Nili Adam, music teacher, s e cor Trinity &. Albin'l
Nimmo John E. cleik, 189 e Baltimore
Nimmo Wm. R. collector, 55 n High
NINDE JAMES, chronometer and watch maker,
11s Gay
Ninde Jas. C. attorney, 36 St. Paul, dw 11 s Gay
Ningardt Frederick, porter, 5 Mulberry
Nippard George, sand dealer, Eden n of Gay
Nisbill Wm. cabinet maker, Canal s of Bank
Nix Jacob, tailor, 58 n Caroline
Nixdorf Tobias, wholesale dry goods merch't, over
309 Baltimore, dw 322 Fayette
Nixon John, furnit. wagoner, York av n Eager st
Nixon John, flour merchant, 68 York av
Nizer Wm. H. bricklayer, 171 n Eden
Noah John, coach maker, 138 Madison
Noble Christian, baker, 252 n Canal
Noble David, foundry man, 29 Gittings
Noble Ellen, cor Frederick st and Smith's al
NOBLE JAMES, dealer in butter, dried fruit, pic-
kles, ice cream, &c. 205 1/2 Broadway
Noble Louisa, rear 253 n Canal
Nock Sarah A. milliner & dress maker, 238 Saratoga
Noe Frank, laborer, 165 Stirling
Nogle George, shoemaker, 48 Hamburg
Nogle Henry, huckster, s end Warner st
Nogle Wm. H. book agent, Warner s of Lee
Nohhas John, last maker, Canal s of Bank
Nolan George, tavern, 294 s Bond
Nolan Henry, millwright, 110 Hill
Nolan John C. hatter, Somerset near Chase
Nolan Matthew, tailor, 98 Lexington
Nolan Patrick, laborer, Vine w of Schroeder
Nolan Patrick, shoemaker, 25 Foundry
Nolan S. S. grocer, 224 Hanover
Nolans Patrick, carter, near cor Bond & Hampstead
Nole Patrick, boiler maker, 10 "House's ct"
Nolen Anna, Cathedral n of Richmond
Noll Henry, cooper, Oregon n of Pratt
Nolte August, brush maker, 220 Alice Anna
Nolle Joseph, tailor, 12 Clay
Nolting Bartha, teacher, 122 Raborg
Nolting Chas. hosiery and trim, dealer, 25 n Eutaw
Nonemaker Jonas H. grocer, 127 York av
Nones & Co's lottery and exchange office, ne cor
Baltimore and Liberty
None, Joseph D. firm N. & Co. dw 342 n Gay
Noonan Bridget , 8 Canton av
Noonnan Cornelius, plasterer, s w cor Morris al and
Rose st
Noonan Edward, cooper, 182 Chesnut
Noonan Robert, tailor, 27 New Church
Nopfall John, tailor, Eden 9 of Bank
Nurbeck Wm. carpenter. 26 Vine, dw 23 n Fremont
Nordlinger Bro. importer French and German pro-
duce, 64 s Charles.
Nordmann Rudolph, tavern Wine near Charles
Norfolk George, ship carpenler, w Pratt extended
Norfolk John, ship carpenter, 82 William
Norfolk John T. shoemaker, 65 Hamburg
Norfolk Sarah, boarding house, 28 Baltimore
Norman Capt. Anthony M. Wolf s of Gough
Norman George, fisher, 5 Johnson
Norman John R. shoemaker, dw 21 s Caroline
NORMAN MICHAEL S. tobacco & general com-
mission merchant, 3 Western row, Lombard st.
Exchange place, dw Madison near St. Paul
Norris Amos, bricklayer, 479 w Lombard
Norris Andrew J. tobacconist, 280 1/2 Baltimore, dw
33 Chatsworih
Norris Andrew J. tobacconist, — Baltimore, dw 215
Norris Aquilla J. cabinet maker, 16 Chew
Norris Mrs. B. B. dress maker and cedar tar depot,
343 Baltimore
Norris Benj. B. 343 Baltimore
Norris Benj. F. grocer & produce dealer, 10 Eutaw
buildings, Baltimore st. dw 7 Hollins
Norris & Brother, importers and dealers hardware,
248 Baltimore
NURRIS, CALWELL & CO. grocers & importers
and dealers in wines, brandies, teas, cigars, &c.
320 and 322 Baltimore
Norris Charles Sydney, firm Duer, Norris & Co. dw
Madison av n of Dolphin st
Norris Charlotte, 384 w Fayette
Norris Miss Clara, 116 Norih
Norris Delia, 100 Jasper
Norris & Dulany, tobacconists, 42 n Eutaw
NORRIS EDWARD S. & SON, silk goods deal-
ers, 237 Baltimore, dw cor St. Paul & Mulberry
NORRIS E. O professor of penmanship, 507 w
Baltimore, 7 doors from Pine
Norris Edward, shoemaker, 138 n Caroline
Nurris Eliza, 150 n Canal
Norris Elizabeth A. 49 Holland
Norris G. Somerville, firm N. & Bro. cor Charles
and Centre
Norris George W. firm N. & Bro. dw 219 n Howard
Norris George W. carpenter, Republican between
Lombard and Hollins
Norris Hamilton S. shoemaker dw 109 n Fremont
Norris Capt. Isaac H. Broadway s of Gough
Norris Isaac, rolling mill worker, 152 Alice Anna