Lewis James, carpenter, 233 Alice Anna
Lewis John, machinist, 384 n Gay
Lewis John, laborer, Amity near Saratoga
Lewis John, carpenter, s w cor Marion al and Rich-
mond st
Lewis Capt. John B. Lombard st w of Broadway
Lewis John T. sail maker, Gough e Bethel
Lewis John, pilot, Wolt s of Gough
Lewis John, grocer, n w cor Calvert and Mulberry
Lewis John T. pilot, 195 Washington
Lewis John, tailor, 27 Hillen
Lewis John, paper stainer, 45 West
Lewis Joseph B. conductor on Susquehanna Rail
Road, 5 Bolt on
Lewis Joseph N. & Son, booksellers and stationers,
90 w Lombard, dw J. N. L. 81 w Fayette
Lewis Joshua, clerk, 376 n Gay
Lewis Levi, block and pump maker, G. Hughes st
e of Light
Lewis Louis, grocer, Lexington, dw 203 n Eutaw
Lewis Martin, Madison av u of Hoffman st
Lewis Milo, collector, 447 w Fayette
LEWIS MILO, agent Mut. Ben. Life Ins. Co. 159
Baltimore, dw n c cor Baltimore and Calhoun
LEWIS THOMAS, proprietor Union Hotel, s e
cor Thames & Bond
Lewis Wm. conductor rail road, 197 Stirling
Lewis Wm. P. wholesale dealer in laces, embroide-
ries &c 233 Baltimore, dw 353 w Lombard
Lewis Wtn. block and pump maker, 21 Henrietta
Lewis Wai. A. boot and shoemaker, Lemon near
Lewis Wm. firm E. L & Bro. 65 s Caroline
Lewis Wm. machinist, Hamburg e of Charles
Lewis Capt. Wm. C. 142 Broadway
Lewis Wtn. machinist, 434 Saratoga
Lewisson Charles, lottery office, 123 Conway
Lewy Sol. H. jeweler and watch dealer, 71 n Front
Leyburn Wm. Eager st w York road
Leybea John, laborer, Dewberry al near Pratt st
Leypold Mrs. Elizabeth, 66 n Gay
Libienthal Fredk. laborer, s w cor Pine and Sarah
Library Co. (Baltimore,) 2d floor Anthnseum build
ings, cor St. Paul and Saratoga
Liddle Robert, gunsmith 52 n Eden
Lieb Jacob, tailor, 25 East
Lieblick Marcus, dry goods dealer, 151 Lexington
Liestaer Nichs shoemaker, 433 Baltimore st
Lieutaud Dennis C. carpenter, 732 w Baltimore
Ligntenberger Michl. shoemaker, 63 s Eutaw
Lighter Jacob, tailor, Herring Row n of Eastern av
Lightman Conrad, 166 Alice Anna
Lightmare Peter, laborer. 272 Alice Anna
Lightner Frances, 109 Aisquith
Lightner Frederick, carpenter, 330 s Charles
Lightner Henry, machinist, 90 Hamburg
Lightner Henry, tinner, 97 Hillen
Lightner John, boiler maker, 67 Hamburg
LIGHTNER WM. P property agent and collector
office 9 basement Barnum's City Hotel, dw 151 a
Liles Henry, ship smith, Castle al n Pratt st
Liller Fredk. ivory turner, 129 Saratoga
Lilly Alonzo, merchant, Gibson near Mosher
Lilly Rev. Aaron Waller, 223 e Monument
Lilly Geo. W. carpenter, s e cor Garden & Preston
Lilly Henry, saddler, 17 Holland
Lilly John, millwright, Montgomery e of William
LILLY RICHARD, saddler and harness, maker,
7 s Calvert
Liman Chas. grocer, 2 Harrison, dw 93 Broadway
Limer Rev. Abm. Synagogue, Canal n Baltimore
Limeberg Martin, laborer, 166 Alice Anna
Limpert John, tailor, 150 Alice Anna
Limroth Conrad, Eden st n of Fleet
Linah Samuel L. proprietor Golden Lamb, n w cor
Paca and Franklin
Linahan Cornelius, manufacturer of polishing put-
ty, 43 Potter
Linard Samuel, huckster, 60 Chatsworth
Linck Christian, machinist, 15 Scott
Lincoln Elnathan, baker, s e cor Chatsworth and
Lincoln J, S. firm Starr & L. 174 Saratoga
Lincoln Dr. Nathan S. s w cor Lexington st and
Crooked lane
Lind John, laborer, 80 Mullikin
Lind Joseph laborer, 123 Diamond
Lind Samuel H.dry goods merchant, 161 Lexington.
Lindaman Wui. turner, 239 s Bond
Lindeman H. N. grocer, 103 s Eutaw
Lindeman John, carpet weaver, 65 Orleans
Linden Ernest, millinery and fancy dealer,123 Lex-
Linden Wm. firm K. & Linden, 132 Lombard
Lindenberger George, ladies' shoemaker, s e cor
Fremont and Lexington
Lindenlelser, John, furniture wagoner, 19 Ross
Lindenman Conrad, 178 Hanover
Linderman Fredk. shoemaker, cor Howard and
Linderman John, hardware dealer, 343 s Bond
Lindermann Nich. tailor, 96 St Mary