Hizer Henry, tailor, 383 Saratoga
Hlasco M's. dancing academy, St. Paul betweer
Madison and Monument
Hobbs Alexander H. attorney at law, 4 Law build
ings, St. Paul st
Hobbs Caleb, country produce dealer, 65 Pearl
Hobbs Elizabeth, seamstress, Stockton st nea
Hobbs Gabriel, Pleasant al w Castle al
Hobbs George, 9 Pearl
Hobbs John, carter, 2 Thompson
Hobbs Laura, 3 Tripolett's al
Hobbs Lewis S. blacksmith, Clinton st Canton
Hobbs & McKinley, carpenters, s e cor Pine anc
Hobbs Mary, 172 e Fayette
Hobbs Mary Elizabeth, 386 Lexington
Hobbs Mary, 267 Foorrest
Hobbs Mary, huckster, 68 Jasper
Hobbs Samnel, carpenter, 46 George
Hobbs Samuel F. plasterer, Lombard w Ann
Hobbs Washington H. collector, 15 n Eden
Hobbs Wm. P. T. hat dealer, 86 C. Market
Hobe John G. furniture wagoner, 38 Thames
Hoble Philip, shoemaker, s e cor Fayette & Pearl
Hobman Conrad, lock maker, 136 s Howard
Hobson John E. firm Martin & H. cor Lombard &
Hocheimer Rev. Henry, Lloyd st Synagogue 128 e
Hock Jacob, shoemaker, 6 St. Mary
Hock Louis, manufacturer of files, 111 n Front
Hock Oliver F. attorney, 13 Lexington, dw Hano-
Hockey Robert, moulder, 19 Scott
Hodding Conrad, tailor, Pennsylvania av near
Townsend st
Hodge James, wood dealer, 22 Montgomery
Hodgens Joseph, weaver, 117 Peirce
Hodges Benj. M. jr. ship merchant,25 n Calvert, dw
84 n Charles
Hodges Benj. s w cor Charles and Pleasant
Hodges Christiana B. Canal n Baltimore
Hodges Elizabeth, confectioner, 67 n Gay
Hodges & Emack, importers of hardware, 130 w
Hodges Henry, painter, 18 Mullikin
Hodges J. W. firm H. & Emack, Charles near
Hodges James & Bro. importers hosiery, gloves
&c. 239 Baltimore
Hodges James, firm J. H & Bro.dw 106 Monument
Hodges James, proprietor Chesapeake tavern, 1
Hodges John, grocer, 18 President
Hodges John G. W. fisher, 2-2 Johnson
Hodges Margaret, tailoress, 5 1-2 Jefferson
Hodges Thomas Harris, attorney at law, dw St.
Paul cor Mulberry
Hodges Wm. firm James H. St Bro. Lombard 1 e of
Hodges Wm. nightman, 108 Dallas
Hodges Wm. merchant, 239 Baltimore st. dw 219 w
HODGKINSON JOHN & SON, chair makers, 11
n Gay, dw 49 Stiles
Hodnet Elizabeth, tailoress, 2 Brune st
Hoebest George, coach maker, Canton av e of Ches-
ter st
Hoehn John G. shoemaker, 666 w Baltimore
Hoelzel John, cap maker, 46 Thames
HOEN AUGUST, firm A. H. & Co. dw St. Paul
near Madison
Hoen A. & Co. lithographers, 69 Second
Hoenge George, shoemaker, 153 Peirce
Hoff Jacob, firm C & Hoff, dw Pennsylvania av
near Fremont st
HOFFBAUER GUSTAVUS, exchange broker,
10 Exchange Buildings, dw Camden nr Charles
Hoffeller Fritz, cooper, Clinton st Canton
Hoffington Wm. morocco dresser, 157 Raborg
Hoffman Aaron, butcher, Hoffman cor Division
Hoffman Adolph, machinist, 745 Baltimore st
Hoffman Ann, 146 Mulberry
Hoffman Charles, bacon merchant, 377 w Baltimore
dw 240 Lexington
Hoffman Charles, n w cor Fremont st & Harmony
Hoffman Charles, gardener, 419 Lexington
HOFFMANS & CO. auctioneers and commission
merchants, 8 n Charles
Hoffman Christopher, 75 e Monument
Hoffman Conrad, brewer, 53 Pennsylvania av
Hoffman D. W. firm D. Whiteford & Co. 227 1.9 w
Hoffman Dr. Daniel P. n w cor Fayette and Pearl
Hoffman Deborah, 81 Franklin
Hoffman Elizabeth seamstress, 101 Raborg
Hoffman Ephraim, butcher, 26 Hoffman
Hoffman Frederick W. butcher, 35 Hoffman
Hoffman Frederick, grocer, 31 e Pratt
Hoffman George L. currier, dw 396 w Lombard
Hoffman George B. firm of H. Burneston & Co. 49