Light st whf. dw 133 Hanover
Travers John, 56 Barre
Travers Martha A. 104 Cross
Travers Priscilla, tutoress, 217 Wolf
Travers Capt. Saml. H. mariner, 122 Lee
Travers Capt. Thus. 28 G. Hughes
Travers Wm. H. painter, 212 Wolf
Travers Wm. H. painter, 13 Warren
Travers Wm. H. attorney at law, 40 Lexington
Trayser Philip P. machinist, 126 Thames, dw Pratt
w Wolf
Treadwav Laflet, blacksmith, Washington n Bank
Trebba Fredk. carpenter, 54 n Amity
Trego Adaline, 168 s Paca
TREGO ALBERT & SON, foreign and domestic
liquor dealers, 54 s Calvert, dw 63 Hill
Trego G. W. firm T. Tall & Co 192e Pratt
Trego Tall & Co. sail makers, 77 Smith's wharf
Trego Wm. prop, chern. factory, dw 127 Hanover
Treich John B. tailor. 65 n High
Trenbrewer Henry, paver. 37 Douglass
Trennel Fredk. Henrietta, w of Howard
Tress John, laborer, 23 s Canal
Treulieb Melchor, lock smith, 23 Ensor
Treusch Adam, tin & sheet iron worker, 230 B'way
Treusch, Chas. tinner, 228 Canton av
Treuser Geo. tailor, 210 Ensor
Tride John H. cabinet maker, 55 Pine
Triebert Henry, china and tin ware dealer, 535 '7
Trigour Mrs. Delila, 6'2 Camden
Trilly Samuel, clothier, 51 Harrison
Trimble Ann, Gough e Chapel
Trimble Elizabeth, 162 Franklin
Trimble Isaac H. chief engineer, B. & Susq. R. R
108 Park
Trimble John, porter, 80 s High
Trimble Mary Ann, 68 e Pratt
Trimble Rebecca, B. trim, dealer, 33 e Balt
Trirnble Thos. firm Egenton, Morris & Co. 55 Al-
be marie
Trippe Jno. shoemaker, Fort road, nr. powd. house
Trippe Capt. Joseph F. 72 e Balt
Tritle Catherine, 81 Lancaster
Troll Frederick, cabinet maket, 192 s Howard
Trott Eliza, 71 Ann
Trott Henry, coach smith, 66 Aisquith
Trott Sabert. carter, 64 Aisquith
Trotton Thos. lime and feed dealer, n e cor Guil-
ford and Bowly, dw 6 Broadway
Troudner Joseph, tailor, Eager s of Somerset
Troudner Uhlrick, tailor. Lombard cor Regester
Trout Francis, carpenter. G. Hughes, e of Light
Troup Henrietta, 131 n Charles
Troutman Christ, moroc. dresser, 96 Pearl
Trowbridge Danl. 260 w Fayette
Trowbridge Reuben, carpenter, 221 Lexington
Troxall Abraham, carpenter, 248 Mulberry
Troxall John carp. Park between Marion & Fayette
Troxall Thos. F. firm Saml. Keyser &, Co. dw 155
Troy Richard, shipping office, 39 Lancaster
Troy Susan, 50 Perry
Truetl Oliver, huckster, 302 n Eden
Truetl Wm R. clerk, 171 Hanover
Truit Mary Ann, 12 Fish market
Trull Ann boarding house, 42 n Calvert
Truman Mary, 173 Cunway
Trumbo Geo. L. butcher. Harford av e of Eager st
Trumbow Henry C. carp. 71 Perry
Trumel John, tailor, Durham n of Bank
Trummater, Christian, laborer, between P. av Di-
vision, Townsend and Mosher sts
chants, w Falls av dw C. T. 130 Park
Trumper Jacob, gardener, 242 s Dallas
Trusch Chs. tin and stove fact. 184 s Broadway
Trust Harman, baker, 6 Hill
Trust Jacob, importer and dealer in fancy and va-
riety goods, 312 Balt, dw 293 Lexington
Truxl'ey Isaac, plasterer, 103 William
Tucker Aaron H. undertaker, 1 Dewberry al
Tucker Eli, carpenter, 20 Orchard
Tucker Geo. W. cupper, leecher & bleeder, 2 s High
Tucker Henry R. dw s w cor Howard & Ross
Tucker John W. ship joiner, 165 Wolf
Tucker John, waterman, s extrem. Sharp st
Tucker John, mariner. Pleasant al w Castle
TUCKER JOHN H. chair maker, 2 w Balt, ad-
joining bridge, dw 28 Stiles
Tucker John W. blacksmith, 181 Lee
Tucker Joseph R. chair maker, 69 Hillen
Tucker Joseph, 20 s Howard
Tucker Margaret, 65 Lexington
Tucker Martin, 22 Somerset
Tucker Quigly J. carp. 23 Marion, dw Poppleton
Tucker R & H. R. com mts. 52 s Gay, up stairs,
dw R. H. T. cor Howard and Ross
Tucker Samuel, carp. Poppleton betweeu Lexing-
ton & Saratoga
Tucker Saborh, watchman, Warner s e of Lee
Tucker Wm. A. daguerreotypist, 101 Balt dw 20
s Howard