Paiterson Saml.& Co. potaloe and apple dealers, 11
Patterson Saml. cabinet maker, dw 151 L. Greene
Patterson Saml. firm S. P. & Co. dw Peun'a av
Patterson Saml. J. carpenter, 9 May
Patterson Saml huckster, 11 n Poppleton
PATTERSON SAMUEL, commission merchant,
counting room, 77 Smiths wharf, dw Pennsylva-
nia av extd
Patterson Saml. W. huckster, Poppleton nr Mulb'y
Patterson Saml. J. ship carpenter, Hunter al near
John st
Patterson Sarah, milliner, 475 Baltimore
Patterson Miss Sarah, 94 St. Paul
Patterson Wm. G. tailor, 30 Barre
Pattison & Edmondson, grocers and commission
merchants, 102 Dugan's wharf
Pattison Ellen, boarding house, 26 Elanover
Pattison Prudence, 89 Hamburg
Pattison Saml, firm P. & Edmondson. 52 Barre
Pattison Thos. firm P. & Edmondson, dw 50 Sharp
Patton Robert, bricklayer, 102 Barre
Patton Wm. laborer, 19 York av
Patton Wm. drayman, Stiles st cor Slemuner al
Paul Agnes, 175 Hollins
Paul Anthony G. carpenier, Pratt nr Republican
Paul C. Lewis, grocer, 12 i s Howard
Paul David P. crockery dealer, 145 e Pratt
Paul Jabez S. druggist, Penn'a av nr Fremont st
Paul Jas. agent, Penn'a av 2 doors w of Dolphin st
Paul Wm. tobacconist, 447 w Baltimore
Paul Wrn. book binder, 185 n Eutaw
Paulick N. clothier, Canton e of Caroline
Pawley James, sen. artist, 139 Mulberry
Pawley Jas. jr. china, glass and queensware dealer,
18 s Calvert, dw 109 e Baltimore
Pawson & Bowdoin, general commission merchts.
95 Smith's wharf
Pawson Wm. S. firm P. & Bowdoin, St. Paul near
Payne Charles, clerk, 51 n High
Payne John J. carpenter, 39 Marion
Paynter David, grocer and provision dealer, Locust
Peacock Catherine, Penn'a av. Division Townsend
and Mosher sts
Peacock Ellen, 290 Franklin
Peacock George, watchman, Lee e of Warner
Peacock George, ship carpenter, 121 Lancaster
Peacock Ingram E. chair manuf. 275 w Pratt
Peacock James, ship carver, 16 Block
Peacock John M. tinner, 308 w Pratt
Peacock & Mullen, hardware dealers, 144 Franklin
Peacock & Post, block and pump makers, Philpot
w of Wills
Peacock Richard, book keeper, Essex st Canton
Peacock Saml. huckster, Chew e of Ensor
Peacock Thomas, hardware mt. 290 Franklin
Peacock Thomas, firm P. & Post, d w 196 s Wolf
Peacock Wm. ship carpenter, 48 Philpot
Peacock Wm. shoemaker, 42 Boyd
Peacock Wm. huckster, 201 Forest
Peall John, 45 Lancaster
Peak A. B. bookseller and stationer, 145 n Gay
Peale John W. record clerk, 99 s Eden
Pearce Chas. R. firm Birckhead & P. 30 Pleasant
Pearce Ephraim, carpenter, 5 Schroeder
Pearce Lydia, Harford road op Canal st
Pearce Capt. Matthew, of steamboat, Albemarle s
of Lombard
Pearce Thos. F. of transp. office Pittsburg depot,
32 n Caroline
Pearce Wm. E. firm P. & Thompson, dw Harf. av
Pearn Peter, hack driver, 9 w Lombard
Pearson Albert, 181 s Charles
Pearson Andrew, firm Jos. P. & Sons, dw 44 Sharp
Pearson Emfline, 186 e Pratt
Pearson Joseph & Sons, imp. and deals, in hatters'
furs, trimmings, &c. 311 Balt, dw J. P. 40s Sharp
Pearson Joseph, jr. firm J. P. & Sons, dw Sharp nr
Pearson Levi, boiler maker, 38 Hamburg
Peaison Louisa, 259 s Durham
Pearson Mary A. dress maker, 52s Caroline
Pearson Thomas R. firm Brannan & P. dw 323 w
Pease Christopher, cooper, 15 Clay
Pease Francis, cooper, 4 Diamond
Peater H rigger, 115 Lancaster
Pebst Adam, tailor, 54 Short
Pecan Francis, Cox al bet Biddle st and Biddle al
Peck Burr, stove dealer, 16 Light, dw 349 w Fay'te
PECK HENRY, manufact'r of gentlemen's boots,
shoes and gaiters of every description, 159 w
Pratt. See card
Peck Stephen, farmer, 10 Oregon
PECK REV. THOS. E. pastor Broadway Presby-
tetian Church, 82 e Pratt
Peddicord Adam, shoemaker, Dallas s Madison
Peddicord John, blacksmith, cor Frederick road &
Calverton st
Peder George, tailor, 83 Granby
Pederick John, pattern maker, 576 w Baltimore
Pedner Frederick, laborer, 263 s Ann