Gitmpnun John, mason, Canton av w of Port al
Gunby Captain Francis A. manner, Gough e of
Gunby Maria, 260 s Ann
Gundell John, tavern keeper, 97 Harrison
Gunderman John, laborer, 191 s Durham
Gundersdorf Christ shoemaker, Preston bet Penn-
sylvania av and Ross sf
Guner John, laborer, 174 n High
Guner Marin, laborer, 174 n High
Gunhardt Herman, glass stainer, 154 Aisquith
Gunlan Peter, milkman, Pennsylvania av near
Dolphin st
Gunn Ann, 148 Columbia
Gunn Edward, laborer, 93 McElderry s wharf
Gunn Elizabeth, 47 Poppleton
Gunn Hugh, Slemmer al s of Pratt st
Gunn Dr. John P. 16 s Howard
Gunn Wm. plasterer, 47 n Poppleton
Gunnell Wm. T. coach trimmer, 72 Ensor
GUNNISON WILLIAM, cor Hoffman and Bolton
Gunpowder Copper Works of Baltimore, office 39
s Frederick, C. Bradenbaugh, agent. See card
Gunselman John A. shoemaker, 112 Canton av
Gunter Mary, nurse, 30 Pearl
Gunther Conrad, jeweler, Lombard e of Ann
Gunther Henry, tavern, Clinton st Canton
Gunther Julius, proprietor Friendship House, 14 n
Guntlaw George, shoemaker, rear 35 Carpenter's al
Guntz Adam, of glass house, Regester s Alice Anna
Gunzarod F. tailor, 8 New Church
Gunzburg Rev. Dr. Aaron, rabbi, Eden st Syna-
gogue, Lombard w of Broadway
Gurcheck Rosanna, midwife, 64 Henrietta
Gurlay Wm. K. mariner, 69 Granby
Gurnell John, coppersmith, Cathedral near Federal
Gursdurff Alex. dry goods dealer, 113 L. Greene
Gust Frederick, tailor, Caroline s of Bank
Guswiller Daniel, ice cream dealer, 54 Ensor
Guthrie Joseph, mariner, Washington s of Bank
Guthwasser Charles, tavern keeper, 38 Second
Guton John, collector, 164 German
Gutman Eml. St Bro. dry goods mrchts. 58 Hanover
Gutman Moses, clothier, 155 w Pratt
Gutsmuth Ezekiel, rag dealer, 201 s Durham
Guttert Leinhart, laborer, 167 Stirling
Guy James, drayman, 155 Orleans
Guy Jane, Stiles e President
GUY JOHN, proprietor Monument House, n e cor
Favette & Calvert
Guy John, milkman, 194 n Exeter
GUY WM. proprietor U. S. hotel, 146 w Pratt
Guyer Adam, tailor, 298 w Pratt
Guyer Christopher, drayman. 76 s Paca extended
Guyer George, carter, 85 Cross
Guyther Henry, pilot, 118 e Pratt
Guyther John, pilot, 137 s Ann
Guyten Beale S. firm G. & Hyde, 277 w Lombard
Guyton & Co. wholesale & retail grocers, 162 n Gay
Guyton Elizabeth, fancy store, 8 e Fayette
GUYTON & HYDE, dry goods merchants, 60
Hanover n of Pratt w side
Guyton James C. firm G. & Co. 233 Aisquith
Guyton John, collector, 164 German
Guyton Wm. carpenter, 158 Ensor
Guyton Wm. furniture dealer, 78 n Howard
Gwinn Charles J. M. attorney at law, 33 St. Paul st
up stairs, dw 75 n Charles
Gwinn Mary, seamstress, 374 Saratoga
Gwyn Charles R. firm G. & Reid, 10 Greene st
GWYN & REID. wholesale dry goods merchants,
7 Hanover
Gyrpel Henry, tailor, 161 Mulberry
Gyse Adam, tailor, 73 Orleans
HAALY WILLIAM, grocer, 205 s Charles
Hahbersett Henry, 175 n High
Habbersett John H. laborer, 507 w Lombard
Habenhyser John, laborer, 47 Eastern av
Habrun Francis, locksmith, 518 w Pratt
Habliston John M. of "Sun,'' 45 n Exeter
Hacam Sebastian, grocer, s e cor Hampstead and
Hachtel Chn. shoemaker. 35 s Paca
Hachtel George, grocer, 122 Sarah Ann
Hachtel John L. grocer, 11 Brune
Hachtel Leinhart, shoemaker, 22 Jasper
Hack Andrew A. provision dealer, dw. 305 Lex-
Hack Frederick W. firm H. & Klaunburg, 119
Hack & Klaunburg, importers and commission mer-
chants, 61s Gay
HACK OLIVER F. attorney at law, Lexington st
cor Da vis
Hacker John C. tavern, s e cor Eastern av and
Exeter st
Hackett John, bricklayer, Eager e of Bond
Hackney Wm. cooper, 37 Orchard
Hackney Wm. cooper, Tyson between Franklin &
Centre, dw 163 Madison
Hadaway George, carpenter, 156 e Monument
Hadaway Mary Ann, 31 Shakspear
Hadel George, laborer, Cannon st. Canton