Gill Charles M. proprietor dry medicated sulphur
fume bath, 50 s Sharp
Gill Elizabeth, 286 Eastern av
Gill George M. attorney, 3f> St. Paul, dw 38
Gill Jabez M. carpenter, 66 Mulberry, dw 270 n
Gill James R. ship carpenter, 159 Washington
Gill John, late notary public, dw 74 St. Paul
Gill Joseph, laborer, 326 s Bond
Gill Joseph, laborer, 188 Alice Anna
Gill Law. E. saddler, 158 n Front
GILL LUTHER, saddler and harness maker, 294
w Pratt
Gill Mrs. Washington st. s of Bank
Gill Nicholas, cedar cooper, 123 Vine
Gill Noah, cooper, 102 Smith's wharf,dw 389 n Gay
Gill Owen A. firm Mairtin Gillet & Co 32 Sharp
Gill Theresa, cupper and leechei , 52 s Sharp
Gill Washington, 12 Maiden lane
Gill Wm. A. tailor, 77 1-2 Hillen
Gill Wm. F. leecher and dentist, 107 Pine
Gill Wm. F. plasterer, 103 Hoffman
Gillan James, laborer, Mclienry al near Pratt st
Gillan James, cooper, 112 Dugan's wharf
Gillan Mary, 250 Canton av
Gillard Wm. H. whip and cane maker, n w cor
Chatsworth and Josephine
Gillbee Cath.n e cor Lombard and Parkin
Gillbee Sophia, tutoress, n e cor Parkin & Lombard
Gillen Michael, Pratt st cor Castle al
Gilles Francis, laborer, 18 Hillen
Gillespie Hamilton, carter, Scott s of Columbia
Gillespie John, prof, dancing. 11 and 12 Car roll Hall
Gil!espie Joseph, cabinet maker, cor Saratoga and
Da vis
Gillespie Patk. laborer, Hudson st Canton
Gillespie Robert, painter, 109 St. Mary
Gillespie Wm. cooper plate and wood engraver,
over, 213 Baltimore, dw 257 Saratoga
Gillespy Anthony, laborer. 264 Canton av
Gillespy Daniel, laborer, Andre st Locust Point
Gillet Martin & Co. wholesale tea merchants, 53 w
Gilley Capt. Isaac, mariner, 168 e Lombard
Gilliard Wm. B. glass blower, 29 Lancaster
Gillies George, 501 Saratoga
Gilligan Bernard, tailor, 127 Harford av
Gilligan Patk. huckster, 47 Marion
Gillingham Charles T. dentist, 335 e Monument
Gillingham Edwin D. engraver. 337 Lexington
Gillingham George, jr. grocer, n e cor Lombard and
Gillingham Horace W. dentist, Monument e of
G1LMAN JOHN, proprietor Washington Hotel,
206 W. Pratt
GILMAN DR. JUDSON, 54 s Greene
Gilman Mary, 257 s Durham
Gilrnor Charles S. 32 Cathedral
Gilmor Wm. firm Guest & Gilmor, dw 51 Franklin
Gilmore James, 3 Aisquith
Gilrnore Robert, grocer, 82 Hillen
GILMORE ROBERT, Jr. attorney at law, 3 Court
House lane
Gilmore Sarah, 126 Park
GILMOUR JAMES D. baker and confectioner 243
w Pratt
Gilmour Wm. W. confectioner and baker, cor Sara-
toga and Arch
GILPIN & BAILY, druggists, 126 Lombard
GILPIN EDWARD C. apothecary and druggist,
s w cor Madison and Howard
Gilpin Rachel, boarding house, 50 Columbia
Gilpin Sarah, Washington n or Alice Anna
Gilsheiser Andrew, shoemaker, 37 s Frederick
Gimp John, paver, 320 Franklin
Ginder Martin, barber, 60 Park
Ginder Val. laborer, w end Burgundy al
Ginevaz George, engineer, Jones's falls near Cathe-
dral st
GINTER FRANCIS, ladies' shoemaker 71 n
Ginter John, grocer, 38 Biddle al
Gipe George, market man, 11 n Caroline
Gipple Mary R. boarding house, 42 n Howard
Girard Eliza, Henry st. glasshouse
GIRVIN J. M. grocer, commission merchant and
produce dealer, 107 Smith's wharf
GIRVIN JAMES, commission and shipping mer-
chant, and agent Savannah packets, 93 Smith's
wharf, dw 149 n Paca
Girvin Robert, carpenter, 361 Franklin
Gishel Adam, tailor, 83 Henrietta
Gism Henry, laborer, 7 Hill
Gisner Simon, carpenter, 126 Canton av
Gissel Wm. tailor, 188 s Charles
Gist Margaret, boarding house, 39 German
Gist Joseph, firm G. &. Wells, Lombard w Fremont
Gist Thomas W. engineer rail road. 532 w Pratt
Gist Unck, Franklin cor Jasper,
Gist & Wells, commission merchants, 39 s Howard
mission and slock brokers, s e cor South and
Second sts. See card