Slack Chas. blacksmith & wheelwright, Cathedral
st n Richmond, dw 14 Richmond
Slack Palk. coachman, 1 Hamilton
Slack Wm. H. blacksmith, between Biddle, Cathe-
dral and Grundy
Slack Wm. H. conductor R. R. 74 s Paca
Slade Edward, firm Turnbull, Dall, S. & Co. 109
Slade Lewis, mariner, 70 n Canal
Slager John, laborer, 136 Canton av
Slaghel Charles, carter. Wolfs of Thames
Slagle John W. clerk, 91 Pearl
Slaney Jno. M. sen. firm Tansley, S. & Hollins, dw
15 e Monument
Slanev John M. jr. sup. gas met. man Phoenix Co.
dw 15 Monument
Slaney John M. gas metre maker, 66 Holliday
Slate George A. omnibus agent, 287 Biddle
SLATER GEORGE, grocer & commission mer-
chant, 10 Commerce, dw 40sEutaw
Slater George, carter, 223 Gough
Slater Henry, 80 s High
Slater Henry, fancy goods dealer, 203 Broadway
SLATER JAMES, 133 s Bond
Slater John, butcher, Prospect Hill, rear Balt, st
Slater Joseph, basket maker, 119 Canton av
Slater Robt. stone cutter, Eager st s York road
Slaugh Burkhart, laborer, Port st Canton
Slaughter Francis H. paper stainer, 162 n Howard
Slaughter James Madison, 261) w Lombard
Slaughter John, paper stainer, 197 Lee
Slaven Patk laborer. 21 French
Slaymaker John, porier, 48 Union
Slaysman Alex. 230 e Monument
Slaysman Mahlon, huckster, 149 York av
Slaysrnan Wm. tailor, 329 n Gay
Sleath John, blacksmith, 5 Foundry
Sledden Edwd. hackman, Hargrove al. nr. Centre st
Sleeligh Ernest, butt her, 70 York av
Sleeper Conrad, wagoner, Alice Anna w Washing-
ton st
Sleigh Nelson, clerk, Bond st s of Pratt
Sleith John, laborer, 80 French
Slemmer Capt. Lloyd, Lombard w Ann
Sliber John, tanner, Division between McMechin
and Wilson
Slicer Edwd. A. of custom house, 320 e Baltimore
Slicer Lewis E. coach smith, 38 Jackson
Slicer Margaret, boarding house, over 110 n Gay
Slick Fredk. laborer Fountain st wdistle al
Sligner John, tailor. Eager st s of Somerset
Slingluff Chas, D. firm S. Ensey &. Co. 247 w Lomb'd
SLINGLUFF, ENSEY & CO. wholesale grocers,
13 n Howard
Sliver Elizabeth, 14 Constitution
Sliver Henry, shoemaker, 299 Forrest
SLOAN & CALDWELL. importers and dealers in
brandies, wines, gins, cigars, &c. 17 and 19 Cheap-
side, dw Con way cor Sharp
Sloan David R. coal dealer, n w cor Paca and Ger-
man — 248 Saratoga
Sloan G. R. pr. coal office, 2 s Calvert, dw Saratoga
Sloan George F. firm Burns & S dw 21 n Greene
Sloan Mrs. H. cor Sharp and Conway
Sloan Hugh, baker, 153 n Front
Sloan Jas. druggist, dw 45 Conway
Sloan Jas. laborer, Burkst Canton
Sloan John Q,. firm S. M. Hamilton & Co. dw 404
w Lombard
Sloan Mary Ann, 20 Holland
Sloan Michl. shoemaker, 126 n Eutaw
Sloan Mr. 144 Happy al or Durham st
SLOAN SAMUEL A. lumber merchant, s w cor
Eastern av and W Falls av. dw Hollins
Sloan Stephen, laborer, Burk st Canton
Sloan Wm. H. silversmith, Schroeder between Hol-
lins and Somerset
Sloan Wm. cutler, 2 n Eden
Sloffer Ann, 104 McElderry
Slorp Dorothea, shop keeper, 189 German
Slorp Wm. H. carpenter, Dawson al
Slothower George, firm Slothower, Matthews & Co.
dw 297 Lexington
Slothower John, lime and hair manuf. 27 n Greene
the sale of domestic and foreign dry goods, 273
Slotsberger John, rope maker, Harford road s of
Point lane
Sludden Edwd. hackman, Hargrove al nr Centre st
Slugerbeer W. shoemaker, 115 Lancaster
Slusher Henry, laborer, 139 Alice Anna
Sly John G. baker, 225 n Gay
Slyder Cath. dress maker, 142 Mulberry
SMALL GEORGE, produce and commission mer-
chant, 72 North, dw 8 Waterloo row, n Calvert st
Small James, hutcher, 136 Penn a av
Small Jesse W. constable, 61 Vine
Small John, jr. attorney, 13 St. Paul st
Small John, trunk matter. 148 s Bond
Small John, silver chaser, 201 German
Small Josiah, 177 w Fayette
Small Josiah, jr. attorney at law, no. 8 Law build-
ings, Lexington st