McCormick John, tailor, 156 Chesnut
McCormick Michael, dealer in confectionery, 63 n
McCormick Pat'k, keeper Albemarle Green House,
126 Albemarle
McCormick Thomas, ladies and gentlemen's shoe
maker, 40 n Gay, dw 16 McElderry
McCormick Thomas, laborer, s w cor Wolf st and
Canton av
McCormick Wm. H. printer, 113 e Pratt
McCormick Wm. laborer, 60 Durst al. F. H.
McCormick Wm. T. carpenter, 136 n Fremont
McCormick Wm. L. 60 Biddle
McCorrister John, Boston st. Canton
McCosker Daniel, drayman, Chester n of Bank
McCoskey Ann, 45 Philpot
McCoul George C. cabinet maker and undertaker,
139 Saratoga
McCourt Arthur, grocer, cor Gay and Front, dw
181 n High
McCourt James, grocer, 53 Holland
McCourt James, wood dealer, 66 Granby
McCourt John, grocer, 220 Gough
McCowan Mrs. 160 Pearl
McCoy Alexander, undertaker, 24 s Howard
McCoy Ann, Republican bet Lombard and Pratt
McCoy, Bowennan & Co. liquor deal. 48 s Calvert
McCoy Charles A. carpenter, 21 s Howard
McCoy Daniel, grocer, 98 w Fayette, cor Sharp
McCoy Henry B. firm Mc. & Rogers dw 51 Pine
McCoy Hugh, laborer at plaster mill, e Hughes st
McCoy Major Smith, firm Conrad & McC. 49 Pearl
McCoy Mary F. boarding house, 106 w Fayette
McCoy Michael, carpenter, Camel near Bolton
McCoy & Rogers, marble workers, s w cor Fayette
and Paca
McCoy Stephen, carpenter, 29 n Eden
McCoy Wm. carpenter, "Chapel st" from Pennsyl-
vania av to Windsor Mill road
McCracken Alex. carpenter, 81 n Canal
McCracken James, sr. & Jas. jr. 70 Orleans
McCracken James, laborer, s extremity Sharp
McCracken James, Sharp s of Henrietta
McCRANN MICHAEL, tavern, 10 Fish market
McCrea Garvin, manuf. and dyer, s w cor Sarah
Ann and Fremont — 313 Mulberry
McCrea Henry, carpenter, 93 McElderry's whf
McCrea Mary, 19 s Canal
McCrea Roger, laborer, 116 n Calvert
McCrea Sarah, 10 n Greene
McCreary John W. grocer, 366 n Gay
McCreight David, grocer, 203 Hanover
McCroden Ann, dress maker, 113 St. Paul
McCroden James, academist, Gallows Hall
McCroden John, carpenter, 113 St. Paul
McCrystal Patrick, rear 13 Foundry st
McCubbin Aaron H. tailor, 140 Madison
McCubbin Charles T. carpenter, 224 Aisquith
McCubbin Davidge, painter, 50 Hamburg
McCubbin Ellen, 87 Cross
McCubbin H. W. draper and tailor, 73 s Greene
McCubbin James, chair maker, 343 n Gay
McCubbin Joshua, tailor, 137 French
McCubbin Nicholas, tailor, 10 e Fayette, dw 89 n
McCubbin & Pollard, flour & feed store, 217 n Gay
McCubbin Robt. W. plane maker, 12 McClellan,
dw 22
McCubkin Samuel, brush maker, 139 n Gay, dw
Chase e of Canal
McCubbin S. dw Gay n of Exeter
McCubbin Thos. C. painter, dw 248 Aisquiih
McCubbin Wm. H. grocer, 185 East
McCubbin Wm. huckster, Caroline n of Chew
McCubray Thos. cracker baker. Lombard e Carol'e
McCue John, peddlar, Harford av extd
McCue Wm. laborer, s e cor Madison & Garden
McCulloch Mary, huckster, Barry's ct rear 27
Carpenter's al
McCullogh & Culbertson. produce and commission
merchts 2 Western row, Exchange place
McCulloh Dr. James H. president Bank of Balti-
more, 87 Fayette
McCulloh John, grocer, 43 Centre
McCulloh John K. stock and bill broker, 11 Frank-
lin Buildings, North st
McCullouch Duncan, grocer, 82 Bank
McCullough Mrs. Ann, 211 Forrest
McCully Wm. blacksmith, 14 Warren
McCurdy Saml. furniture wagoner, 55 Forrest
McCurley Felix, grocer, 737 Baltimore
McCurley Jas. coach maker, 21 n Liberty, dw 15
McCurry Joseph, carpenter, 22 Brune
McCusker Philip, ashman, 101 Stirling
McCusker Thos. weaver, 23-2 Franklin
McCusker Thos. ship carpenter, 242 Canton av
McCutchen George, wood trader, 77 Hill
McDade David, carpenter, 448 w Lombard
McDaniel Eliza, grocer, 17 Montgomery
McDaniel Jas. firm McD. & McConkey, 77 Biddle
McDaniel & McConkey, provision and commission,
merchants, 46 South
McDaniels Thomas, first officer of vessel, Monu-
ment st e of Apple al