Keys John, grocer, n w cor Bond and Madison
Keys Joseph T. firm Taylor & K. 148 Lexington
Keys Richard, firm Taylor & Keys, dw cor Bolton
and Lanvale
Keyser Christopher S. laborer, Cambridge st Canton
Keyser Chas. M. queensware and China merchant,
12 n Howard, dw 55 n Paca
Keyser Dr. Chas. C. 610 w Baltimore
Keyser Christiana, 212 Alice Ann
Kevser Denick W. firm J; Sharkey & Co. 12 Hol-
Keyser John F. 72 Pine
Keyser John, varnisher, 325 Charles
Keyser John, carpenter, Fountain w of Chester
Keyser Joseph, fireman, 22 Lemon near Poppleton
Keyser Magnes, tract distributer, 85 Granby
Keyser Mich. dry goods dealer, 20 n Eutaw, dw
70 Hanover
Keyser Nich. laborer, 148 s Charles
Keyser Nich. carpenter, 54 Ross
Keyser Peter, tailor, 274 w Pratt
KEYSER SAMUEL S. & CO iron merchants, 67
South, cor Pratt, dw S. S. K. Madison near St.
Keyser & Simson, merch. tailors and clothiers, 331
w Pratt. See card.
Keyton Caroline, grocer, 278 s Bond
KEYWORTH, CHAS. B. & SON, drapers and
tailors, 236 1/4 Baltimore. See card.
Klaune Adolphus, muslin fluting and plating estab-
lishment, 55 n Liberty
Kiakley John W. bricklayer, 749 Baltimore
Kibbey Wm. R. firm Barling K. 8c Co. Eutaw
KIDD CHARLES, edge tool manufacturer, 352 w
Pratt, dw 10 s Paca
Kidd Jas. laborer, 21 French
Kidd James, carpenter, 114 Ensor
Kidd Joshua, grocer, Somerset, cor Chase
Kidd Lewis, butcher, 330 Aisquith
Kidd Wm. coach maker, 104 e Lombard
KIDD & WHITE, wholesale and retail confection
ers, fruiters, and toy merchants, 16 Baltimore
See card.
KIDDER CAMILLUS, commission merchant, 71
South st Bowley's wharf, up stairs, dw 51 n Cal-
Kidle Conrad, carpenter, Canton av w of Canon st
Kidzinger Frederick, cabinet maker, 4 Jackson c
Kiel George, cabinet maker, 433 Saratoga
Kiel John H. watchmaker and jeweller, 51 e Balt.
Kielholtz Jacob, moulder, 69 Hampstead
Kiely Capt. John, 2-29 Alice Ann
Kierner Clement, barber, 69 Centre market
Kifel George, confectioner, 29 Carpenter's al
Kiggins Mrs. 73 s Spring
Kilbourn Andrew, blacksmith, 99 Fremont
Kilbourn Eldridge G. attorney, 59 Fayette
Kilbourn Misses & Healy's Academy, for Young
Ladies, 3 Lexington
Kilbourn Samuel, tinner, 26 Penn av
Kilburn Uri, butter com. merch. Guilford st. dw
120s Pratt
Kilburn Wm butter depot, 120 e Pratt
Kilday John, laborer, Vine, w Shroeder
Kildow Geo. W. lumber inspector, 133 s High
Kilduff Arthur, grocer & liquor dealer, 78 Holiday
Kilduff Stephen, grocer, Camden lane
Kilian Jos. J. printer, Bevan al s of Henrietta
Kilgrove Edward J. 264 Saratoga
Killaly Thos. laborer, Lemmon near Parkin
Killen Rev, Dr. Rich. S. pastor Ascension Church,
Protestant E. 280 w Fayette
Killenstine John, furniture mover, 49 n Frederick
Killey John, 236 s Bond
Killfoyle John, laborer, Hudson st. Canton
Killian George, tailor. Eden st s of Bank
Killman John, pile driver, Hudson st. Canton
Killman Noah, sailor, 145 Henrietta
Killman Thomas, engineer, 70 Hampstead
Kilmeir Mark, beer house, 42 Clay
Killmyer Jacob, basket maker, 79 Eastern av
Kilman Washington, ship carpenter, Gough e of
Kilmer Wm. potter, 7s Fremont
Kilmeyer Joseph, oak cooper, Edward st
Kilpatrick Mary, grocer, Pennsylvania av ext
Kilpatrick Thomas, carpenter, McMechin nr Rose
Kilstin John Adam, grocer, 286 Aisquith
Kilty Catherine, 43 Mulberry
Kilty John, shoemaker, 203 Con way
Kilvend Aug. tailor, 130 Aisquith
Kimball Daniel F. locksmith. 87 e Lombard
Kimball Horatio S. broom manuf. 9 Carey
Kimball Jacob, tailor, 150 Eastern av
Kimball John, Wolf s of Gough
Kimball Capt. Samuel R. mariner, 37 s Bond
Kimball & Winks, block and pump makers, 3 Fell
Kimberly Edwd. & Brother, beef and pork packers,
cor Pratt and Patterson, dw E. K. cor High and
Kimberly Edward, soap and candle manufacturer,
Centre st e of the bridge
Kimberly Elizabeth, 10 Buren