Mausel Daniel, upholsterer, 5 State
Mauser J. vinegar maker, 36 Pine
Mawhinny Robt. warper, 495 Saratoga
Max Peter, tailor, 127 Canton av
Maxfield John, hatter, Eager st s of York road
Maxwell D. stone cutter, cor.Eutaw and Saratoga
Maxwell Geo. machinist, Canton av. e of Washing-
ton st
Maxwell John, grocer, Washington, s w cor. Bond
Maxwell John, findings dealer, 263 n Exeter
Maxwell John W. stone cutter, Calvert between
Franklin and Centre
Maxwell John, findings and garden seeds dealer, 9
Ensor, dw 228 Eden
Maxwell Robert, machinist, Hudson st Canton
May Edward, hardware dealer, dw 160 Franklin
May Frederick L. machinist, 108 Madison
May Geo. H. machinist, n w cor, Pratt & Oregon
May Henry, attorney, 13 Barnum's buildings, dw
47 Mt. Vernon place
May Izard R. hair worker, 182 e Baltimore
May Maria, 13 Albemarle
May Mary J. 220 Mulberry
May Robert, mason, Gibson n of Hoffman
May Robert, drayman, 193 n Exeter,
May Solomon, grocer, 396 n Gay
May & Whitmarsh, carpenters, Howard st between
Tyson st and Cathedral st
May Wm. blind maker, 458 w Baltimore
May Wm. grocer and liquor dealer, s w cor Parkin
and Columbia
Mayberger Philip, shoemaker, Pennsylvania av ext
Maybin Andrew, mason, Monument e of Caroline
Maybury Elizabeth, 37 n Liberty
Maydwell Wm. B bricklayer, 188 e Baltimore
MAYER & BAUM, importers German, English
nnd French fancy goods, 4 n Howard, op. Howard
Mayer Brantz, attorney, dw 16 McColloch
Mayer Charles F. attorney, 2 Courtland, dw 37
Mayer Charles F. importer German goods, 4 n
Howard, dw 254 Saratoga
Mayer Francis B. artist, 37 Franklin
Mayer Fred, clothier, 168 w Pratt, dw 166 Conway
Mayer George, porter, 1 Chesnut al
Mayer Philip, dry goods merchant, 187 n Gay
Mayes George W. mason, 51 French
Mayfield ———— huckster, 32 s Schroder
Mayger Rich, firm M. & Washington. 79 e Pratt
Mayger & Washington, machinists and engineers,
34 s Front
MAYHEW WILLIAM E. sen. president Farmers
and Planters' bank, dw s e cor Franklin & Park
Mayhew Wm. E jr. firm Miller & M. 14 Cathedral
Maynard James A. cuirier, n e cor Lombard and
Cheapside. dw 140 e Monument
Maynard Richard F. firm Robt. Sinclair, jr. & Co.
dw 271 Pratt
Maynard Wm. carpenter, 12 Hill
Mayo John, tavern. 301 w Pratt
MAYPOLE JOHN J. tinner, n e cor Pratt and
Caroline. See card
Mayre George T. 104 n Eutaw
Mayser John, shoemaker, Regester s of Fleet
Mayset John, laborer, 247 s Ann
Mazer Peter, laborer, 62 Lancaster
McAdam John, laborer, 1 Humes
McAdam Owen, chandler, 62 Hillen
McAleer John, hardwaie and lock maker, 101 Har-
rison, dw 23 n Front
McAleese Arch, wood dealer, 8 Garden
McAleese Archibald, Eager st near York av
McAllister Archibald, grocer, 109 Albemarle
McAllister Daniel, millwright. Pratt near Oregon
McAllister James, clerk, 175 n Eutaw
McAllister John, chair maker. 191 Chesnut
McAllister Mary, 361 n Gay
McAllister Peter, rigger, 113 Lancaster
McAllister Robert A collector, Ann s of Gough
McAllister Robt. type founder, Monum't e Caroline
McAllister Sarah, 164 n Exeter
McAllister Sarah, Chew e of Ensor
McAllister Wm. H. sail maker, 9 Light st wharf,
dw 31 Columbia
McAndrew Thomas, laborer, Hudson st. Canton
McAnally John, laborer, 461 Saratoga
McAnelly Francis, rear 25 Ensor
McAnulty Thomas, moulder, 46 Aisquith
McArdel Jane, tavern, w Falls ar. City Block
McArdel John, agricultural machinist, 57 Mulberry
McArdel Rachel, candy store, 23 n Sharp
McArdel Rose, tavern keeper, 40 n Front
McAsee Edward, laborer. Chester st n Canton av
McAulay Elizabeth. Monument e of Caroline
McAulay Wm. painter 125 s Eden
McAvoy Eliza, 2 Falls
McAvoy Elizabeth, 54 Mulberry
McAvoy Francis, ship candler, Locust Point
McAvoy Julia, 46 Hillen
McAvoy Mary, 110 Pearl
McBride John, weaver, Pear al near Union st
McBriety Wm. ladies' shoemaker, cor High and