GODWIN & BROWNE grocers, 4 Bowley's whf
Godwin Wm. B. grocer, 50 Lee
Godwin Wm. jr. firm G. & Brown, dw 50 Lee
Goers Wesley, carpenter, Gibson n of Preston
Goetleib Charles, tailor, 30 Low
Goertler Francis, beer brewer, cor Canton av and
Choptank st
Gaff Wm. cake man, next 27 C. Market
Goforth George W. bacon dealer, 407 n Gay
Gogel Chas. C. butter & ice cream dealer, 375 n Gay
Goh Henry, locksmith, 19 Arch
Goh Philip, locksmith, 19 Arch
Going A. machinist, 106 st Mary
Gold Abraham, dry goods dealer, 649 Baltimore
Gold Columbus, primer, 68 French
Gold Frederick, baker, 22 Park
Gold Mary, 65 s Charles
Gold Samuel, primer, Bond s of Mullikin
Gohlbroke Wm. cabinetmaker, 320 s Bond
Goldbury Wm. J. clerk, F.P. Sav. Inst. 100 Aisquith
Golden Bernard, shoemaker, 72 C. Market
Golden Michl. laborer, 111 n Paca
Golden Michl. 8 Raborg
Goldenberg Levi, dry goods dealer, 55 Baltimore,
dw 137 Aisquith
Goldenburg Reuben, firm Hecht & G. 653 Balt, st
GOLDER A. & SON, importers and manufac-
turers of paper hanging, 33 and 35 Hanover st.
dw A. G. 113 Fayette
Golder James C. firm A.G. & Son, dw 81 Park
Goldinghurst George, tavern, 15 Commerce
Goldsborough Aex. W. dry goods dealer, 168 n
Gay & 7 Ensor, dw 37 s Eutaw
Goldsborough John, 186 Eastern av
Goldsborough N. W. firm R. M. Lockwood & Co.
dw 5 McCulloch
Goldsmith & Co. dry goods and trimming dealers,
150 1-2 Lexington, dw 168
Goldschmidt Sol. shoemaker, 195 Alice Anna
Goldsmith Ed ward, cigar maker, 26 s Charles, dw
123 s Paca
Goldsmith Eliza. 171 Pnrk
Goldsmith Hartz, dealer, 37 Lancaster
Goldsmith, Jonas, clothier, 80 East
Goldsmith Lewis, at custom house, 21 Orchard
Goldsmith Reuben S. dry goods dealer, 188 Alice
Goldsmith Samuel H. 85 n Calvert
Goldstein Aaron, store keeper, 225 n Canal
Goldstone B. dry goods dealer, 165 e Baltimore
Golibart R. Simon, lumber merchant, Washington
st s of Pratt
Goll James B. gentleman, 77 Peirce
Goman George, trader, Pennsylvania av extended
Gommell Walter, helper at depot, 167 Raborg
Gomph Fredk. paver, 58 n Amity
Gunse John, laborer, Chase near Decker
Gontz A. 47 Lancaster
Good Wm B. F. tavern keeper, n w cor Cowpen al
and Liberty st. dw Frederick st
Goodacre Daniel, stone cutter, cor President and
Stiles, dw 93 Albemarle
Goodall Matthew, Hollins st w Republican
Goode John B. furniture dealer, 37 Harrison
Goode Patrick, wheelwright, 11W Chesnut
Goodhand John, clerk. 15 Fremont
Goodinut John, paver, 67 n Schroeder
Goodman A. clothier, 38 Pratt, dw 37 Fawn
Goodman Edward C. boot & shoemaker, 150 n Gay
Goodman H. & Bro. clothiers, 10 C. Market
Goodman Isaac, second hand furniture dealer, 56
Goodman Jacob, whitesmith. 451 w Lombard
Goodman John Geo. grocer, s e cor Fayette & Arch
Goodman John, wagoner, 108 Franklin
Goodman Lewis, furn. & glass dealer, 60 Harrison
Goodman Samuel, cooper, 478 w Baltimore, shop
Goodmanson Capt. James H. 88 n Eden
Goodmanson Samuel, tailor, 194 n Eden
GOODRICH & BEAN, grocers and commission
merchants, 104 Dugan's wharf
Goodrich Geo. carpenter, 58 Second, shop Fredk.
Goodrich Geo. W. proprietor Coach House tavern,
23 s Frederick
Goodrich Henry, firm G. & Bean, 16 Exeter
GOODRICH THOM A S T. carpenter, 10s Fred-
erick, dw. 32 e Baltimore
Goodwalt Michl. laborer, 56 Bank
Good win Charles, of Merchants' Bank, dw 239 w
Good win George D. omnibus driver, 115 Preston
Goodwin John, blacksmith and shoer, 403 Bah.
Goodwin M. P. 181 Hanover
Goodwin Misses, 223 Aisquith
Goodwin Richard B. firm Goodwin & Stephens, dw
29 Stiles
Goodwin & Stephens, ship builders, City Block
Goodwin Thomas, 62 s Eutaw
Goodwin Wm. J. carpenter, 165 n Canal
Goose H. rear Fountain st w Castle at
Goosman Phil. Durham n Thames
Gooson John, laborer, 146 Eastern av
Goutsberger John, laborer 84 Albemarle