Shea Mary, 307 Canton av
Sheaff Henry, laborer, 229 s Bond
Shearholt John F. cigar maker, 38 President
Sheck George, laborer, Bank e of Caroline
Sheck John, currier. Canal s of Pratt
SheckeLs Benj. s of F. Hill Market
Sheckels Richd. W. granite cutlet , 28 Brune
Sheckels Richd. M. bricklayer, 710 w Baliimore
Sheckles John, grocer, 97 Con way
Sheckles Wm. P. stone cutter, 152 Hollins
Shedrach Richd. bricklayer, Pleasant al w Cast, al
Sheebach Henry, grocer, 427 w Pratt
Sheehan Margaret, 38 Union
Sheeler Anthony, cedar cooper, 189 East
Sheeler George, cooper, Durham not Pratt
Sheeler Jacob, shoemaker, 17 Booth
Sheeler John, cedar cooper, Bloodgood's ct
Sheeler Wm. machinist, Fort road s Powder house
Sheely John, watchman, 233 Biddle
Sheeter Frederick, lumber wagoner, 123 Canton av
Sheets Capt. George, 197 n Fremont
Sheets Henry C. cabinet maker,270 Mulberry
Sheffer Daniel H. carpenter, 259 Mulberry
Sheffield Frederick, tinner, Bond n of Jefferson
Shehan John P. pilot, Arm s of Lombard
Shehan Michael, 78 North
Shehan Thomas U. camphine dealer, 127 Ross
Shehause Wm. upholsterer, 52 Vine
Sheidling Arnold, clothier, 119 n Howard
Sheink John, cooper, 40 Hampstead
Sheirman Conrad, tailor, 580 Alice Anna
Sheitt George Leinhardt, tailor. 116 s Durham
Sheldon James, collector, 17 Williamson's al
Sheldon John, shoemaker, 166 Orleans
Sheldon John, shoemaker, 21 Williamson's al
Sheler Augustus, tobacco & cigar dealer, 9 Holliday
Shell Joseph, laborer, 218 Eastern av
Shelly John, horse dealer, 80 St. Mary
Shelly Wm. H. carpenter. Boyd s of Fayette
Shemmier Henry, box maker, 58 L. Church
SHEPARD & HEVENER, house & sign painters,
74 n Eutaw
Shepard Wm. firm S. & Hevener, 182 n Eutaw
Shephard Andrew, Cathedral st near Northern av
Shephard George, waterman, 63 Cross
Shephard James H. carpenter, s w cor George and
SHEPHERD GEORGE, proprietor livery stables,
cor Eutaw and Lombard, dw 246 Saratoga
Sheppard Benj. P. carpenter, 326 Light
Sheppard Christian, 15 Slemmer's al
Sheppard Frederick, huckster, Warner near Lee
Sheppard George, laborer, 3 Johnson
Sheppard John, harness & trunk mkr. 76 Aisquith
SHEPPARD MOSES. 230 w Pratt cor Sharp
Sheppard N. A. clerk B. & O. R. R. 35 Columbia
Sheppard Richard H. portrait and miniat, painter,
over 163 Baltimore
Sheppard Robert, laborer, Biddle al
Sheppard Mrs. S. boarding house, 9 s Calvert
Sheppard Thomas, giain and produce commission
merchant, 5 Bowly's whf
Sheredard Francis, 56 Lancaster
Sheredan Luther, machinist, 92 Hollins
Sheridan Mary, Vine w of Schroeder
Sheridan Patrick, huckster, 133 n Canal
Sherlock John, carier, 41 Block
Sherlock Wm. dw 150 Sharp
Sherman Frederick, chair maker, Canton av e of
Chester st
Sherman George, cooper, 84 Hamburg
Sherman George, carpenter, 118 Albemarle
Sherman Dr. John, 280 n Howard
Sherman Mrs. 14 Mullikin
Shermer John, furnace man, Hudson st. Canton
Sherrer George W. cabinet maker, 6 Centre market
Sherri John, tailor. 39 L. Church
Sherrington Elizabeth, 176 Wolf
Sherry Ann, 188 n Exeter
Sherry Bernard, street contractor, Bank
Sherry John, watchman, 116 e Madison
Sherry John, tailor, 39 L. Church
SHERWOOD & CO. book and job printers, over
n w cor Gay and Baltimore
Sherwood Elizabeth, tailoress, 267 n Canal
Sherwood Henry A. ship carpenter, 142 Bank
Sherwood Howel P. pr. oyster saloon, Gay st bridge
Sherwood Jesse A. 65 Jefferson
Sherwood Lewis, cupper and leacher, 174 Saratoga
Sherwood Philip, ship smith, Ann
SHERWOOD RICHARD P's tavern and oyster
house, s e cor Harrison and Fayette
Sherwood Richard, dry poods dealer. 41 e Baltimore
Sherwood Robert, firm S. & Co. Watson bet, Exeter
and High
Sherwood & Wetherall, ship smiths, Fell s Thames
Sherwood Wm. S. firm S. & Co. dw 68 e Lombard
Sherwood Wm. F. grocer, 186 Canton av
Sherwood Wm. shoemaker, China al
Sherwood Wm. cooper, Camden nr Paca, dw Port-
land w of Emory
Sherwood Wm. clerk, 33 n Paca
Shew Wm. bricklayer, 244 German
Shewell Daniel, cabinet maker, 210 Tyson