Jones George L. ship carpenter, 107 Bank
Jones George, grocer and liquor dealer, 290 & 292
Eastern a v
Jones Gilben, porter, Franklin w Republican.
Jones Grishington, York av n of Eager st
Jones Hannah, Carey near Pratt
Jones Hannah, Regester s of Baltimore
Jones Hemprey J. mas n, Cathedral n of Oliver
Jones Henry, harness and trunk maker, 5 n Liberty
Jones Henry, shoemaker, 214 Ann
Jones Henry, blacksmith, 132 Raborg
Jones Hugh B. clerk insurance office, 22 n Front
Jones Jacob, huckster, Harford road s Point lane
Jones James, watchman, Bond n of Jefferson
Jones James, shoemaker, 39 Welcome al
Jones James C. prop. Tuscan Hotel, 49 South
Jones James, draper and tailor, 23 South
Jones James E. potter and queensware dealer, 121
n Gay, dw 123 n Gay
Jones James, tin plate worker, 27 Gibson
Jones Capt. James, 109 Granby
Jones Capt. James, 88 Eastern av
Jones James H. plasterer, 86 n Caroline
JONES JOHN A. hair dresser, barber, manufac-
turer hair dye, &c. 23 e Baltimore. See card
Jones John, philosophical, mathematical & optical
instrument maker, 18 South, dw Eden near Fay-
ette. See card
Jones John D. carrier, 145 Camden.
Jones John P. sailmaker in Navy, 245 n Eden
Jones John, laborer, 5 Calendar
Jones John W. clerk. Orchard cor L. Monument
Jones John mt. tailor, 28 South, dw 185 n High
Jones John, printer, 34 n Exeter
Jones John, rigger, 291 s Charles
Jones John H. fisher, 116 William
Jones John S. 63 Lee
Jones John, copper smelter, Cotton Factory row,
Jones John, shoemaker, Light st dw 471 w Lombard
Jones John P. P. rail road car builder, n w cor Mon-
ument and North, dw 33 Aisquith
JONES JOHN W. furniture; bed and mattrass
ware rooms, 17 Light. See card
Jones Jones carter, 141 Alice Anna
Jones Joseph, furniture business, 213 Hanover
Jones Joseph P. bricklayer. Lemmon nr Poppleton
Jones Joshua, firm of Isaac Munroe & Co. dw 33
Jones Capt. Lemuel. 111 Granby
Jones Levi, boat builder, 140 Broadway
Jones Levin, boot and shoe maker, 170 Broadway
Jones Levin, rope maker and importer chains, 115
Light st wharf, dw 156 Charles
Jones Levin H. & Co. painters. 10 Grant, dw L. Pl.
J. 178 Orleans
JONES & LEVINGSTON, boot maker?, 174 w
Jones Lewis, sen. commission and market business,
12 s Howard
Jones Lewis, jr. market trader, 118 Columbia
Jones Mrs. Lydia. boarding house, 50 s Schroeder
Jones Margaret, n w cor Fremont and Lexington
Jones Margaret, boarding house, 223 Louisiana
Jones Margaret, 107 Ensor
Jones Margaret, ladies' nurse, 92 Block
Jones Mrs. Pratt e of Scott
Jones Morris J. attorney, 4 Law Building, dw 316
Jones Philip, firm J. & Jenkins, 10 Waterloo row,
n Calvert
Jones Philip R. tobacconist, 6 n Liberty
Jones Planner, mariner, st s Baltimore e Broadway
Jones Rachel, Chew e of Ensor
Jones Richard, carpenter, 136 e Monument
Jones Richard, horse shoer, n w cor Lancaster and
Jones Robert B. blacksmith, 216 Light
Jones Samuel, cabinet maker, 132 Light
Jones Samuel A. plumber. Cathedral near Oliver
Jones Samuel, iron finisher, 14 n Poppleton
Jones Samuel, trader, 41 s Liberty
Jones Stephen, laborer, 139 e Monument
Jones Susannah H. 13 n High
Jones Susannah, milliner, 100 Saratoga
Jones Thomas O. printer and reporter, 93 n Eden
Jones Thomas I. moulder, 365 w Lombard
Jones Thomas J. moulder, Sharps of Henrieita
Jones Thompson, mariner, 35 n Caroline
Jones Timothy, chair maker, 11 s Canal
Jones Turbit, chair maker. 194 e Baltimore
Jones Uriah, tobacconist, 201 Lexington
Jones Walter, R. justice peace, Baltimore county,
dw 191 German
Jones Washington B. 154 Hanover
Jones Wm. firm Grindell & Jones, dw 84 Ross
Jones Wm. ship carpenter, 118 Broadway
Jones Wm. fancy and variety store, 108 n Calvert
Jones Wm. huckster. Eastern av e of Wolf st
Jones Capt. Wm. mariner, Bond s of Gough
Jones Wm. H. block maker, Regester n of Bank
Jones W. B. & Co. lottery dealers, n e cor Baltimore
and Frederick, dw cor Fayette and Caroline
Jones Wm. C. grocer, n w cor Stirling & Aisquith