Mohler Edward, coal mt. office and yard 17 Fell
Mohler Jacob, machinist, Lombard e of Ann
Mohun Thomas, laborer, Morris al nr Preston st
Moire Penelope, tailoress, Spring n of Holland
Molaboe L. stove maker, 68 Welcome al
Moland Joseph, shoemaker, Regester s of Gough
Molcock Joseph, dry goods dealer, dw 79 Sharp
Moller Anthony, shoemaker, 37 Forrest
Moller David, shoemaker, 18 Park
Mols Catherine, 136 Ensor
Momberger John, laborer, n w cor Alice Anna st
and Castle al
Monah George, tailor, 88 Lancaster
Monahan John, tailor, 16 Slemmer al
Moncrieff Jane C. 95 Garden
Monday Nichs. blacksmith, 193 s Ann
Monk Allen, cooper, 187 n Canal
Monk Jacob, map publisher, 69 Second
Monk Wm. cooper, Pratt w Regester
Monkur Dr. John C. S. 137 Broadway
Monmonier charles G. carpenter, 198 Ann
Monmonier Francis, brickmaker, 176 e Pratt
Monmonier Dr. John F. 215 e Baltimore
Monmonier Wm. B. grocer, s w cor Lomb'd & Ann
Monort Christopher, tailor, 218 Alice Anna
Monroe Anna, 63 Jefferson
Monroe John L. dealer in china and queensware,
192 1/2 Broadway
Monroe John H. carpenter, 98 Lee
Monroe Joseph, omnibus driver, Clinton st Canton
Monroe Mary, 142 n Canal
Monsarrat Oscar, apothecary, 159 Broadway
Monstery Thomas H. tobacconist, 10 North, sw 34
Montague Chas. P. tobacco and cigar dealer, 224
Baltimore, dw McCulloch nr Hoffman
Montague Wm. M. blacksmith, Mason al nr Dol-
phin st
Montague Wm. carpenter, 125 Pine
Monteith Rebecca, 156 Pennsylvania av
Montell Mrs. Charles, 251 Lexington
Montell Edward A. firm J. E. M. & Bro. 84 e Pratt
Montell Elizabeth, 84 e Pratt
MONTELL F. T. commission mercht. 97 Smith's
wharf, dw n e cor Franklin and Courtland
Montell Isabella, 373 w Fayette
Montell Isabella, 104 Hollins
MONTELL J. E. & BRO. tobacco and general
commission merchants, 4 Exchange place, dw J.
E. M. 200 Madison
Montgomery Dr. James, 85 n Eutaw
Montgomery James, of windmill, 2 Hillen
Montgomery John, grocer, 103 Hillen
Montgomery Joseph, tavern keeper, Moal's Point
Spring Gardens
Montgomery Norris, clerk, 138 n High
Montgomery Richd. grocer, cor French and East
Montgomery Robert, weaver, 497 Saratoga
Montgomery Thos. prop tavern, 116 Franklin
Montgomery Wm. S. grocer, 54 Mullikin
Moody John B. tobacconist, 56 w Pratt
Moody John A. bricklayer, 322 Aisquith
Moody Robert, carpenter, 204 n Chesnut
Moog George, shop keeper, 688 w Baltimore
Moon Wm. carter, 365 Light
Moon Wm. shoemaker, 73 French
Mooney Francis, grocer, Harford av extd
Mooney James, laborer, Vine w of Schroeder
Mooney James, laborer, 2 Abraham
Mooney John, laborer, 31 Stirling
Mooney John, machinist, 118 Raborg
Mooney Margaret, rear 62 n Front
Mooney Patrick, 2 Abraham
Mooney Pat'k, tavern, n w cor Chestnut & Douglass
Mooney Richard, mason, 135 Harford av
Mooney Thos. laborer, nr cor Hampstead & Bond
Moore Adam, cabinet maker, Eager s of Stirling
Moore Ann Jane, grocer, 250 Broadway
Moore Anthony, 80 Holliday
Moore Archibald, boot maker, 49 n Canal
Moore Barney, helper in foundry, Chase e Aisquith
Moore Christian, sawyer, 25 Boyd
Moore Christian, sawyer, s e cor Raborg and Re-
Moore David W. firm M & Griffin, merchants, 263
w Fayette
Moore Edward A. carpenter, Mulberry ct
Moore Dr. G. A. apothecary, 191 Hanover
Moore George, hatter, 218 e Monument
Moore George, drayman, s e cor McCulloh & Towson
Moore George, hatter, 241 n Canal
Moore George, paper hanger, 439 w Lombard
Moore George S. mate of vessel, 59 s Poppleton
MOORE & GRIFFIN, wholesale dealers in boots,
shoes, hats, caps, bonnets, & c. 19 s Charles
Moore H. clerk Crim. Court, 52 Biddle
Moore Henry, firm M. & Johnson, dw 129 Biddle
Moore Henry, 41 President
Moore Henry, music printer, Bond st s Eastern av
Moore Henry, merchant tailor, 131 n Eden
Moore Henry, clerk, 138 Aisquith
Moore Horatio N. carder & spinner, 127 e Lomb'd
Moore Humphrey, bookseller and stationer, 158 w