Solomon Wm. shoemaker, 163 Broadway
SOLZE CAROLINE C. milliner, 506 w Baltimore
Solze John A. shoe tool maker and findings dealer,
5 Cheapside, dw 500 w Baltimore
Solzner Christopher, foundryman, 17 Calendar
Somer John, watch maker, 281 Bond
Souiers Frederick, tavern, 31 Thames
Somerville Mrs. E. boarding house, 40 n Calvert
Somerville George W. trunk maker, 21 Josephine
Somerville James, 40 n Calvert
Somerville James, painter, Saratoga, opposite St.
Pauls Church, dw Aisquith
Somerville Rachel, seamstress, Pennsylv'a av extd
Somerville Rebecca, 50 Franklin
Somerville Wm. agricultural implement manufac-
turer, 94 Cross
Somlarkin Fredricka, 340 Saratoga
Sommer Jacob, coach, maker, 201 w Lombard
Somrick Henry, grocer, Scott s of Columbia
Son Morris, tailor, 134 s Spring
Sondheimer Samuel, clothier, 44 Aisquith
Sonler Augustus, currier, 11 High al
Sonnchill Lewis, tailor and clothier, 74 n Gay
Sonneborn A. 2d hand furniture dealer, 79 Penn-
sylvania av
Sonneborn Lewis, clolhier, 273 w Pratt, dw 260
Sonnerran Ottmar, engineer, 114 Mulberry
Sons of Temperance Temple, 47 n Gay
Soper Edward, firm S. J. S. & Co. dw 10 Hollins
Soper Samuel J. & Co. auctioneers and commission
merchants, 42 s Charles, dw S. J. S. 29 Hollins
Soran John, fancy and Windsor chair maker, 137 s
Bond, dw 139
Sorg Wm. cabinet maker, 52 German
Sorgler Augustus, currier, 11 High al
Sorgus Lena, tavern, 81 s Spring
Sorris Charles, baker, 421 w Pratt
Sorter John, boot maker, 373 Lexington
Sosnswig Newman, tailor, 107 Montgomery
Souders Conrad, constable, 158 s Spring
Southard Joseph, moulder, Raborg w Republican
Southcomb Carey, printer, 356 n Gay
Southcomb Dr. J. P. surgeon dentist, 143 s Bond
Southcomb Peter H. wire weaver, 89 n Exeter
Southern John, police officer, 320 e Monument
Southern and Western Reading Rooms, 164 Balt
Sutney James, furnace man, Clinton st. Canton
Southgate Walter F. exchange broker, 17 n High
Southgate Robert O. grocer, s c cor Poppleton and
Sower Christian, blacksmith, 156 Saratoga
bower George, laborer, Penn. av n of Smith st
Sowers Christian, cooper, Penn. av near Dolphin st
Sowers George, Pennsylvania av near Dolphin st
Spack John F. barber. Penn. av n of Smith st
Spade Martin, tailor, Wolf s of Gough
Spafford Ann, 157 s Bond
Spafford George A. carpenter, 155 Bond
Spahn Casper, shoemaker, 204 Happy al or Dur-
ham st
Spahn John, cooper, Belvidere road
Spain Valentine, Patuxent st. Canton
SPALDING BASIL R. grain & tobacco com mis-
sion merchant, dw 103 n Charles
Spalding David, picture dealer, 17 Mercer
Spalding John, lumber inspector, 23 Montgomery
Spalding Michael, huckster, 204 Lexington
Spalding Wm. salesman, 75 Peirce
Spaller Theodore, oak cooper, 382 w Pratt
Spalt John, huckster, Penn. av near Mosher st
Spamer Christian, engineer, 110 Albemarle
Spamor Ludwig. oil dealer, 73 s High
Spangler John, shoemaker, 3 Baker's court, from
17 Rock
Spangler John, laborer, 91 n Schroeder
Spangler John L. cedar cooper, 100 Pine
Spangler Matthias, tavern, 2 South
Spangler Susan, 14 Josephine
SPARHAWK STEARNS, currier, 4 Water, dw
63 Fremont
Sparklin Barton J. chair maker, 1 c Falls av. dw 36
Sparklin Samuel, chair maker. 236 n Eden
Sparks Thomas, machinist, Cathedral n of Tyson.
Sparr Isaac, watchman, Castle al s of Pratt st
Spas win Charles, 77 Oregon
Spavin Wm. blacksmith, 105 Cross
Spavin Wm blacksmith, 557 w Lombard
Spea John, blacksmith, 17 Scott
Speakenrider George, laborer, 12 L. Gough
Speaks James, tinner, 3 Jefferson
Speaks James H. tinner & stove worker, 17 n Pop-
Speaks Nicholas, shoemaker, 35 Poppleton
Spear Alexander L. importer and dealer in watches
and jewelry, 66 Baltimore, dw 89 e Pratt
Spear Capt. James. 205 Ann
SPEAR OTIS, paper warehouse, 21 s Charles, dw
30 n Greene
Spear Wm. pres. Life Ins. Co. office Second st. dw
5 Lexington
Spears John W. currier, 62 e Pratt
Spears Wm. mariner, 238 e Lombard
Spears Wm. 60 Mullikin