Leder Francis, tanner, 76 Harrison
Ledley Daniel, brickmaker, 151 s Paca
Ledley Elizabeth, w end Henrietta near Paca
Ledley Jacob, brick maker, 138 McHenry
Ledley Wm. brick maker, 125 Fremont
Lednum Wm. ladies' shoemaker, 168 e Baltimore
Ledon Benj. 260 e Fayette
Ledsinger Ann, grocer, n w cor Gough & Regester
Lee Abraham, watchman, Regester n of Pratt
Lee Arch, laborer, 265 For rest
Lee Caleb, laborer, 47 Orchard
Lee Catherine E. 67 n Charles
Lee Charles, wheelwright and blacksmith, 416 Bal-
timore, dw 15 Pearl
Lee Charlotte, seamstress. 244 German
Lee Daniel P. bricklayer, 114 Conway
Lee Edward, grocer, n w cor Calverton st & Fred-
erick road
Lee Elias, carpenter, 218 Hollins
Lee Elisha, carriage depository, 45 Holliday, dw
42 Holliday
Lee Elizabeth, 81 n Caroline
Lee F. laborer, 16 Booth
Lee George, saddler, 133 Orleans
Lee James, chair and cabinet ware rooms, 66 s
Charles, dw 59
Lee James, shoemaker, 116 Lee
Lee James F. miller, 81 n High, mill North st bet
Eager and Chase
Lee James H. grocer, 129 Light
Lee Jesse Wm. feed dealer, 3 s Howard, dw 14
Lee John W. carpenter, 16 Josephine
Lee John, laborer, 21 Foundry
LEE JOHN, tailor, 58 s Eutaw
Lee John A. painter, 159Raborg
Lee Josiah & Co. bankers, n e cor Baltimore and
Lee Levi, blacksmith, 512 w Lombard
Lee Mary, seamstress, 244 German
Lee Mary, dairy keeper, 23 s Liberty
Lee Nathaniel, flour and feed dealer, 48 Broadway
Lee Patrick, grocer, 16 Booth
Lee Ralph, boot and shoemaker, 80 Columbia
Lee Samuel, asst. superv. Balt, and Ohio rail road
163 Holllins
Lee Stephen S. & Co. iron and coal merchants, 50
s Gay, dw S. S. L. 144 n Charles
Lee Susannah, 3 McHenry
Lee Thomas, 231 Madison
Lee Wm. carpenter, 405 Lexington
Lee Wm. carter, 74 Mullikin
Lee Wm. harness maker, Pennsylvania av n of
Mosher st
Lee Wm. firm Clark, Luckett & Lee, 29 George
Lee Yorrick, laborer, 10 Shakespeare
LEE Z. COLLINS, district attorney U. S. office
3 Marshall Buildings, St. Paul, dw 112 Park
Leech &. Co.'s Pittsburg transportation line, 75
North, Smith & Franciscus, agents
Leech George F. cigar maker, over cor. Centre
Market and Lombard st
Leech George, rope maker, cor Point lane & Har-
ford av
Leech James, carpenter, Harf. road n Point lane
Leech Ruth, n e cor Lombard st and Centre Market
Leech Wm. grocer, s w cor Broadway & Fayette st
Leech Wm. Harford road nr Point lane
Leedy J. & Bro. tobacconists, 494 w Baltimore
Leef Henry, ship chandler, 57 s High
Leef Mary Ann, seamstress, Pratt w of Regester
Leeke James & Co. carpenters, 13 Grant, dw 113
Leeman Wm tavern, s w cor Lombard & Concord
Lees Wm. repairer watches and clocks, 494 w Bal-
LEESE WM. S. blacksmith, 104 Lexington, dw 10
Lefaivre Louis, peddler, 27 Grant
Lefevre Diivid, whip and cane maker, 24 Clay
Lefferman Wm. tanner and currier, 32 French
Leffler Daniel, engineer steamboat, 5 Warren
Leffler Geo. R. H. iron founder, dw 150 s Paca
Lefler John, engineer, 80 Montgomery
Lefler Peter, laborer, 75 Orleans
Lefner Henry, carter, 59 Johnson
Legg John T. blacksmith, 167 n Eden
Leghorn John, shoemaker, 23 Armistead lane
Legrand Hon. John C. chief justice Court of Ap-
peals of Maryland, dw Eutaw House
Lehmann Frederick, boot and shoe maker, 179 s
Lehman George, tailor, 43 Lewis
Lehman George, shoemaker, 122 Happy al or Dur-
ham st
Lehman Jacob, private watchman, w Lombard st
nr Stocton al
Lehman Theodore, baker, 194 Vine
LEHMAYER & BRO. clothiers, 298 Baltimore
dw 59 High. See card
Lehne Henry, dry goods dealer, 55 McElderry
Lehnert Jacob, beer house, 85 Hanover
Lehnhoff Wm. tailor, 95 Eastern av
Lehr Robert, firm Br. Bonninger, 72 Lexington