Beall Horatio, clerk Susquehanna depot, 363 w
Beall John, laborer, Regester s of Fleet
Beall Rachel, 15 Barnet
Beall Richard B. property agent, 203 n Howard, of.
Mansion House, cor Fayette and St. Paul
Bealmer, Catherine B. 223 n Howard
Beam Jacob, miller, 21 George
Beam Robert M. mail agent Susquehanna railroad,
83 Lexington
Beaman Wm. clerk, 80 n Greene
Beamer Henry, merchant, 92 n Eutaw
Bean Christiana, 141 Ann
Bean Joseph H. carpenter and builder, 20 McClel-
lan, dw 27 n Liberty
Bean Robert M. firm Goodrich & Bean, dw Ann
Bean Thomas A. pilot, 268 Eastern av
Bear Henry, cabinet maker, Wolfs of Gough
Bear Henry, 61 n Schroeder
Bear Rev. John, 1 19 n Eutaw
Bear John, bag maker, Wolf s of Gough
Bear John, stone eutter, Regester s of Pratt
Beard Catherine, trader in market, 50 Penna. av
Beard Capt. John, jr. 64 Lee
Beard Jno. collector & property agent, 148 Hanover
Beard Joseph, carpenter, 286 e Monument
Beard Capt. Lewis, 73 Columbia
Beast Mary E. boarding house, 6 Lovely lane
Beasten Geo. J. commission merchant, 79 Light st
whf. dw 142s Charles
Beatty Cornelius E. firm Stickney & B. dw 52 St.
Beatty George, wood dealer, 34 Spring
Beatty James, of Baltimore biscuit manufacturing
Co. 213 w Saratoga
Beatty John, 38 Con way
Beatty Joseph, biscuit baker, 95 Albemarle
Beatty M. & W. Bar re w of Light
Beattv Mary. 142 Madison
BEATTY WILLIAM H. of Baltimore Co. biscuit
and cracker manufactory, 4 O'Donnell's whf. dw
129 n Charles
Beaty Geo. wood dealer, 42 s Spring
Beaty Mary, 29 Garden
Beaty Michael, laborer, Regester B of Baltimore
Beamont Isaiah, hack proprietor, 421 Baltimore
Beauchamp John, shoemaker, s w cor. Lerew's al
and Franklin st
Beauchamp Robert F. tailor, 125 Light st whf
Bautlepeckher Charles, blacksmith, 184 Hollins
Bebie Hartist, 59 n Gay
Bechenheimer David, peddler, 13 Hampstead
Bechtel John W. plumber, 45 St. Paul, dw 85 Gar-
den st
Beck Adam, laborer, 34 Preston
Beck Frederick, whip, cane and umbrella manufac-
turer, n e cor Saratoga and Davis, See card
Beck Frelish, laborer, 91 n Fremont
Beck Godlip F. painter, 22 s Sharp
Beck John, laborer, 64 Jasper
Beck John, cooper, 1 William
Beck John G. cabinet maker, 20 Park
Beck Joseph, dairy keeper, 229 s Bond
Beck Thomas; carpet manufacturer and dealer, 3 n
Beck William R. proprietor furniture cars, 382
Beck Wm. tinner, 66 Orleans
Beckal Henry, wheelwright, 9 Eutaw ct
Becker Aaron, engineer, Cambridge st. Canton
Becker Charles, 23 s Paca extd
Becker Francis, tailor, 65 Centre Market
Becker Geo. W. shoemaker, 41 s Liberty
Becker Hamilton, pharmaceutist, 524 Baltimore
Becker John D. porter Chesa. Bank, 162 n Exeter
Becker John, shoemaker, 193 Canton av
Becker Mrs. M. A. milliner, 8§ Baltimore
Becker Peter, upholsterer, 87 Watson
Becker Peter, stove worker, 34 Lee
Beckett Thomas, engineer, n w cor Republican and
Beckelmyer Wm. watchman, 187 n Eutaw
Beckley Geo. Cathedral nr Biddle
Beckley John, milkman, Harford road nr Biddle st
BECKLEY WILLIAM H. paper hanger, 178 n
Gay st
Bedencupp Henry, rag dealer, 114 Durham
Bedenkopf Martin, baker, 10 Ensor
Beder Adam, wagoner, 1 Hollins market
Bedford John, conveyancer, 295 Lexington
Bedline John, farmer, Clinton st
Bedtner John, tavern keeper, 181 Alice Ann
Bee Henry, tavern keeper, 75 w Fayette
Beebe Mrs, J. T. dress maker, 98 s Howard
Beehler Francis, umbrella, whip and cane manu-
facturer, 246 Baltimore
Beeks Wm. nightman, Eastern av w of Chester at
Beemer John H. 57 Lancaster
Beese Wm. D. brickmaker, n e cor Hanover and
Beetley Ann, 270 Eastern av
Beetley Robert S. teacher, 210 s Bond
Beetzler John, coach maker, S AEtna lane, dw Plea-
sant st