Offley Joseph W. carpenter, 154 e Baltimore
Offner Christina, 48 n Exeier
Ofner John A. grocer, 94 McElderly
Ogden Capt, Daniel, Lancaster e of Ann
Ogden Maria, 16 Josephine
Ogden Sarah, 25 n High
Oger John, gradener, Monument st e of Broadway
Ogle Atkin S. measurer buildings, 244 Biddle
Ogle Atkin, bricklayer, 122 Raborg
Ogle Joseph, bricklayer, Poppleton n of Lexington
Ogle Robert, carpenter. 18 McHenry
Ogle Susan, 144 French
Ogle Wesley W. paper hanger. 19 Slemmer's al
Ogrady Patrick, drayman, 181 Columbia
Ogston George W. firm MacKenzie, O. & Co. s e
cor Madison and Cathedral
O'Harra Charles, shoemaker, 281 n Gay
O'Harra James, smith and wheelwright, 30 Con-
O'Harra John J. well digger, Harford av ext
O'Harra John, 10 Foundry
O'Harra Margaret, 10 Foundry
O'Harra Mirtin, laborer, Sarah Ann e of Fremont
O'Harra Sarah, seamstress, n e cor Eutaw ct and
Jasper st
Ohlgart George Philip, butcher, Harford av extd
Ohm Jacob, grocer, 9 West
Ohm Michael, foundryman, 315 s Charles
Ohrenschall Christ, shoemaker, 56 s Charles
O'Keath Michael, piano forte maker, 58 s Sharp
O'Keefe Joseph, laborer, 75 Eastern av
O'Keith Morris, machinist, 206 Chesnut
O'Laughlin Francis, horse shoer, 3 Marion
O'Laughlin John, shoemaker, 9 Humes
O'Laughlin Michael, blacksmith, 114 Pearl
brandy, wines, &c. 43 s Charles, dw Mt. Vernon
place, agt. for Lloyd's, and consul for Hawaiian
Oldham Joseph, laborer, Fish market, e of Concore
Oldham Wm. barber, 132 Front
Oldham Wm. M. baker, 125 Vine
O Leary & Beufort, sail makers, 93 Smith's whf.
O'Leary Catherine, variety dealer, Cathedral be-
tween Tyson and Howard
O'Leary Bart, blacksmith, Pratt near Republican
O'Leary Edward, wood dealer, Gough e of Regeste
O'Leary Hsnry. blacksmith, Pratt near Republican
O'Leary John, laborer, 80 Eastern av
O'Leary Thomas, firm O'L. & Beufort, 111 Bank
Oleback Geo. laborer, 40 Liberty al
Oler Charles, carpenter, Penn av n of Fremont st
Oler Mary, tailoress, 81 Ross
Oler Wm. H. leather dealer, 22 Water st dw Penn
av n of Fremont st
Olfhing Christian, carter, 116 e Fayette
Olfhing Henry, furniture dealer, 116 e Fayette
Olheber Conrad, carpenter, 79 n Exeter
OLIVE JOHN. prop. "Olive's hotel," 94 s Clarles
Oliver Aug. mariner, Chester st s of Eastern av
Oliver Charles, clerk, 101 Baltimore
Oliver David, porter, 47 Marion
Oliver & Flemrning, stone cutters, Pres't s of Pratt
Oliver Francis, rigger, 225 Eastern av
Oliver George, 6 e Fayette
Oliver Hibernian Free School, North s of Saratoga
Oliver John, tailor, 19 New Church,
Oliver John, stone cutter, 146 n Canal
Oliver Capt. John S. 67 s Eden
Oliver John, domestic manuf. Pear al nr. Preston st
Oliver Maria, Register sis of Pratt
Oliver Samuel, gilder, 380 n Gay
Oliver Mrs. Thomas, 200 1/2 n Eutaw
Oliver W. 11 Preston
Olives Mrs. Milgate, 62 William
Olmstead Christ, n Charles near Chase
Olmstead Wm. M. carpenter, 11 Fish market
O'LAUGHLIN FRANCIS, horse shoer, 3 Marion
Olmiere Charlotte, 33 e Pratt
Oltz Henry, carriage driver, 241 s Dallas
Olvar Thos. furnace man, Clinton st Canton
O'Mara Fr. prop. Holiday st Green House, 3 Hol'dy
O'Mear, John, plasterer, 61 Mullikin
O'Meara Mary, Chew e of Ensor
Omeinheisser G. F. grocer, 65 and '7 s Howard
Onduich Frederick, carter, 3 Williamson al
O'Neal Ann, 10 s Monument
O'Neal Eugene, nailor, 62 n Front
O'Neal Francis, prop, hacks, 7 Foundry, late Bath
O'NEAL DR. J. W. C. druggist, 148 'Madison av
cor St. Mary st
O'Neal Margaret, 13 Haw
O'Neal Owen, tanner, 67 Buren
O'Neal Thomas, shoemaker, Hamburg e of Sharp
O'Neale Roger, justice of peace, 102 s Howard
O'Neill Catharine, dress maker, 10 Barnet
O'Neill Daniel, 62 Light
O'Neill Daniel, blacksmith. 20 Willow st
O'Neill John, prop, carts, 208 Chesnut
O'Neill John, weaver, Peirce w of Fremont
O'Neil Dennis, laborer, rear 13 Foundry st
O'Neil Js. grocer, Boston e of Windsor
O'Neil Js. 44 Carpenter's al
O'Neil John, 68 n Calvert