Sprague Elisha R. firm S. & Root, 9 Carey street,
Franklin square
Sprague Capt. George, Bond s of Gough
Spragae Henry, laborer, 20 s Ann
SPH.AGUE & ROOT, atttorneys at few and mer-
cantile agents, 202 Baltimore
Sprauklia Marv. D'lrbann s of Baltimore
Spreckelmyer G. H. carpenter, 218 Hanover
Spreckelsen George A. V. 164 w Fayette
Sprenkle Charles, chair maker, & w cor Lombard
and Caroline
Spring Andrew, paver, 50 Short
SPRIGG DANIEL, cashier Merchants' Bank,
Cathedral near Centre
Spiigg Horace, moulder, Eutaw s of West
Sprigg James W. (inner, 329 s Charles
SPR1GG JOSEPH A. & CO. commission mer-
chants 3 Western row, Exchange place
SPRIGG THOMAS, regalia manufacturer, over
cor Baltimore and North, dw 427 w Fayette
Sprigg Wm. carpenter, 413 w Fayette, sh. 17 Grant
Spriggs James, drayman, 197 s Eutaw
Spring City Eastern, Eden betw Lombard & Pratt
Spring City, s Charles, cor Camden
Spring City, Calvert n of Saratoga
Spring Nicholas, 84 Lancaster
Spring Robert, agent, 46 s Spring
Springer David C. 128 e Baltimore
Springer Wolf R. dry goods dealer, 36 C. market
Springsteel Benjamin, ship joiner, Washington st n
Eastern av
Sprole John, grocer, 295 e Monument
Sproston James, 189 w Fayette
Sprowl Wm. carter, 130 n Spring
Sprucebank Benj watchman R. R. depot, Cathedral
st opposite Bolton depot
Spurrier Nelson, conveyancer, 4 Spurrier's ct. dw
w end Fayette, Franklin place
Spurrier Wm. huckster, 118 Pearl
Spurrier Windham, conveyancer, 4 Spurrier's ct.
dw 14 Pine
Sputner Andrew, laborer, 11 Slemmer's al
Spylcer Martin, grocer, 29 Booth
Squires George W. carpenter, Dawson al
Sraus Isaac, fancy dry goods dealer, 109 n Eden
Staab George, wagoner, Caroline s of Chase
Staab George, tailor, 72 Somerset
Staab John, tailor, 72 Somerset
Stabel Linehardt, rear 103 Low
STABLER EDWARD H. & CO. wholesale drag-
gists, 120 w Pratt, d w E. H. S. 235 w Lombard-
See advertisements back cover and last page book
Subler Francis, firm E. H. S. & Co. 331 w Lombard
Stack Catherine, 17 Potter
Stack James, laborer, 134 Low
Stacy George W. harness maker. Concord nr Lom-
Staeir John; carpenter, Hudson st Canton
Stafford James, Locust Point
Stafford Lawrence, 96 York av
Stafford Moses, laborer, 267 Forrest
Stafford Richard carpenter, 237 n Canal
Stafford Capt. Wm. W. 245 e Baltimore
Staggliman Abrahram, shoemaker, 191 n Canal
Stagleman Jefferson A. bricklaver. Chew e Canal
Stagnier Michael, dairyman, 294 Canton ar
Stahl Charles G. baker, Orleans st e Broadway
Stahl Edward L. apothecary and druggist 160 w
Pratt, dw 79 Barre
Stahl George, sen. carpenter, 11 Grant, dw 350
Stahl George, locksmith, 69 Park
Stahl Jacob, tobacconist, 3 s Oregon
Stahl Jacob; refrigerator maker, Gay nr Green wood
Stahl John, 280 Alice Anna
STAHN & MERZ, coach lace weavers, 1 Mercer
Staib Michael, tavern, 99 n Paca
Stakhouse Frank. H Pennsylvania av extd
Staler Robert, carpenter, 159 Stirling
Stalfort Fredk. currier, n w cor Pratt & Eutaw
Stall Alex. carpenter, 94 St. Mary's
Stall Benedict, grocer, s w cor Jefferson k Spring
Stall Edw. L. apothecary, dw 79 Barre
Stall John, steam car worker, 280 Alice Anna
Stall Jos. bricklayer, 171 n Fremont
Stalling James, overseer Susq. cars, cor Cathedral
and Federal
Stallings Jos. A. chair maker, 48 n Eden
Stallings Lewis, brickmaker. Poppleton s McHenry
Stallings Peter, brickmaker, 124 Columbia
Stallings Saml. brickmaker, 124 Columbia
Stallings Wm. C. ladies' shoemaker, 256 n Gay
Stallon Henry, tailor, 59 e Lombard
Stamman Chas. G carpenter, 183 Aisquith
Stamman Edw. G. flour and feed dealer, 24 Ensor
Stammers Sheppard, sup. and agent Canfon distille
ry, Clinton st Canton
Stamp Office State Md. s e cor North and Fayette
Stamp Thos. cooper Dawson al
Stanbrick Fredk. laborer, s end Gates al
Standiford Jacob, 433 n Gay
Standiford Philip, carpenter, 151 Hollins
Standle Fredk. tailor, 112 Montgomery
Stane Saml. ship carp. Canton str e Choplank st