Greer John, laborer, 18 Constitution
Greer William, grain and hide dealer, 124 Du-
gan's wharf, dw 7'2 Centre market
Greeson Dr. Wm. of cancer and chronic diseases, 15
n Liberty
Greeves & Smith, grocers, 270 Broadway, dw 272
Greffer Gust, piano maker, Carpenter's al near
Fremont st
Gregg Andrew & Ca. grocery and produce mer-
chants, 109-11 Franklin, dw 62
Gregg Andrew, firm Bay field & G. dw — Franklin
Gregg Ann, milliner, 97 w Fayette
Gregg Elizabeth, 62 Franklin
Gregg James, firm Andrew G. & Co. 62 Franklin
Gregg John, firm Andw. G. & Co. dw Charles near
Gregg Thomas, conductor R R. 28 Boyd
Gregg Wm. supervisor R. R. 15 Calendar
Gregory Amos, grocer, 191 s Chailes. dw 211
Gregory Henry M. Washington st n of Pleasant al
Gregory John, fisher, 6 s Canal
Gregory Joseph, ship carpenter, 49 Eastern av
Gregory Joseph, 239 Light
Gregory Joseph, carpenter, Gough e of Broadway
Gregory & Newell, tobacconists, 134 w Pratt
Gregory Thomas, 100 Hamburg
Gregory Thomas O. tobacconist, 196 Light
Gregory Wm. ship carpenter, 81 Bank
Gregory Wm. plasterer, 100 Hollins
Greigher George, tailor, Aisquith n of Eager
Greishamer Joseph, blacksmith, 9 Eutaw ct
Grem Frederick, carpenter, 204 w Fayette
Gremm Jos. grocer, n w cor Fremont and Sara-
Gremminger Joseph, shoemaker, 12 Shakespear
Greninger George, cabinet maker, 127 n Eutaw
Grennell Wm. laborer, 227 Conway
Grensfelder Bernard, firm B. & S. G. dw Exeter st
Grensfelder & Bro. dry goods dealers, 29 n Eutaw
Grensfelder Simon, firm B. &. S. G. 40 n Frederick
Grenzelach Henry, shoemaker, sharp n Henrietta
Gresline John, laborer, 8 Shakespear
Gress Philip, wagoner, 2 Mulberry ct
Greutter Frederick, shoemaker, 210 Sharp
Greves David R. tobacconist, 170 Canton av
Grew Joseph, Canton av w Port al
Grew Leonard, laborer, 27 Shakespear
Grey's Armory and Military Academy, High near
Grey Wesley, huckster, Regesters of Lombard
Gribben Alice, 132 Pearl
Grice Ann T. 84 s High
Grickman John, tailor, 132 s Caroline
Grider Jacob, carpenter, 320 s Charles
GRIDLEY JOHN, lottery and exchange office,
108 n Gay
Grier Eleanor, 201 n Howard
Grieshammer Joseph, blacksmith, rear 9 Eutaw ct
Griesmer Henry & Tobias, cabinet makers, 461
Griest Moses, firm M. Dorsey & Co. Hill cor of
Grife B. laborer, Alice Anna st Canton
Griffin Alien, laborer, 9 s Paca extd
Griffin Anthony, grocer, 211 Columbia
Griffin Charlotte, confectioner, 272 n Gay
Griffin Elias, port surveyor, office Custom House,
dw 93 n Paca
Griffin Ellen, tailoress, 334 Saratoga
Griffin Jacob, butcher, Harford road n of Ensor
GRIFFIN JEROME B. proprietor "Voxhall Gar-
dens," 161 Light
Griffin John, plasterer. 253 Franklin
Griffin Lemuel, brickmaker, 190 s Howard
Griffin Levi J. butcher, Gough cor Bethel
Griffin Mary, grocer, 34 Ross
Griffin Mary, 2 Hull's lane
Griffin Mary, n of junction of Aisquith and Ensor
Griffin Patrick, cor Columbia and Wyeth
Griffin Philip, miller, 188 East
Griffin Robert, plasterer, 24 McElderry
Griffin Robert B. firm Moore & G. 106 n Paca
Griffin Thomas, machinist. 338 Mulberry
Griffin Thomas, laborer, rear Carpenter's al
Griffin Thomas W. coach smith, Washington st n
of Eastern av
Griffin Timothy, fruit dealer, G Comet
Griffin Wm. butcher, Gough st e of Castle al
Griffing D. S. tobacco and cigar dealer, 74 Baltimore
Griffias John J. lumber merchant, e Falls av and
Fawn st
Griffith Albert G. Venetian blind and paper hanging
manuf 291 Baltimore, dw 14 Hollins
Griffith Alexander, laborer, 177 s Paca
Griffith Ann, 30 Aisquith
Griffith Ann, 175 e Pratt
GRIFFITH & BROTHER, paper hangers, Ve-
netian blinds and mattress makers, 31 n Gay
GRIFFITH CHARLES G. silversmith, 4 Bank
lane, dw 374 w Favette
Griffith Charles, clerk, 331 w Pratt
Griffith David, n w cor Greene and Lombard
Griffith Edward, clerk, 10 Armistead lane
Griffith Elizabeth, 141 Mulberry