Tawny Patrick J. stone cutter, 246 n Gay, yard
Tayhender G. mariner, 174 s Wolf
Taylor Capt. Abednego, waterman, 34 G. Hughes
Taylor Mrs. Alexander, 216 Madison
Taylor Alien, Portland w of Emory
Taylor Ann, 23 French
Taylor Benj. fisher, alley fm s Front to the Falls, n
of Lombard st
Taylor Benj. mariner, 174 s Spring
Taylor Charles R. 124 e Baltimore
Taylor Charles, firm G. K. Tyler & Co. of steam
saw mill, 105 s Exeter
Taylor David, carp'r, 199 Franklin, shop 65 Jasper
Taylor Edward J. 181 e Fayette
Taylor Elizabeth, boarding house, 47 Philpot
Taylor Elizabeth, 251 e Baltimore
Tarlor Elizabeth, shoe binder, 43 Marion
Taylor Frances, 143 Park
Taylor Francis, stone & marble cutter, 160s How'd
Taylor Geo. W. clerk, 134 e Monument
Taylor Geo. tallow chandler, 138 s Canal
Taylor Geo. tavern keeper, 22 e Pratt
TAYLOR kGRUNDY, importers of cloths and
cassimeres, 240 Balt
Taylor Dr. Geo. 88 s Charles
Taylor Geo. grocer, 7 Stiles
Taylor Geo. E. printer, 1 Holland
Taylor Henry, weaver, 505 Saratoga
Taylor Henry, pattern maker, 112 St Mary
Taylor Henry, bookseller, Chew st e of Aisquith
Taylor Henry, machinist, 119 Hollins
Taylor Henry, firm Wm. T. & Co. dw 39 Chew
Taylor Henry S firm T. & Grundy, s e cor Madi-
son and Cathedral
Taylor Hezekiah, clerk Western Bank, 60 Vine
Taylor Hezekiah, machinist, 779 Balt
Taylor Isaac, shoemaker, 250 s Charles.
Taylor Isabella, 275 n Howard
Taylor Isaiah, tobacconist, 165 e Fayette
Taylor Jacob H. agent, 128 Dugan's whf. dw. 29 s
Taylor Jacob, carpenter, 123 Orleans
Taylor Capt. James, 13 n Front
Taylor James B. furn. wagoner, 210 n Eden
Taylor James, laborer, 174 Fremont
Taylor James, shoemaker, dw 109 Mulberry, shop
346 w Balt up stairs
Taylor Capt. Jas, 56 n Front
Taylor Jaines, w Balt near Fulton
Taylor James, plumber, 27 Philpot al
Taylor Col. J. P. of U. S. army, St. Paul, nr, Mad.
Taylor James, watchman, 202 s Ann
Tavlor Jas. W. W. dyer and scourer, 70 s Charles
Taylor Jesse, 232 e Fayette
Taylor John, pile driver, Regester n of Bank
Taylor John T. huckster, G. Hughes e of Light
Taylor John, 62 Pearl
Taylor John M. clerk, 172 n Fremont
Taylor John, shoemaker, 239 Alice Ann
Taylor John H. painter, 73 Park, dw 7 Josphine
Taylor John Wesley, watchman, 98 Jefferson
Taylor John, furn. carter, 214 1-2 e Lombard
Taylor John, huckster, 162 Light
Taylor Jourdon, millinery dealers, 94 Broadway,
TAYLOR JOSEPH J. agent Baltimore Steam Co.
w. Falls av city block
Taylor Joseph, dw 214 w Lombard
Taylor Joseph, huckster, Penn av extended.
Taylor Joshua, 18d n Caroline
Taylor Joshua, shoemaker, dw 114 Hill
Taylor Joshua, boot & shoe maker, 229 w Pratt
TAYLOR & KEYS, grocers & commssion merch-
ants, n e cor Howard and Lexington
Taylor Lemuel, police officer, 213 e Lombard
Taylor Levi, steam marb. works, 106 s Charles, dw
136 s Howard
Taylor Lorenzo D. tailor, 143 Madison
Taylor Mager, carpenter, dw 149 e Monment
Taylor Mary A. 4 Armistead lane
Taylor Matthew, wire weaver, cor Fayette &. Lib-
erty, dw 240 Saratoga
Taylor Dr. Milton H. 140 Aisquith
Taylor Mortimer, hardware dealer, — Gay, 217
Taylor Mortimer, firm Thompson & T. dw 100
Taylor Nelson, tinner. 32 Chew
Taylor R. Q. fashionable hat estab. 5 n Calvert
Taylor Richard, engineer, Jew als of Madison
Taylor Rich. d. goods deal, cor Hanover & Hughes
Taylor Richard, 1 Somerset
Taylor Richard, plane maker, 20 Constitution
Taylor Robert, diary and butter depot, 44 Camden
Taylor Robert A. dw 41 Franklin
Taylor Capt. Robert Alexander, 47 s Exeter
Taylor Robert, 36 e Pratt
Taylor Samuel, carpenter, 754 w Baltimore
Taylor Samuel J. bricklayer, 91 Orleans
Taylor Samuel, bellows maker, 209 e Lombard
Taylor Thomas, machinist, 104 Harford av
Taylor Thomas, machinist, 486 w Pratt
Taylor Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 93 Light st
wharf, dw 87 York