Kefauver John, firm K. & Campbell, 47 s Greene
Kehl John, tailor, 208 Gough
Kehill John, naval officer, 7 West
Keidenkamp Dederick, whip maker, 110 n Fremont
Keifner George, potter, 150 n Caroline
Keighler John A. carpenter, 120 Orleans
Keighler Wm. H. firm Duvall, K. & Dorsey, n w
cor Cathedral & Centre
Keighline Wm. baker, 75 Ensor
Keighner Freclk. blacksmith, Elliott st Canton
Keigle George, carter, 288 n Gay
Keilholtz Charles, painter, 48 German, dw 10 s
Paca extended
Keilholtz George, marble worker, 1 e Water
Keilholtz Jacob, laborer, Dover e of Fremont
Keilholtz Wm. dealer in glass, oils and paints, s e
cor Greene & Franklin, dw 90 n Greene
Keilling Hen. plasterer and bricklayer, 60 Thames
Kein Wm. machinist, 104 Hoffman
Keiner John, laborer, 140 Thames
Keirnan Margaret, 260 Franklin
Keise Lewis, shoemaker, 152 n Caroline
Keisenger Mrs. dress maker, 57 s Paca
Keiser Joseph, grocer, 115 Hill
Keisler Conrad, paver, 143 n Canal
Keismodel Jacob, machinist, (hydrolic) n of junct.
Aisquith and Ensor sts.
Keith Hugh, weaver, 105 Peirce
Keith Martin & Son, dealers in American hard-
ware, iron, &c. 23 s Charles, dw 125 Park
Keith Morris O. machinist, 206 Chesnut
Keithly Jane, 212 Eastern av
Kekinner Alster, laborer, 8 Washington F. H.
Kelbaugh Jehu G. mason, 466 Lexington
Kelbaugh John, carpenter 149 n Fremont
Kelby Patk. grocer, 81 Barre
Kelign Patk. laborer, 3 Watson
Keller Andrew J. butcher, 3 Preston
Keller Casper, grocer, 292 s Band
Keller Catherine, Scott s of Pratt
Keller Christian, butcher, 266 s Bond
Keller Eliza, dress maker, s e cor Orchard and L
Keller Francis, tailor. 184 n Eden
Keller George W. silver plater and bell hanger, 16 n
Frederick, dw Chew
Keller Henry, heater in foundry, Fountain st w
Castle al
Keller Jacob, coach maker, 33 n Frederick
Keller John F. shoemaker, 88 Spring
Keller John, general agent, 143 s Paca
Keller John, tailor, 45 Hill
Keller Joseph M. brewer, 110 Saratoga
Keller Joseph, laborer, Exeter st s Eastern av
Keller Josiah G. butcher, 318 Mulberry
Keller Mary L. seamstress. 29 Ross
Keller Wm. T. huckster, 193 s Paca
Keller Wm. tavern keeper and grocer, 10S Thames
Kellermar John, farmer, 244 Wolf
Kellum Elizabeth, 73 n Canal
Kellum Jane, tutoress, Poppleton s of McHenry
Kellum Susan E. 56 Holland
Kelly A. H. firm K. &. Colehamer, dw 170 Aisquith
Kelly Alex. D. jr. firm Kelly, Ball, Criss & Co. 8
Franklin square. Carey st
KELLY, BALL, CRISS & CO. importers and dry
goods merchants, 10 Hanover
Kelly Bernard, grocer, 66 n Exeter
KELLY CALEB & CO. grocers and feed dealers,
wholesale and retail, 354 w Pratt st. dw C. K. 19
KELLY CHARLES A. coppersmith, 94 Lee
Kelly Charcillar, seamstress, 121 Ross
Kelly & Colehamer, cabinet makers &c. 35 n Gay
Kelly Conrad, tailor, 5 Edward
Kelly Dennis, charcoal vender, 132 s Canal
Kelly Dennis, dairyman, Castle al s of Pratt st
Kelly Edward, wharf builder, 62 Philpot
Kelly Edward, huckster, 141 Low
Kelly Mrs. E. milliner and dress maker, 90 Sharp
Kelly Eliza, 25 Foundry
Kelly Emanuel, ship carpenter, 317 s Charles
Kelly Frances. Bond st s of Pratt
Kelly Francis, laborer, 183 n Paca
Kelly Hugh, carter. Scott n of Columbia
Kelly Hugh, fireman rail road, 19 Dewberry al
Kelly Is. blacksmith, 143 Hoilins
Kelly Jackson, painter, 124 Ross, — Ogston be-
tween Franklin and George
Kelly James, blacksmith, 282 e Monument
Kelly James, chandler, n w cor Frederick st and
Smith's al
Kelly James, laborer, s w cor North and Foundry
Kelly James, laborer, 127 Ensor
Kelly James, laborer, 48 Potter
Kelly James, laborer, Durham st s of Pratt
Kelly James, potter, 130 Potter
Kelly James, laborer, Small st s of Madison and e of
Kelly James, tinman, Cannon st Canton
Kelly James, laborer, 17 Haw
Kelly James, printer, 307 n Gay
Kelly John, 16 Slemmer's al
Kelly John, brick maker, s w cor Scott & Columbia