Pratt Mrs. 216 Franklin
Pratt Dr. Stephen H. s e cor Fremont & Fayette
Pratt Truman, carter, 303 Biddle
PRATT WM. dental surgeon, 77 Lexington
Pratt Z. & B. F. book store, 3 n Charles, dw Z. P.
Fountain Inn, Light st
Preble Eliza, 137 Alice Ann
Preces Edward, grocer, n w cor East & Fayette
Preece Edward, firm Holmes, Sons & P. dw 70 e
Prectit Edw. firm Spilker & Precht, dw Park
PRECHTEL GEO. F. proprietor Oregon House,
65 n of Gay
Preiss Hirsch & Sn, dry goads mts 151 Lexington
Preis Leonard, s e cor Tessier &. Orchard
Prel Mrs. 20 Pine
Preller Conrad, whitewasher, 231 s Ann
Preller George, tailor, 45 1/2 n Canal
Prentice Sumner, currier, 133 n Fremont
Prentiss —— , cooper, 41 Arch, dw George st
Prentiss Capt. Samuel H. G. 10s Exeter
Prentz Conrad, 100 Canton av
Presault Lawrence, confectioner, 51 Stiles
Prescott Chas. C , eng. B. & O. R. R., Lombard w
Prescott Reuben, ladies' shoemaker, 138 e Madison
Presoff Catherine, 194 Mulberry
Presson Josephine, 70 n Spring
PRESTON & BRO. hardware dealers, 45 n Eu-
taw. See card.
Preston Edmund M. carpenter, 8 William
Preston Edward M. jr. Amity near Fayette
Preston Eliza A. grocer, 87 Richmond
Preston Elizabeth, Pear al near Preston st
Preston Elizabeth, seamstress, Poppleton s McH'y
Preston Jonas, agent Balt & Susq. R. R. 278 n Canal
PRESTON OLIVER J. blacksmith, Boston st e
Concord, Canton
Presion Patrick, grocer, n e cor Davis & Pleasant
Preston Rebecca, tailoress, 118 Dugan's wharf
Preston William, drayman, 40 Gittings st F. Hill
Preston William, carpenter, Tessier near Biddle
Preston William P. attorney at law, 51 w Payette
Preston William A. blacksmith, 178 s Eutaw
PRESSTM AN BENJAMIN C. attorney, 4 Coun-
sellor's hall Lexington st dw Barnum's
Pretgel Frederick, shoemaker, 131 Camden
Pretty Henry, cooper, Eden st s of Balt
Prevost A. prof. French, 240 Franklin
Price Asahal H. wheelwright, 101 Orleans
Price Augustus M. firm Baldwin & P. dw 112 Lex-
Price Benjamin, dry goods dealer, 207 Broadway
PRICE BENJ. mt. tailor, 62 n Howard, dw 225
Price David, tailor, 21 s Eutaw
Price David, sen. carpenter, dw 30 Spring
Price David, carpenter, 151 e Pratt
Price David B. engineer, Mount st near Federal
Price Ephraim, firm Boston & P. Centre w Calvert
Price Frederick, shoemaker, 175 Orleans
Price Geo. B. carpenter, 53 George, shop 15 n Sharp
Price Geo. W. waterman, 78 Gough
Price John, carpenter, 24 William
Price John, shoemaker, 145 Ross
Price John O. 188 Mulberry
Price Joseph H. cooper, 203 n Canal
Price Mr. Pratt w of Regester
Price Michael, grocer, 8 Jasper
Price Montgorency H. watch maker and jewelled,
60 s Calvert
Price Nathan, watchman,123 Hollins
Price Rachel, boarding house; 18 s Calvert
Price Richard, omnibus driver, 65 Ross
Price Richard, firm Thomas & Price. n e cor Eutaw
and Lombard
Price Samuel S. rope maker, Harford road n of
Point lane
Price Susan, 148 Ann
Price Thomas, 262 n Canal
Price Wm. K. firm Carter & P. dw 241 Monument
Price Wm. K. carpenter, 211 e Monument
Price Wm. G. fruit and com. mt. 107 w Lombard,
dw 293
Price Wm. lumber wagoner. 40 Chew
Prichard Elizabeth, 64 s Exeter
Prichard Capt. Jas. T. mariner, 53 Fawn
Prichard Richard, waterman, 16 McHenry
Prichard Thos. J. surveyor, 57 Holland
Pridgeon John, chemist, 33 Hill
Priest Ann Evaline, Parkin, between Pratt & Lomb.
Prigg Joseph, (in California) 209 Madison
Primrose Wm. pattern maker, 66 Montgomery
Primrose Wm. cedar cooper, 730 w Balt
Prince Anthony, 106 Thames
Prince Ferdinand, shoemaker, 54 n Gay
Prince John, dry goods dealer, 614 w Balt
Prince John, Canal s Bank st
Prince Lemuel S. carpenter, 185 n Canal
Prince Wm. A. potter, 217 e Fayette
Pringle Samuel blacksmith, 7 Thompsen
Printy John grocer, 158 Light
Prinz John, dealer in French, English and German
goods, 280 Baltimore, dw 614
Prior Joseph B. oak cooper, 170 Saratoga