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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 149   View pdf image
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Holbrook Jacob, shoemaker, 227 n Eden
Holbrook Jane L. 44 Spring
Holbrook, Patrick M. contractor for paving, 74
Holbrook Thos. hose maker, 35 Light, dw 09 Paca
Holbrook Wm. G. silver smith, 10 East
Holbrook Wm. L. grocer, 5 Rechabite Hall, w
Holdefer Henry, cooper, Canal s of Bank
Holdeler John, cooper, 111 Eastern av
Holden Caleb T. tailor, 12 e Pratt
Holden Enoch P. dw 15 Albemarle
Holden George W. rigger, 160 s Wolf
Holden John W. blind maker, 241 Franklin
Holden Joseph K. morocco dresser, Pennsylvania
av n Wilson st
Holden Mary, 78 Thames
Holden Patrick, grocer, 132 Forrest
Holdes John, tailor, 28 s Caroline
Holfien M. grocer, 8 Hillen
Holibine Frederick, carpet weaver, 21 Low
Holland George, butcher, Harford av nr rope walk
Holland Isaac, blacksmith, cor Gough and Chapel
Holland James, iron dealer, s e cor Light E Water
HOLLAND JOHN C. & W. French and Ameri-
can paper hangers and upholsterers, 87 Baltimore,
dw J. C. H. 48 n Gay
Holland John Peter, confectioner, 14 n Eden
Holland John, laborer, Burgundy al w of Fre-
mont st
Holland John, laborer, 1 Hamilton
Holland Joshua, shoemaker, 684 w Baltimore
Holland Michael, laborer, 140 Vine
Holland Thomas, laborer, 328 n Howard
Holland Wm. H. grocer, confectioner, &c., 183
Holland Wm. R. baggage master, 39 Orleans
Holland Wm. firm J. C. & W. H. dw 87 Baltimore
Holland Wm. grocer, 92 Mulberry
Hollander Alexander, peddler. 23 Union
Hollander Charles, cabinet maker, 26 e Pratt
Holler Adam, musician, China al
Holler Benj. tavern, 58 Camden
Holleron James, laborer, 8 Rose
Holliday Daniel, firm Hare, Peirson, H. & Co. dw
105 Sharp
Holliday Jesse, printer, 172 Aisquith
Holliday Robert, florist, n e cor Pennsylvania av
and Dolphin st
Holliday Mrs. Ruth, fancy & variety goods dealer
1494 Lexington
Holliday Wm. printer, 94 Lexington

Hollingshead David A. teacher Western Female
High School, 179 Hollins
Hollingshead Eliza, 2 Warren
Hollingshead Capt. Francis, harbor master, 58 Lee
Hollingshead Capt. Saml. wood dealer, 199 Lee
Hlollingsworth Alex. paper stainer, 162 s Eutaw
Hollingsworth Ann B. 76 Saratoga
Hollingsworth Cyrus, dry goods merchant, n w cor
Howard and Fayette, dw Howard House
Hollingsworth Henry, carpenier, 145 Madison
Hollingsworth Mary 286 Fayette
Hollingsworlh W. B. & Co. dealer drugs, hardware
&c. 36 s Charles
Hollins C. D. firm H. & League, dw s e cor Mon-
ument and St. Paul
Hollins George, grocer and importer wines, &c. 7
n Charles, dw 57 n Paca
Hollins Hon. John Smith, mayor of Baltimore city,
office City Hall, Holliday st, dw Liberty op. Clay
HOLLINS & LEAGUE, grocers and commis-
sion merchants, 39 & 41 w Pratt, cor Buchanan's
Hollins Robert S. sect. Balt, and Susq. rail road, dw
153 Park
Hollins Wm. S. firm Gildersleve, H. & Co. dw
Liberty n of Lexington
Hollis Ann, 58 Pine
Hollit Rachel, 40 Rock
Hollomel Isaiah, tobacconist, 18 n Paca
HOLLO WAY EDWARD, attorney at law, 4 Court
House lane
Holloway George, furniture finisher, 290 Lexington
Hollowav John M. watch maker and jeweller, 282
Baltimore, dw 118 n High
Holloway Robert, watchmaker and Jeweller, 118
n High
Holly Franklin, engineer, 128 Vine
Holman David, watchmaker, 138 Pine
Holmes David, saddler, 95 n Fremont
Holmes Elizabeth, confectioner, 785 w Baltimore
Holmes George W. grocer, 220 e Fayette
Holmes Henry, shoemaker, Canal st n of Bank
Holmes James, machinist, 87 Holland
Holmes John, sexton Mount Calvery Church, 102
Holmes John E. gilder. 57 n Eden
Holrnes Joseph, fisher, 241 William
Holmes Mahlon S. baggage master, 521 w Pratt
Holmes Margaret, rear 43 Low
Holmes Mary Ann, s w cor Forrest and Douglass
Holmes Richard, grocer, cor Huffman st and Penn-
sylvania av


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Matchett's Baltimore Director For 1853-54
Volume 564, Page 149   View pdf image
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