Ahrens, Akren, vinegar depot. 26-28 Eastern av
Ahrens John, tavern. 14 Fell
Ahrhard George, tailor, Eutaw s Montgomery
Ahring Ernest H. 132 n Canal
Aichote Jacob, 240 Hanover
Aigner John, butcher, Division between McMechin
and Wilson
Ailren Dr. Robert E. 300 Lexington
Airey Edward H watchman, 127 n Eden
Airey Francis, 258 e Fayette
AIREY DR. GEORGE W. 225 w Lombard —of-
fice and dw
Airey Eiirarn, shoemaker, 44 Preston
Airey Jerome, shoemaker, s side George between
Chatsworth and Brune
Airey Tobias, police officer. 41 Preston
Airey Wm. speculator, 66 Pennsylvania av
Airy Elias, shoemaker, Tessier
Aisquith George R. clerk. 231 w Fayette
Aitcheson James, firm Cochran & Aitcheson cor
Hoffman and Garden
Aitken James, M. D and druggist, 143 n Gay
Aldehurst David, blacksmith, Dewberry al nr Pratt st
Aker Augustus, tailor, 57s Frederick
Aker Michael, shoemaker, 328 n Howard
Akers Charles, carpenter, 238 Biddle
Akers Daniel, boiler maker, 93 Cross
Akers David, blacksmith, Mortan near Federal
Akers Edward, watch maker & jeweler, 74 s Charles
Akers Edwin, dry good merchant, 59 n Howard
Akers George W. eng. of steamboat, 36 G. Hughes
Alarsalt Christine, n e cor Spring & Hampstead
Albaugh C. boarding house, 60 n Eutaw
Albaugh Grafton, shoemaker, Ross cor Moore's al
Albaugh John W. shoemaker. St Hill st
Alber Adam, prop. furn. cars, 38 Penn. av
Alber John, paver, 31 Mullikin
Alberger Adam, dealer butler and eggs, 228 Broad-
Albert Alfred, saddle and harness maker, 32 Consti
Albert Augustus J. firm A. & Bro. "Santee," a
Baltimore st
Albert and Bro. importers and dealers in hardward
and cutlery,340 Baltimore
Albert Dr. —— , 237 w Prait
Albert Elizabeth, Booth between Shroeder & Amity
Albert Frederick, clerk, 117 Madison
Albert Henry, shoemaker, 118 e Madison
Albert Jacob, 64 n Charles
Albert John, boot filter, Banke of Spring
Albert John, batcher, 118 s Paca
Albert John, 117 Saraioga
Albert Joseph S. carpenter, 85 Saratoga
Albert Moses, shoemaker, 59 s Paca
Albert & Nicoll, paper hangers, 60 n Eutaw
Albert Wm. J. firm A. & Bro. dw 80 n Charles
Alberti Henry F. & Co. fancy good dealers, German
cor Liberty, d w 100 s Sharp
Albertie Wm. 100 Sharp
ALBERTSON JOHN, prop. "Mansion House,
n w corner Fayette and St. Paul
Albey Mary, Ann st s of Gough
Albright Charles, moulder, Young al s McHenry St
Albright George, blacksmith, 189 Fremont
Aibright Godfrey, coppersmith, Shroeder near Lom-
Albright Henry, provision dealer, 517 Baltimore
Albright Henry, cooper, Stiles e L. Gough
Albright Jessc P. constable, 126 s Paca
Albright Lewis, moulder. "Young" al s McHenry st
Albright Wm. cabinet maker, 143 Henrietta
Albritain John, cooper, y China al
Alcock Wm. A. cloth merchant, n w cor Baltimore
and Charles, dw Saratoga
Aicock Wm. H. D. clerk, cor Biddle and George
Alcock Wm. J. 61 n Howard
Alden Mary Cecelia, 77 n Eden
Alden Simeon, grocer, cor Centre and Fish Market
Space, dw Baliimore w of Caroline
Aldenberg Aaron, shoemaker, Bond s of Eastern ar
Aldred Christian, grocer, 64 German, dw 144 Mont-
Aldridge Andrew, firm Aldridge, Higdon &Co, dw
n w cor Hamilton and Charles
ALDRIDGE, HIGDON & CO. importers dry
goods, 5 German
Aldridge John P. engineer, Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, 493 w Lombard
Aler Ann Jane, 79 Hollins
Aler John, laborer, 50 Union
Aler John, smith, 78 n Eutaw
Aler Martin, carpenter, 91 Bollins
Aler & Sisselbcrger, pump makers, 43 n Paca
Alexander Andrew, carpenter, 377 w Fayette
Alexander Henry, merchant tailor, Fayette st near
Alexander James, merchant tailor, 42 n Howard,
dw 203 Mulberry
Alexander James, carpenter, Bark of Canton
Alexander John, machinist, 14 n Exeter
Alexander John T. machinist, 124 Garden
Alexander John prop. London Watch and Jewelry
Store, 10 Light